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Unconfirmed firearms discharge - South Road, Waterloo

ON Tuesday, 7 May 2019, a section of South Road, in Waterloo was cordoned off, following unconfirmed reports of a firearms discharge. We are told that Merseyside Police Officers were called to South Road at the junction with Mount Pleasant at around 9.40pm, when Officers received reports that loud bangs were heard in the area. We are told that there have not been any reports of anyone being injured.

The following day, the road remained cordoned off for forensic examination to establish if there is any evidence of a discharge. Officers are working to trace 2 males, thought to be a motorbike in the area at the time of the loud bangs and they would urge anyone who witnessed anything suspicious within the area or has dash-cam footage to call:- 101 quoting:- '1071 of 07.05.19.' You can also contact Crimestoppers UK anonymously, via calling:- 0800 555 111.

Can you help Liverpool get fit for the future?

Activation stations: Liverpool City Council and its partners want to get more children and young people up and active...!

CAN you help Liverpool get fit for the future?  That's the big question from Liverpool City Council and its partners who are looking for great projects linked to education settings that could benefit from a funding boost. The Council has ₤40,000 available and is looking to share it out between Primary Education providers within Liverpool, who want to get children and young people more active. Earlier this year, the Council and its partners launched the:- 'Liverpool Active Promise,' which aims to make Liverpool the nation's most active big City, by 2026.  At present, 70% of the City's young people are active for 30 minutes a day. The goal is to increase this to 90% by enabling more children and young people to move more every day.

Steve Reddy, Director of Children's Services, explains:- "Increasing our levels of activity can have so many benefits in the short term and for long term health and mental wellbeing. With our children's ever increasing reliance on mobile phones, handheld devices and games consoles for entertainment, it has never been more important for us to encourage them to get up and be active. Every child in Liverpool deserves to enjoy an active lifestyle, which is why we want to work with primary education providers to increase the range of opportunities available."

Now the City's Children and Young People's Physical Activity and Sport Group wants to kick start the initiative through this fund for Primary age projects.  Grants of up to ₤1,500 are available to Primary Education providers (up to ₤4,500 for group bids). The projects must focus on getting children and young people more active and can include everything from traditional sports right through to walking and enjoying the environment. Anyone interested can find out more and apply by visiting:- LiverpoolActivePromise.Co.UK. The closing date for applications is Friday, 24 May 2014.

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