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Our Liverpool - A haven for refugees

All Together Now: Women taking part in ‘4Wings’ workshop.

COMMUNITY leaders within Liverpool are reaffirming their pledge to make the City a sanctuary for those fleeing tyranny and persecution in their own countries. This week, to coincide with national Refugee Week, Liverpool City Council is launching:- 'Our Liverpool' a plan to make the City a welcoming and safe place for refugees, people seeking asylum and other vulnerable migrants.  Last year Liverpool supported 1,596 asylum seekers as they entered the country, which is 4% of the UK total. The Council and its partners have pledged to help a total of 170 asylum seekers to settle in the City by 2020.

The City Council has been awarded nearly ₤2.5M by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) to improve services for asylum seekers and refugees.  The Our Liverpool strategy sets out the Council's vision to work with its partners and local communities to help those coming to the City to live independent and healthy lives. Liverpool City Council's Cabinet Member for Communities, Cllr Liz Parsons, who will host the launch event, said:- "Liverpool is a welcoming City, famed for its history of inward and outward migration. This history has contributed to the City's diversity, vibrancy and the development of our unique accent! But having a welcoming tradition alone is not enough. A City such as ours must have a well thought out and coordinated approach to helping migrants settle here. It is no easy choice to flee your homeland and leave everything you know and hold dear behind, but refugees from war ravaged states from Syria to Sudan can often be faced with a stark reality, leave or die. It is the duty of any civilised community to make sure that people who make their home in Liverpool feel safe, supported and able to enjoy life again."

The afternoon event saw a host of organisations, community groups and members of Liverpool's settled refugee community come together to share their experiences and celebrate the City's proud history of welcoming newcomers. There was special performances from Liverpool based South American community organisation One Latin and the Movema world dance group. Liverpool's own poet laureate Levi Tafari will lead a performance of poems penned throughout the City's community, including a special new work written especially for the launch event. Our Liverpool sets out a road map for how the Council will work with partners to encourage communities across the City to continue to welcome and support newcomers.  It also highlights how refugees and migrants can understand their rights, responsibilities and entitlements. Crucially, it outlines how refugees will be able to access a network of support services that will make the transition to their new home as smooth as possible.  The City's refugee community has been closely involved in creating the strategy and a City wide Migrant Group will play a vital role in putting its aims and aspirations into practice.

Seana Roberts, who is the manager at key partner the Merseyside Refugee Support Network, said:- "In 2018 more than 68 million people across the globe were forced from their homes for a variety of reasons including conflict, political and religious persecution, famine and flood. Those fleeing such harrowing and traumatic events should be met with the same care and compassion that we would hope for if we were in their shoes.  Our hope is that one day we can look forward to a world where the need for people to flee for their lives is a thing of the past, but for now, the creation of the Our Liverpool strategy has never been more necessary. The aims laid out in this plan are ambitious and represent a challenge. A challenge that we know our City, our communities and Our Liverpool will rise to."

You can find out more about the 'Our Liverpool' strategy online now.

Liverpool's 1st Floating Cinema Announces Summer Line up At Royal Albert Dock Liverpool

THE iconic Royal Albert Dock Liverpool has announced the highly anticipated film line-up for Liverpool's 1st ever floating cinema, the Pop up Floating Cinema, taking place this summer from 4 August to 10 August 2019. Kicking off the Dock's exciting new summer events programme, the pop up cinema, in association with Independent Liverpool, invites guests to watch their favourite films screened against the beautiful setting of the Dock.  Visitors can opt for a day time showing from 2pm to 4pm with an array of children's films, such as Finding Nemo, Shark Tale and Lady and the Tramp, or book one of the evening films from 6pm to 9pm, with highlights including Grease, Titanic, and Castaway, with many of the films keeping with the nautical theme of the Dock. Guests will be able to snuggle under branded Albert Dock blankets on beanbags and deckchairs, whilst watching the big screen from the 130 capacity floating pontoon. With artificial grass, atmospheric festoon lighting and a covering over-head canopy, the pontoon will ensure comfortable viewing with a magical setting, regardless of the weather.

A cinematic experience wouldn't be complete without a selection of refreshments, with each of the Dock restaurants taking it in turn each day to provide front row treats. Guests will be able to enjoy everything from Fish and Chips in cones from Panam, and Mojitos and Burritos from Revolucion de Cuba, to Pizza from Gusto, along with more from the likes of Maray, Tate Liverpool and Rosa's Thai Cafe. Cocktails, wine, beer and soft drinks will also be on offer from the pop up bar located at the back of the pontoon to keep thirsts quenched throughout the film.

Clare Rawlinson, Head of Marketing for Royal Albert Dock comments:- "We're very excited to launch Liverpool's 1st floating cinema, which is just one of the many great events we have planned for this summer as part of the new events programme. The pop up cinema demonstrates the creative potential of the Dock whilst showcasing the impressive food and drink offering, and we're confident it will be a success, with both locals and out of town visitors".

The full line up and show times will be published on Albert Dock's website and tickets are now available to purchase.

Charity Buffet for Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust

ON Monday, 1 July 2017, the Empire Restaurant on Nevill Street, Southport are holding a Charity Buffet, from 12pm to 7:30pm.  Most of the funds will be donated to the Southport and Ormskirk NHS Trust, so that they can support patients' welfare, support staff education and provided additional equipment at our local Hospital.  Adults are ₤13.95 and Children will be ₤6. More information can be obtained by calling:- 01704 547718.

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