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77% of carers for people with diabetes experience emotional or mental health problems

RESEARCH from Diabetes UK has found that; alongside those living with the condition; parents and carers of children and adults with diabetes experience emotional or mental health problems.

The online survey showed that 77% of respondents said that they sometimes or often feel down because of their family member's diabetes. 33% of carers also wanted their family member to see more of a diabetes specialist Nurse (DSN), while 11% wanted a trained counsellor or Psychologist to support the children or adults with diabetes they care for. 27% said that if they could change 1 thing about the healthcare their families receive for diabetes it would be to receive more information and support to manage the condition day to day.

The factors impacting on parents' and carers' emotional wellbeing are numerous and complex. In further insight work, carers of children with Type 1 diabetes, for example, told Diabetes UK it was challenging when people around them did not understand the realities of their child's condition, and said that emotional support would reduce the strain on them to 'appear strong' at all times. Conversely, carers of older people with Type 2 have said that having the opportunity to be themselves, not just a carer, was important for their well being, as well as support from more experienced peers.

These findings illustrate the wide reaching impact a diagnosis of diabetes has not only on the person living with the condition, but those who care about and for them. Earlier research published by Diabetes UK showed that 60% of people with diabetes experience emotional problems or mental health issues because of their condition, with 18.6% using support or counselling from a trained professional to help them manage.

The theme for this World Diabetes Day on 14 November was family, and Diabetes UK is taking the opportunity to highlight the impact that the condition can have not just on those living with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, but also on their families. The charity is promoting the range of support it makes available to those living with the condition, and those who support someone who does.

There are 3.7 million people diagnosed with diabetes in the UK; that's about 90% who are estimated to have Type 2 and 10% have Type 1.

Clare Howarth is the Head of the North of England at Diabetes UK. She said:- "Diabetes doesn't just affect the person living with condition; the impact is felt by everyone around them. A diagnosis will change the life not only of the person diagnosed, but also their friends, loved ones and those that provide them with care.  Caring for a child or adult with diabetes can sometimes be hard, and access to specialist information and support for both those with diabetes and their families are instrumental in safely managing the condition. But with the right support and access to information, families and carers can help people with diabetes avoid devastating complications, such as amputations, blindness, kidney failure and heart disease."

Diabetes UK offers a range of support for people living with diabetes and their families, from family support groups, and the online forum, to education digital platform Learning Zone, and the helpline; go to:- Diabetes.Org.UK to find out more.

Workers in the North West spend 199 hours a year on their work commute

GETTING to and from work in the North West now takes 4 minutes longer each day than a decade ago, according to new analysis published by the TUC to mark the annual Commute Smart Week organised by Work Wise UK.

Rail commutes take longest:-

Across the UK, rail commuters face the longest journeys, taking an average of 2 hours and 11 minutes every day; an increase of 4 minutes on the last decade.

Drivers spend 52 minutes on the road to work and back (up by 3 minutes), while bus commuters must set aside 79 minutes a day (up by 7 minutes).

Cyclists (44 minutes) and walkers (29 minutes) have the quickest daily journeys.

Commute times are up in most areas:-

Most UK nations and Regions have seen increases in commute time in the last decade, with the exception of Northern Ireland.

Londoners take the longest to get to and from work, travelling for 1 hour and 21 minutes each day, which is 23 minutes longer than the average across the UK.

The TUC blames growing commutes on 3 main factors:-

Low government spending on transport infrastructure.

Employers not offering flexible and home working.

Real wages falling while house prices have risen, making it harder for people to live close to where they work.

TUC Regional Secretary for the North West Lynn Collins said:- "It's great we're investing in high speed rail between some of our major cities. But people more often use their local buses and trains on their daily commute. These need to be upgraded too. Privatisation of trains and buses is a big failure. Journeys are too expensive, too slow and too unreliable. We should bring services back into public ownership. And cuts to public funding for bus routes should be reversed. Employers can make a difference too. Home working and flexitime can cut journeys and help avoid the rush hour. And if staff have less stressful journeys, they can focus better on their work."

Work Wise UK Chief Executive Phil Flaxton said:- "Long commutes have become a part of the UK's working culture. But the excessive time spent commuting is 1 of the main factors contributing to work-life balance problems. Not only is the time spent commuting an issue, the 9 to 5 culture with its peak travel times generates congestion. And the rush hours on railways, underground and road networks increase stress for commuters. Our message for employers is that job satisfaction can be improved, and stress levels reduced if workers have opportunities to cut their commuting time. That could mean working from home occasionally or staggering their hours. It could also be good news for employee wellbeing and retention, with lower costs to businesses."

