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Would turbo charging Devolution will ignite North West's economy?

DEVOLUTION across England has stalled over recent years. Building upon recent momentum including speeches by the Prime Minister concerning the need to:- 'level up' places across the UK, the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) have outlined 3 steps needed to kick start Devolution and maximise the potential of all English Regions.

Despite some attempts, the UK's productivity puzzle remains and tackling it requires bold and sustained action. The UK lags international competitors when it comes to productivity, with output per hour in Q2 2019 just 1.3% higher than it was in Q4 2007.

With productivity a key driver of wage growth and living standards, addressing it must be a priority, from Whitehall to Town Halls. Stagnating productivity in the North West and throughout England is estimated to cost private sector workers on average ₤5,000 in lost income every year.

The most productive part of the country is almost 3 times more productive than the least in 2017, and intra Regional variations in productivity are equally stark. There's now an urgent need to get local decision making, funding and delivery working effectively in all parts of the country.

CBI research published in 2017 showed that closing the productivity gap between the highest and lowest performing parts of a Region and replicating this across each Region of the UK could add more than ₤200bn to the economy in the next decade. Devolution allows key decisions relating to productivity to be made closer to the places they affect, and if done right could support in unlocking Regional growth.

The 3 key steps are needed to kick start English Devolution according to the CBI:-

► Step 1:- Develop and publish a clear framework for Devolution so that local leaders understand what powers Government are willing to consider devolving

► Step 2:- Optimise Westminster and Whitehall for Devolution including buy in and support from Treasury who hold the purse strings

► Step 3:- Deliver new deals to cover 60% of the English population and streamline Local Government by championing unitary authorities

Recommendations include removing politics from decision making by establishing an independent board to assess proposed Devolution deals, and simplifying boundaries between Combined Authorities and Local Enterprise Partnerships.

Businesses in areas with Devolution deals have cited a range of positives. They include the raised international profile that having a Metro Mayor brings, clarity over the strategic direction, increased collaboration with neighbours across the Region and the country, as well as a greater focus on inclusive growth.

The CBI report is released after the Chancellor announced at the Conservative Party conference that the Government will bring forward a new White Paper on English Devolution in the months ahead. The CBI hope that their report will kick-start a national conversation, with business at it's heart, on the future of Devolution.

Commenting on the reports launch, CBI Regional Director for the North West, Damian Waters said:- "Now is time to work with business to set out plans to devolve powers and unlock Regional growth. Within 5 years, 60% of the population should be covered by a Devolution deal. This change will turbo charge our economy and will ignite a new era of economic prosperity in the North West. Business is keen to unlock growth, but wants to avoid future deals being influenced by politics. A clear framework where deals are assessed by an impartial independent board is sorely needed. I believe it is time the Prime Minister harnesses Devolution and runs with it. If he does the CBI will support him every step of the way. Everyone knows that productivity is a key driver of wage growth and living standards, so addressing it must be a priority, from Whitehall to town halls. We encourage Government to work with the business community to reduce local Government complexity and kicking the politics out of decisions on Devolution."

Parents in the are failing to face their worst fears

PARENTS in the North West are being urged to:- "face their worst fears to help protect their children" after a survey revealed 65% of them have not written a will. A poll by Will Aid, a national will writing campaign, found that nationally 52% of mums and dads with children under 18 had not assigned legal guardians for them by preparing this vital piece of paperwork; while Regionally the picture looked even bleaker.

Claire Jackson from Butcher & Barlow in Leigh said:- "It's very easy to bury your head in the sand to avoid about thinking about difficult subjects; and death has always been a hard concept to confront. Writing a will is the only way to make sure you have that last word however; and parents have a duty to their kids to protect them even after they are gone."

According to the survey, 58% of parents in the South West were without wills. Meanwhile in the North East, East Midlands and Yorkshire, 57% of parents had no will. The news comes as solicitors across the country take bookings for Will Aid Month. This sees participating solicitors waive their fees for will writing services during November, instead inviting clients to make a voluntary donation to Will Aid, with these funds supporting the vital work of the 9 partner charities.

Peter de Vena Franks, campaign director for Will Aid, said:- "Parents have to face their fears. After all, writing a will is a chance for a parent or parents to protect their children for the worst; leaving clear instructions about who they would like to care for their child in the event of their death. If you die without appointing a guardian, and there is no other parent with parental responsibility, an application would need to be made to the court to decide with whom your child will live, in the event of a dispute about this.  Preparing a correctly worded will with a solicitor is the best way to ensure your wishes are carried out."

Today Will Aid Patron Robert Peston urged everyone to use Will Aid to get their affairs in order. The journalist, Political Editor of ITV News, presenter of the weekly political discussion show Peston and founder of the charity Speakers for Schools, who had 2 sons with his late wife Siān Busby, said a will helped clarify a person's wishes after their death. Robert Peston  commented:- "Although the act of writing a will can be upsetting, the pain and disruption for your family if you have not written one is likely to be far worse. "When my late wife Siān Busby and I wrote our wills in our early 40's, we assumed this was boring insurance for an event that would never happen. Only 10 years later, Siān died after a horrible illness, and it fell to me to sort out her affairs. Devastated by grief, not really thinking straight, I was so grateful that she had written down what she wanted to do with her money and possessions and had given clear instructions about what should be done with her ashes."

Will Aid Month takes place across the country from 1 November to 30 November 2019. Solicitors who take part provide the will writing service for local people and waive their usual fee, instead you are invited to make a voluntary donation to Will Aid which then supports the work of nine of the UK's best-loved charities. Our suggested voluntary donation for a basic Will Aid will is ₤100 for a single will and ₤180 for a pair of mirror wills.

In 2018, Will Aid raised more than ₤1 million for the vital work of its charity partners:- ActionAid, Age UK, British Red Cross, Christian Aid, NSPCC, Save the Children, Sightsavers, SCIAF (Scotland) and Trocaire (Northern Ireland).

Those who wish to make a will can book their November appointments and for more information visit:- WillAid.Org.UK or call:- 0300 0309 558.

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