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Southport Sailing Club's members have been 'Pushing The Boat Out.'

THE Southport Sailing Club sails every Wednesday and Friday evenings, throughout the summer months and on the 1st and 3rd Sundays most months, but Sunday, 12 May 2019, on the Marine Lake was slightly different. The club held an open Day as part of the:- "RYA Push The Boat Out" campaign, to increase interest in the sport and membership of local clubs, like Southport.

"The weather was impeccable and all the sailors returned to shore with smiles. We took over 50 people out for their 1st ever sail around the lake with age ranges varying from 5 to 75." said Ted James, Hon Sec Southport Sailing Club. He added:- "Our next event for people to come along and see is our annual National Junior 12 Hour Race on Saturday, 29 June 2019. There will be teams of young sailors racing their sailing dinghies for 12 hours. People attend with their boats from far and wide, some from as far away as Durham and others from South Midlands. We expect about 30 teams so there will be plenty to watch from the race start at 8.00 am until the finish at 8.00pm."

If you did not attend this event and still want to learn to sail, Southport Sailing Club is always happy to see new members and to join you do not need to be able to sail or own a boat. Plus they are a training centre operating with Royal Yachting Association qualified instructors, so you are in very safe hands. "You will be made welcome if you call by, and we can discuss with you how to join us if you feel we have the atmosphere and facilities which meet your needs." added Ted James.

To find out more about the club and also the 12 Hour Race, a mini version of the neighbouring club's West Lancashire Yacht Club's 24 Hour Race, please visit:- SouthportSailingClub.Org.UK.

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