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Sightings of strange red lights over the dunes

READERS contacted us after seeing strange red lights on the sand dunes as they headed South on the Coast Road. We thought it might be the Burbo Bank Extension Offshore Wind Farm or the TV mast in Wales, but when we learned of the location of the lights, this did not fit the high of the wind turbines or the location of the TV mast. Thankfully the puzzle was quickly solved.  It turned out to be a large:- 'jack up vessel' which is currently working just off Hightown and Altcar Riffle Range. The lights that divers could see looming up over the coastline we identified as the red warning lights located on the Liebherr Crane, that is attached to the MPI Enterprise.

The MPI Enterprise is a self elevating Offshore Support Unit, Wind Turbine Installation Unit, that was build in South Korea, back in 2011. The MPI Enterprise is a Special Purpose Ship, that has been designed to transport, lift, install and decommission components, such as foundations, wind turbines, met masts and transformer stations,

The MPI Enterprise has 4 legs and spudcan jacking system, that can turn it from boat into a platform, like an oil rig, and back to a boat, via lifting itself in and out of 45 metres of water.

 The vessel, when in water, is offers high manoeuvrability, thanks to it's azimuth propeller configuration that give them 360° rotatable power from its thrusters. That combined with an impressive 2,850m2 of deck space, makes this craft extremely versatile and an exceptional tool for the offshore wind farm installation.

This amazing bit of marine engineering also comes with 60 berths, 12 double cabins and 36 single cabins, plus facilities include:- a client office, meeting room, TV and Video room, a conference room, recreation and reading room, not forgetting a Helideck, plus many others.

Currently the MPI Enterprise is being operated by MPI Offshore BV and is sailing under the flag of Netherlands. The Offshore Support Vessel is helping with the service contract for the turbines and is expected to be working in the Liverpool Bay until 2021.

Did you know? A spudcan is the term used for the base cones on jack up platform.

Ambulance volunteer saves friend's life

CFR Peter Gregory and Tony Foster.

A Community 1st Responder (CFR) for North West Ambulance Service (NWAS) saves the life of his dear friend when he suddenly had a cardiac arrest after suffering chest pains. Peter Gregory, 68, from Rainford, gives up his time to respond to emergencies in his local community and when his pager alerted him, on 26 June 2019, to an emergency nearby, he rushed to the scene.

Recognising the address in Crank, St Helen's, Peter arrived to find his 40 year long friend, Tony Foster, 76, breathless and in pain. Just minutes after arriving, Tony suddenly stopped breathing and went into cardiac arrest. Acting swiftly, Peter started life saving CPR and using his automated external defibrillator, delivered a single shock which got Tony's heart beating again.

Ambulance team made up of Senior Paramedic Team Leader, Damian Walsh and Paramedics, Mark Jackson and Paul Grogan, arrived shortly after and Tony was fully alert and speaking. The team were able to stabilise him and rush Tony to hospital where he underwent a stent procedure followed by a double heart bypass.

On Wednesday, Tony was reunited with the Ambulance team who helped save his life, giving him the opportunity to offer his heartfelt thanks to all involved including:- Emergency Medical Dispatcher, Shelley Buckley, who handled the 999 call.

Senior Paramedic Team Leader, Damian Walsh, said:- "This is an amazing story of how early CPR and defibrillation can be truly life saving. It's a whole team effort and it's fantastic for the team to get the chance to meet Tony in better circumstances and see him doing so well. The work of our Community 1st Responders is truly vital. Without Peter's early intervention that day, this story could have been entirely different."

Tony Foster reunion.

Peter is 1 of 2 CFRs in the Rainford area who respond entirely voluntarily to emergencies in their local community. They have also been providing free 1st aid training in the town so that as many people as possible are aware of the simple skills needed to save a life.

Peter said:- "In the event of a cardiac arrest, a patient's chance of survival drops by 10% for every passing minute and therefore it's so important that people know what to do even before the Ambulance arrives and are confident enough to use these skills. I have been a CFR for 5 years now and I always think it's a great privilege to be able to go into people's homes to assist and also to give reassurance to them and their family. We're always on the look out for more volunteers and would urge people to join up. I met Tony when we worked together in the Police Force and have stayed friends ever since so dealing with an incident when it's someone that you know very closely certainly adds an extra dimension."

After spending over 2 weeks in hospital, Tony is now making a good recovery. Tony said:- "I cannot express the gratitude I feel towards these people, the work they do is incredible and I am truly thankful. I am in no doubt at all, and neither is my wife, that had it not been for the initial intervention and then the continued care, I wouldn't be here."

For more information about becoming a Community 1st Responder, visit:- NWAS.NHS.UK.

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