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Queenscourt Hospice's 12th Star Trek Walk

ON Friday, 17 May 2019, the local charity, Queenscourt Hospice, who provide support for the patients with serious terminal illnesses within West Lancs, and Sefton (Southport and Formby) once again held it's annual sponsored 8.5 mile (10k) night time walk around Southport, to raise funds for this vital service.

This was the 12th Star Trek, and it has become the Queenscourt's flagship fundraising calendar event. Without events like this, along with other events like the Southport Santa Sprint, the charity could not run the Hospice and the Home care, In-Patient unit, known as:- "Queenscourt Connect." This year the walk once again started and ended at Pleasureland.

The event organisers said that:- "We would like to thank all those who took part and have helped us to make this happen. We would like to especially thank Pleasureland, Southport's King Whippy, So Talented, the Ballyhoos and Sandgrounder Radio, and St John Ambulance for their help. Without them, and many others, we would not have been able to run this event. The money raised helps us to care for patients with serious illnesses, enabling them to achieve the best possible quality of life at each stage. Queenscourt requires over 100 professional staff members to stay open, that includes:- Doctors, Nurses, Healthcare Assistants, Physiotherapists and many other roles. Plus a massive team of Volunteers, some of who came out to help us manage this event. Events like this are what keeps us afloat and paddling onwards and upwards. Sadly, we receive less than 1/4th of our costs from the NHS, so we are always on the look out for help. If you can donate and help us keep the hospice running, please do so via visiting our website or taking part in our events, like this. We are also always after volunteers as well, as without them it would also not be possible to deliver our services. We can't stress how grateful we are to anyone who can make a charitable donation, be that time or via cash. From all of us, a big thanks to all who took part in this event and for making it such an amazing experience for all taking part in it over the last 12 years!"

For more information about the Hospice and also to get heads up about future events, including the Star Trek 2020, please visit their website and please do follow them on Facebook and/or Twitter.

If you have an event you would like to hold for them, please email Rachel Kennedy at:- FundRaising@QueensCourt.Org.UK with all the information you can provide about it.

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