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Review:- "Ludovico Einaudi 7 Days Walking Tour - Royal Liverpool Philharmonic"

IF you think men don't cry, you definitely haven't been to a live Ludovico Einaudi's concert. No, before you ask, Einaudi is not a famous Italian sadist. He is indeed the most streamed classical artist of all time, whose hypnotic music touches millions of souls and can easily turn your emotions inside out.

28 October 2019 is the date I had my own therapy! The famous composer brought his 7 Days Walking tour to Liverpool, where, joined by gifted Redi Hasa on cello and masterly Federico Mecozzi on violin, he played tracks from his latest 7 album project of the same name. The concert was PHENOMENAL! Everything, starting from the settings and finishing with the performance was flawless. (I bet you already can tell that I am a big fan of Einaudi)

So how did he come into my life? Unexpectedly! I simply heard the track "Oltremare" on Youtube for the first time and realised that I knew it all my life... It was love at first note! I truly find his music magical. It's like a mesmerizing meditation... like a beautiful moth... It flies somewhere up, calls your name, and you simply follow it.

You can say he is a populist, you can say that his melodies are so primitive that even a first grade piano student can play them, but don't you think that all ingenuity is simple? Yes, he is not a technician like Liszt or Rachmaninoff, but he is a master of a melody! His melodies are simple, but so deeply touching, and this, in my opinion, is the most important in music! His music makes you think... it makes you fly... it makes you FEEL.

Of course, tastes differ, and you might listen to Einaudi's music and feel absolutely nothing, but I was lucky, I had that magic click, I had the chemistry, same as the completely sold out Philharmonic Hall that saw off the maestro with opened hearts and standing ovations. Thanks, Einaudi, for such a magical experience! And viva la musica! Viva la classica!

If you are a loyal fan of Ludovico Einaudi, you won't be disappointed!  For more information about him and also where you can see him, please visit:-

Star Rating:- 5 out of 5

Liverpool to create new Public Realm Strategy

LIVERPOOL City Council has appointed an award winning team of urban designers, landscape architects and planners to develop a Public Realm Strategy that will shape the look and feel of the City for the next 50 years. LDA Design has a strong track record of transforming public realm, having led the design for the public realm and parklands of Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. They are now designing the public realm for Stratford Waterfront and London's South Bank. LDA Design is currently working for Liverpool City Council on a Spatial Regeneration Framework (SRF) to guide the future development of the Baltic Triangle area, to the South of the City Centre. The draft Public Realm Strategy will go out to public consultation in 2020. It will provide a detailed planning framework to ensure a co-ordinated approach to the design and management of streets and open spaces. Its implementation will also support the City's continuing economic and social regeneration and will be designed to meet the needs of all users, including:- children, older people and people living with disabilities. The Strategy will underpin Liverpool's renaissance, with ₤14bn of development schemes either underway or in the pipeline over the coming decade.

The Strategy aims to:-

► Delivering high-quality public realm.

► Envisaging a better connected City Centre that is more welcoming and easier to understand and get around,

► Creating an opportunity to dwell and engage.

► Contributing to sustainable development principles.

► Reinforcing the City Centre, like a great location for business, homes, play, culture and tourism.

► Complementing the Liverpool City Centre Connectivity Scheme and the upcoming Public Art Strategy.

The Strategy will also reflect the aims of the current Strategic Regeneration Frameworks/ Supplementary Planning Documents planned for the city centre at:-

► Cavern Quarter / Williamson Square.

► Commercial Business District.

► Upper Central.

► The Baltic Triangle.

The Strategy will be used as a Supplementary Planning Document once Liverpool's 15 year Local Plan is adopted, late 2020. It will guide the City's continuing economic and social regeneration and support and promote the Council's declared Climate Change Emergency and environmentally friendly policies.

Burning love - Beatles and Elvis Cities strengthen links

MUSICAL links between the Cities that gave birth to The Beatles and Elvis Presley are being strengthened. Memphis has donated a plaque to Liverpool which was unveiled on Mathew Street, in Liverpool, on Wednesday, 6 November 2019 close to the Cavern Club, where the Fab 4 played many gigs and were 1st spotted by Brian Epstein. It is the latest development in a 15 year friendship arrangement between the 2 Cities, which began in 2004 to coincide with the 50th Anniversary of Elvis Presley's 1st record being cut. In 2011, venues in Liverpool and Memphis became Rock 'n' Soul Mates in a transatlantic link up between the 2 Cities to encourage tourists to explore the connections between the English and American Cities whose music and history have helped to shape the world. 

Kevin Kane, President and CEO of Memphis Tourism said:- "Memphis and Liverpool share the spotlight as 2 iconic global music Cities. This plaque made in Memphis placed on Matthew Street outside the world famous Cavern Club cements the unique and lasting bond between our Cities. Together, we are in great company and inspiring each other and music artists all over the world."

Elvis and The Beatles famously met just once, in 1965, at Presley's Bel Air Mansion, with John Lennon later describing himself as being "terrified" during the encounter, as he was their idol. Lennon said that his influence on the band was such that:- "without Elvis, there would be no Beatles."

Peter Hooton, Chair of The Beatles Legacy Group, said:- "Beale St, Memphis is the birthplace of the 'Blues' and the Cavern in Mathew Street is the birthplace of modern popular music; what better way to commemorate the legacy and links between these 2 iconic music Cities that helped shape music and will continue to do so for generations to come?"

Currently a consultation is underway on a masterplan that is aimed at transforming the epicentre of Liverpool's musical heritage. The draft Spatial Regeneration Framework (SRF) for the Cavern Quarter, includes:- Mathew Street and nearby Williamson Square. The draft SRF contains a range of recommendations to help attract new investment and to enable the Council to steer the future use of existing buildings in the area. The document aims to address a recent tourism report that called for the City to curate a clearer proposition around Liverpool's pivotal role in the story of popular and contemporary music.

Michael Eakin, Chair of the Liverpool City Region Music Board, said:- "Liverpool and Memphis are 2 of the world's great music Cities and we welcome this formal recognition of that shared status, and of the continuing strong musical links between our Cities. This plaque celebrates the great musical heritage of Liverpool and Memphis, and also the fact that both are vibrant and creative musical Cities today, always looking forward and continuing to produce great talent."

A UNESCO City of Music, Liverpool's music heritage industry; which is centred around The Beatles; is now worth more than ₤90m a year, but the tourism report found visitors are increasingly looking for a quality experiential visit.

Mayor of Liverpool Joe Anderson said:- "Liverpool and Memphis are 2 global music Cities whose appeal transcends generations.  Over the last few years we have been working really hard to develop visitor and business opportunities which connect and promote our great Cities and incredible musical heritage. I welcome this gift from Memphis that will be yet another attraction for tourists on Mathew Street, as we work to enhance this historic area and improve the visitor experience."

The next drop in consultation event about the SRF is taking place on Tuesday, 19 November 2019, at RIBA North, Mann Island, Liverpool, from 2 pm to 5pm. More information can be found at on Liverpool City Council's website.

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