Drivers urged to be 'Bike Smart'

ANALYSIS by Brake, the road safety charity, has found that in the North West more than a (37%, a total of 1,026) of all deaths and serious injuries on the roads was a bike rider. Bike riders' safety is being highlighted as part of national:- 'Road Safety Week' that runs from 19 November to 25 November 2018, coordinated annually by Brake with the 2018 theme:- 'Bike Smart.' Brake is calling for drivers to be 'Bike Smart' by slowing down, taking care to look properly at junctions and doing the 'Dutch reach' to avoid car dooring.

Brake's analysis has highlighted the vulnerability of those on 2 wheels, who, in comparison with car drivers, are on average 34 times more likely to be killed and 63 times more likely to be killed or seriously injured, per mile travelled, on British roads. Cyclists and motorcyclists account for nearly 4 in 10 of all deaths and serious injuries on British roads, a total of 9,740 in 2017, or an average of 1 bike death or serious injury every hour. Bike deaths also make up more than a quarter of all British road deaths, with a total of 101 cyclist deaths and 349 motorcyclist deaths in 2017. 66% (301) of bike deaths in 2017, an average of 25 a month, took place on rural roads; the highest number of bike deaths on Britain's rural roads for more than 5 years. Concerningly, the fatal crash risk facing bike riders on rural roads; which accounts for miles travelled; is also at its highest since 2010.

A survey of more than 1,000 drivers, commissioned by Brake for Road Safety Week, found that the majority of drivers (52%) feel that bike riders are most vulnerable on urban roads; 58% of North West respondents, of which there were 137, also opted for urban roads. Department for Transport statistics, however, show that rural roads pose 3 times the risk of a fatal crash for both cyclists and motorcyclists, compared with urban roads.

The analysis has been published at the start of the UK's biggest road safety event:- 'Road Safety Week 2018,' coordinated by Brake. This year, thousands of organisations, Schools and community groups are backing its:- 'Bike Smart' campaign, helping to raise awareness about the safety of those on 2 wheels.

Road Safety Week is calling for drivers to be:- 'Bike Smart' and be more aware of bikes by: slowing down, giving more time to spot danger and react; looking properly for bikes before pulling out at junctions; leaving at least 150cm between cars and a bike when overtaking; and by doing the:- 'Dutch reach,' using the opposite hand to open a car door to help avoid:- 'car dooring' incidents.

Joshua Harris, Director of campaigns at Brake, said:- "Every hour, a cyclist or motorcyclist is killed or seriously injured on a British road - each a tragedy that will devastate innumerable lives. Raising awareness across the North West about the safety of those on 2 wheels, who face much higher risk of death and serious injury than those in cars, is absolutely vital. We support the Government's announcement of a review of the Highway Code to help keep cyclists safe and its stated focus on motorcyclists in the forthcoming road safety action plan. Rural roads, with their high speeds, blind bends and few cycle routes, pose particular danger to those on 2 wheels, with the risk of a fatal rural road bike crash now at its highest since 2010. The Government's announced focus on rural road user safety is welcome and we encourage the consideration of rural road speed and bike-safe infrastructure, such as segregated cycle lanes, in its plans. Road Safety Week is a vital loudspeaker for individuals, communities and organisations to shout about road safety and raise awareness of the risks on our roads. With 1 bike rider being killed or seriously injured every hour in Britain, there is no better time for us all to be more 'Bike Smart.'"

Chief Constable Anthony Bangham, NPCC lead for roads policing, said:- "Road Safety Week is always an important event in the Police calendar and Brake's timely 'Bike Smart' theme makes this year no exception. Raising awareness of the safety of those on 2 wheels is absolutely crucial and we will be ensuring that forces engage with partners throughout the week to both raise awareness of the dangers and enforce the law."

Andy Barratt, chairman and managing Director, Ford of Britain, Road Safety Week sponsor, said:- "Brake's analysis provides an alarming insight into the vulnerability of those on 2 wheels. This Road Safety Week, we should take the time to consider how we as individuals behave on the roads and how that might affect others."

Tom Warsop, head of marketing, Devitt Insurance Services, Road Safety Week sponsor, said:- "Motorcycling is an enjoyable and sociable activity, which can help alleviate congestion on our roads, but it does come with the associated risk of being a vulnerable road user. Motorcyclists make up the largest proportion of road crash admissions to A&E, which is why we're working with Brake for this year's Road Safety Week to help to educate all road users to be Bike Smart and keep everyone on 2 wheels safe."

