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Letters to Editor:- "Council's might soon be issuing speeding fines!"

"EARLY in November it was reported that Councils could soon take over speeding fines, is this why the signs are so poor within both Sefton and West Lancashire? The idea, from what I understand, is that Councils will be given the tools to fine road users who commit low level speeding offences, such as slightly exceeding the limit, within 20 mph zones. The report you ran last week was very interesting and does raise some questions, not just about the 'safety crackdown' we have been seeing in the area, but also about the reason behind the speed limit changes. If it is correct that Councils will take over responsibility, I understand that they will be able to keep the ₤100 that is currently given to the Treasury. Some would say that this cash could be used to rejuvenate local areas and help put in more safety measures, but I think it would just become a cash cow, just as the parking enforcement has become. Also, a side effect of swapping to speeding fines into becoming a civil matter would see motorists no longer hit with the 3 points on their driving licence. It's also worth adding that the growth of 20 mph speed limits has driven up spending on speed bumps and other traffic calming. Plus a study has found that 5th of drivers within the UK have had damage caused by driving over speed bumps that are often found to have been badly installed." William Brown, Old Swan, Liverpool.

Please email your thoughts and views to us about this matter. Our newsroom email address is:- News24@SouthportReporter.Com. If you have not already seen the report we ran in the previous edition, please click on here now.

Did you know? You can request a speed limit to be changed online via the UK's .Gov website website?

Did you know? The UK's Highways Regulation 1999 states that all speed humps must have a minimum length of 900 millimetres and the tallest point must be no higher than 100 millimetres?

NSPCC's Statement following the sentencing of James Prytherch

A NSPCC Spokesperson has issued the following statement related to 33 year old, James Prytherch, from St Helens, who has been jailed for 6 years and has to sign the Sexual Offences Register for life, after admitting 16 sexual offences, between 24 July 2019 and 5 September 2019 with a 14 year old girl, after grooming her on Snapchat. Judge Byrne said:- "You gave no thought to the emotional consequences on this young woman and her family. Prytherch is a cruel sexual predator who groomed a vulnerable child before repeatedly sexually assaulting her. This sickening behaviour will leave the girl with emotional and mental scars that could last the rest of her lifetime, and it is vital that the victim now receives all the support she needs to recover and move forward. Thanks to the bravery of this young girl, Prytherch no longer poses a threat to children. The NSPCC's Liverpool base offers the 'Protect and Respect' service, which is designed to help young people explore healthy relationships and understand the dangers of grooming."

If you suspect someone close to you is showing signs of abusive behaviour, contact Stop it Now! on:- 0808 1000 900 or visit:- StopItNow.Org.UK. The Helpline gives all adults, including to those at risk of re-offending, totally confidential information, advice and support to prevent sexual offending. You can also get advice and more information on the NSPCC website or via calling the NSPCC Helpline on:- 0808 800 5000. Children concerned about sexual abuse can also contact Childline on:- 0800 1111.

Letter to the Editor:- "Memories and/or photographs of Southport Pier"

"I am producing a book looking at the piers of Britain. Rather than the structure, my book will concentrate on those who frequented these very British structures. Those who ran the kiosks, performed maintenance tasks, operated turnstiles, worked the attractions, performed themselves, or helped to allow the many vessels which used the pier as a docking place. Do you or your friends and families have any memories and/or photographs of the local piers you would be willing to share? If so, drop me a line at:- Anthony_Poulton_Smith@Hotmail.Com or call:- 07562 653565. I would be delighted to hear from you." Anthony Poulton-Smith, Tamworth, Staffordshire.

Number of people with obesity almost doubles in 20 years

THE number of people who are obese in England has almost doubled in the last 20 years from 6.9 to 13 million, according to new analysis released by Diabetes UK. The figures from the Health Survey for England (1997 to 2017) estimate that there are now 13 million people over the age of 16 with a BMI of 30 or above which classifies as obese, an increase of more than 6 million since 1997.  In England 29% of adults and 20% of 10 to 11 year olds are living with obesity and, although it's not the only factor, obesity is the most significant risk factor for new cases of type 2 diabetes, accounting for 80 to 85% of someone's risk. It's the main driver behind the leap in Type 2 diabetes cases over the last 20 years. There are an estimated 2.85 million people diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in England, and more than 850,000 living with the condition who don't know they have it because they haven't been diagnosed; bringing the total number up to 3.7 million. Obesity is contributing to the increase in gestational diabetes and the worrying rise in young people with Type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is serious because it can lead to devastating and life limiting complications. People with the condition are 2  and ½ times more likely to have a heart attack, and 4 times more likely to experience kidney failure than those without it. More than ½ of all cases of Type 2 diabetes could be prevented or delayed, and in turn the risk of developing the related complications, by tackling overweight and obesity. Diabetes UK is therefore calling for sustained Government and industry action on health and obesity.

Clare Howarth, Head of the North of England at Diabetes UK, said:- "Through our new strategy we're restating our commitment to tackling the diabetes crisis on all fronts. We're facing an urgent public health problem. Tackling this requires ambitious and sustained action from national Governments, across sectors and departments. That's because, right now, it's hard to be healthy.  We will keep challenging Government and industry to put in place regulations and practices that make healthy choices easier for everyone, including making food and drinks healthier, and addressing the marketing and promotion of unhealthy foods. Without action, more people will develop Type 2 and gestational diabetes; but with more awareness, Government action and the right investment and support, we can change this."

Reducing the number of people getting Type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes is 1 of 5  key outcomes in Diabetes UK's new 5 year strategy, which the charity launched to mark World Diabetes Day 2019, on 14 November 2019.

The ambitious strategy:- 'A generation to end the harm' will focus on achieving 5 key outcomes by 2025:-

More people with Type 1, Type 2 and all other forms of diabetes will benefit from new treatments that cure or prevent the condition.

► More people will be in remission from Type 2 diabetes.

► More people will get the quality of care they need to manage their diabetes well.

► Fewer people will get Type 2 and gestational diabetes.

► More people will live better and more confident lives with diabetes, free from discrimination.

Diabetes UK's new strategy that was published on 14 November 2019 via clicking on here.

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