SUBMISSION OF preliminary plans for Liverpool's Boot Estate have been submitted this week after heavy discussion between planners and the Liverpool Housing association and a submission of a planning application from developers Bishop Loch.
Action has been taken on the troubled estate in which the recent resettlement programme for residents took place in preparation for the demolishing of the streets and a crackdown 'Neighbourhood agenda' scheme to keep the area free from vandals misusing the area as a haven for anti-social behaviour - with aims to keep the area presentable as plans are hashed out.
Cllr Flo Clucas hopes the developers will present a detailed planning application to build more than 400 houses on the Norris Green estate, within the next few weeks.
She then wants an exhibition of the plans to go up on the estate so local people can let the city council know what they think. A reinvestment programme for the near by school is already underway in which a grant of £750,000 has been issued for a pilot scheme by which the arts will be of most gain to attract more people to the area and revitalize the local school.
She said:- "It is taking a little longer than expected to get the plans in, but this is because we've been making sure that out planners have had the opportunity to have their say and ensure these proposals have the very best chance of working.
I'm very pleased that a planning application for three show homes is on its way way. Now what I'm eager to do is ensure that we get the big planning application in, and get together an exhibition so that the most important people in this, the people who live on the estate, can have their say.
In the meantime we have been moving people out from the areas where building will start so that land is available and ready to go. People have been waiting long enough to see something happen. I'm as keen as everyone else to get cracking on this as soon as we can."
The city council set a deadline at the end of March for developers Bishop Loch to come up with proposals for the first phase of redeveloping the estate. Since then there have been lengthy negotiations between city council planners and engineers, Bishop Loch and other partners to thrash out details of the types of houses to be built and the estate layout, before a planning application is submitted
The full application is expected to describe a mix of private housing and social housing, with four, three and
two - bedroomed houses and bungalows. Shared ownership, a scheme, which provides a mixture of grants and private mortgages, is also being considered.
Trust plays host to MRCS examinations
- TRAINEE surgeons from all over the country recently came to Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust to take the Royal College of Surgeons membership examinations - which enables successful candidates to become qualified surgeons and carry out specialist training and operations.
The Trust was chosen to host the Royal College of Surgeons of England membership examination (MRCS) and the award ceremonies, which took place in the Southport Clinical Education Centre last week.
It was a major coup for the Trust to be invited to hold the examinations because it requires detailed organisation and the support of the patients and staff.
The examinations went smoothly and the Trust was praised for its hospitality.
Marc Patterson, Orthopaedic Surgeon and Supervising Examiner and who is also Chairman Elect for the Court of Examiners (London), said:-
"I'd like to thank the Trust's Chief Executive, Jonathan Parry, for accepting our invitation to host the exam and also for the Trust's excellent organisation. We are delighted that there has been a high pass rate. Patients were extremely supportive to candidates in allowing them to question and exam them and Trust staff worked hard to ensure the smooth running of the event. We were also grateful to the hospital volunteers for their help. I speak on behalf of all the examiners when I say it has been a pleasure for us to come to Southport."
Mike Zeiderman, Consultant Surgeon and Tutor for Royal College of Surgeons, added:- "The invitation carries substantial kudos for the Trust. However, it was only through the support of the patients and staff that the examinations went so smoothly. I'd like to thank all those involved".
The Royal College of Surgeons of England is a professional body committed to promoting and advancing the highest standards of surgical care for patients.
The College supervises training of surgeons in approved posts, provides educational and practical workshops for surgeons and other medical professionals at all stages of their careers and examines trainees to ensure the highest professional standards.