Duncan Dollimore, head of campaigns at Cycling UK, said:- "In recent years progress on road safety for the most vulnerable road users has stagnated, so we welcome Brake's decision to focus on the safety of those on 2 wheels during road safety week. But we need road safety to be a key priority for Governments across the UK every day of the year, not just in November, and would echo Brake's call for consideration of rural speed limits and safer infrastructure for cyclists."

Marie Davison (Keswick, Cumbria), Mother to Jordan Peck - In February 2011, 17 year old Jordan Peck came home to Cumbria to celebrate his sister's birthday. The young chef was riding his motorbike along a rural road when a speeding driver came down the wrong side and collided with him. Jordan was thrown into a field and died at the scene.  Marie said:- "The pain of losing my son Jordan in a bike crash will never go away but we must learn from his death to prevent future tragedies taking place. The safety of motorcyclists can be improved by drivers being more aware of bikes and our roads having safer speeds with more bike friendly design. We owe it to Jordan's memory to protect motorbike riders and so I'm fully supporting this year's Road Safety Week that is encouraging everyone to be 'Bike Smart.'"

Jayne Carter (Whaley Bridge, Derbyshire), Daughter to Jeff Mehan - In September 2017, Jeff was travelling along a main road on his motorbike when a driver at a junction pulled out and crashed into him. The driver said that she had scanned the road for approaching traffic; she simply hadn't expected to see a bike.

Sue Bredbury (Stockport), Mother to Warren Hayward - In July 2016, Warren was on his way home from work on his motorbike when a speeding driver lost control of his car on a bend and hit Warren head on. The driver fled the scene with his car badly damaged. The driver was eventually caught and sentenced to 2 years for causing death while driving without due care.

Nurses and healthcare workers steer their children away from career in health

A of healthcare workers say they would urge their children not to follow a career in medicine; threatening a further staffing crisis for the NHS in the future. 32% of health staff surveyed said they would not encourage their children to join the profession; compared to just19% of the general public in the North West who would steer their kids away from a career in health.

Low pay, uncaring bosses and long hours were all cited by health workers as being the worst aspects of the job, according to specialist nursing and healthcare jobsite JobMedic.Co.UK. 25% of healthcare workers surveyed say they are considering leaving the profession; just as figures show the NHS is understaffed by 107,743, the largest figure in its 70 year history.

Midwife Charlotte Grant, 27, said:- "To discover that health workers would not encourage their children to join their profession is not only sad, it is a huge cause for concern for the NHS in the future. The NHS is already suffering from lack of staff and the health of the nation depends on people wanting to join the NHS. So it is worrying that healthcare professionals; and especially Nurses; do not feel they can encourage their children to follow in their footsteps because of low pay and challenging conditions."

63% of Nurses say they feel the public is not aware of the challenges they encounter on the wards on a daily basis and 42% feel unappreciated by society. Nurses surveyed say low pay (63%), feeling undervalued by NHS management (64%) and long hours (55%) are the biggest challenges they face. And only 48% of Nurses said they would still choose the same job if they were starting out on their careers today. 52% of those who would not join nursing now say it is because they are overworked, 49% say they feel undervalued by management and 46% feel unappreciated by the public.

Dominic Flageul head of commented:- "Those are really worrying stats and coupled with the effects of Brexit that caused a swing from positive to negative migration of EU Nurses and the abolition of bursaries that caused a drop of of applications for nursing degrees create a perfect storm for the future recruitment needs of the NHS."

But the vast majority (80%) of Brits surveyed in the North West say they have been impressed by the NHS when using its services and 55% say they believe Nurses are appreciated by society. Adults in the North West believe Nurses' biggest challenges are long hours (75%), being undervalued by management (70%), low pay (63%), patient resentment (24%) and lack of training (23%). People believe that Nurses' working lives would be improved by better shift patterns (61%), free training (55%) and pay rises (52%). 57% believe healthcare workers always do what they can to help and 55% believe they are passionate about their work. And both healthcare professionals and the public say the NHS' top 5 priorities should be employing more Nurses and doctors, better pay, more Hospital beds, upgrading equipment and investing in clinical research. 44% the public in the North West say they would willingly pay more tax to swell the NHS' coffers, with 30% saying they would pay up to 2% of their salary.

Ms Grant said:- "There are ways to cope with the harsh NHS working conditions I struggled with during my midwifery career. For example I launched the staff well being group at my trust. I also recently organised yoga for Midwives and have organised discounted massages for the upcoming months. Life in the healthcare profession is tough, of course it is, but I would urge young people to think carefully about a career in health and to think of all the ways in which they can help other people in their fight back to health."

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