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Southport's Felicity Hat Hire Owner Takes The Hot Seat!  

....Please note that the item below is a sponsored feature....

WE are starting a new section looking at local businesses and business people, so if you would like to be covered, please get in contact. This week we look at Helen, who runs the fantastic hat hire business from Churchtown, an area on the fringe Southport. We have asked a few questions, but we also want some questions from you... We will pick the best 4 we receive and pass them on to Helen to answer. We will then publish them in next week’s issue.

These are the 1st of the questions we have put to Helen:-

When was Felicity Hat Hire 1st opened and why was Churchtown chosen?

"The shop was 1st opened by Felicity in July 1988. Botanic Road was chosen as the rents were lower than in the town centre and a friend with a shop opposite the Bold called Pretty in Pink let Felicity use a corner. As business grew the shop relocated to 80 Botanic Road and is now independently owned although Felicity is a much welcomed visitor."

What is the most popular colour and shape of hat this year?

"Pinky nude and silver grey are currently the most requested colours. Styles for weddings are head pieces, shallow crowned hats on headbands which don't affect your hairstyle or smaller pill boxes as favoured by the Royals. For the races we have every style and colour, fuchsia and cobalt are popular. The more flamboyant the better!"

How long does a hire last and how much does it cost?

"The average hire is Thursday to Monday, although we can be flexible depending on what the hat is doing the following week. The hire cost is usually between ₤30 to ₤60."

Why hire not buy?

"The hats we hire out match the season’s dress colours at a fraction of the cost to buy. Many are made exclusively for us in the most up to date styles and fabrics from mostly British milliners. Hiring stops the need for storage and if you hire the same hat again you get it ½ price. Hiring is also good for the environment as it reduces waste and their carbon footprint is offset by multiple hires."

What do you think of the internet and how has it affected you?

"I think it's a mixed blessing, my shop has a fantastic webpage and also we use social media all the time. Sadly, social media takes up quite a bit of time, keeping all our accounts updated, like our
Facebook Page. However, it helps to engage customers, if used correctly. Being online helps us to promote our business and makes it easier for people to locate us, but that only works if you use your accounts correctly. As we have hats made exclusively for us, we don't have the same competition as some shops face from online retailers, but people do have a temptation to buy on the cheap, online. Buying hats online is not as easy as you would think, as you can't tell what the colour really works on you and how it fits on you. I truly do feel that it's better to take a look online for ideas, then come to shops like ours, where you can get your hat properly fitted. That way you know you will look good for that special occasion in your life! As businesses we need to sell our personalised services more and use online to promote ourselves along with what we offer our physical customers and not see the internet as just a direct sales platform. This is something many businesses are not doing."

What are your opening times and where in Chruchtown are you located?

"We are located on Botanic Road, PR9 7NE. Our opening hours Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday 10am to 4pm. We will be closing on 14 December 2019 for Christmas holidays. We will publish our full Christmas holiday details on our
website very soon."

If you have a question for Helen, please email it over to us via:- News24@SouthportReporter.Com and it might be selected for next weeks edition! Also, if you have a business you think would be interesting to feature, please get in contact for more information.

....Please note that the item above is a sponsored feature....

Response to the Conservative Party announcement on live exports

COMPASSION in World Farming has commented that the Government's announcement that proposals will be unveiled to end live animal exports from the UK for slaughter, is:- 'very significancet' after decades of campaigning by them. The campaign group is now urging the Government to issue a clarification on whether the proposal will also cover animals being exported for fattening. James West, Senior Policy Manager at Compassion in World Farming UK, said:- "We are encouraged by this announcement by Theresa Villiers, to take action to end live animal exports from the UK for slaughter. Compassion in World Farming has been at the forefront of the campaign to end this cruel and unnecessary trade for decades and this announcement This is an encouraging first step to ending this horrendous trade. If the Government's plans come to fruition, the unimaginable suffering of thousands of British farm animals, exported on long and gruelling journeys overseas for slaughter each year could be prevented. The Government must now clarify whether the proposals will also apply to those animals exported for fattening. If not, thousands of calves will continue to be exported for veal production on the continent, and many sheep will also continue to be sent overseas."

Should we continue to allow building on flood plains?

ON 4 October the UK's Met Office and the Environment Agency have marked a 10 year partnership that has saved lives, livelihoods and protected infrastructure. It's appropriate that whilst marking this decade of flood forecasting we have faced a series of major flash flooding incidents across the North West over the last few weeks and more are forecast. On Merseyside, we have already seen over the end of September and start of October 2019, chaos in West Derby, Liverpool and also the results of Bridges Lane (B5422) between the River Alt and Dover's Brook being flooded, along with parts the road on the Maghull side of the Dover Brook's bridge, just to name 2 affected areas. Climate change is predicted to make flooding in the UK worse. Recently, Councils have seen increased pressure from Government to reach national targets, resulting in many more homes being being built within risk areas. We would like to know, even with a planning application having been approved, should homes and businesses continue to be built on flood plains, across the UK, despite the inevitable risks? Should developers who build on flood plains bill be held accountable, if and when things go wrong, if they have built on a area identified at risk? In Formby, planning permission has been granted on an:- "functional flood plain" that is marked on the Environment Agency's map as high risk, for building on. We would like to know your views on this very pressing topic. Please email them to:- News24@SouthportReporter.Com and let us know your thoughts.


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