- Crosby Carnival.
- Photograph
by Patrick Trollope
CROSBY carnival, organised by the Crosby and District Lions Club, was a massive success, with the highlight of the day being a fly passed by the Battle of Britain Flight. Also on the grounds were mad axe men from Wales, a fire engine from the museum, stalls upon stalls selling all types of goodies, even a very poor young girl in stocks who was the target for wet sponges; not forgetting Radio Crosby playing the music good and loud.
"OK LADS...!" There was even an elephant ride, and lots of steam engines. The events on the main arena included a stunning escape artist who managed to avoid being run over by a Fire engine and who also run out of a burning box covered in petrol! Then, of course, for the saner folk there was the fun fair and horses. If you missed the horses they will be on at this weekend’s Fun Weekend, in Formby’s Duke St Park. Ivan Swainbank, chairman of the Project Support and Carnival Committee said that this year’s show was,
"A fantastic success" and that on behalf of Crosby Lions he would like to thank all concerned.