Southport Reporter and Brick Craft LEGO building contest for charity!

Lego Fans - don't forget to enter!

THE Lego specialist shop Brick Craft, in the Wayfarers Arcade, Southport have teamed up with ourselves to raise cash for Fairy Bricks, a UK Registered Charity (1161639) that donates LEGO sets to children in Hospitals and also to put on a display within the Arcade over Easter along with a display at 'The BIG Model and Hobby Show' that takes place on Sunday, 10 August 2019, at  the Southport Theatre & Convention Centre.  Winners will receive a prize, plus a replica of their creation will be put on display (on the Brick Craft stand) at the:- 'The BIG Model and Hobby Show,' which will take place this year, within the Southport Theatre and Convention Centre, along with a family ticket to see the event.

This contest will be for 3 age groups and to enter you will need to pop into Brick Craft and pick up an entry form. Do this between Tuesday, 26 February 2019 and Wednesday, 17 April 2019. An entry fee of £1 will be charged and the money raised will be donated to Fairy Bricks, a UK Registered Charity (1161639) when all the forms have been collected.

The age categories are:-

► Category - Aged 5 to 7 inclusive.

► Category - Aged 8 to 11 inclusive.

► Category - Aged 12 to 16 inclusive.

* Please note that 7 year olds will be classed as 7 until their 8th birthday and same also with 11 and 16 year olds.

All the top entries will be exhibited in Wayfarers Arcade, over Easter week, from:- Friday, 19 April 2019 to Sunday, 28 April 2019.  Plus the prizes for each category will see the winner getting an age appropriate Lego set, that is worth around £40 and 2nd place getting a set worth around £15, for each category.

Each participant who enters a model will be given, 1 free workshop session that can be used at any workshop within Brick Craft, until the end of May 2019. (Please see rule 15)

Both 1st and 2nd Place from each category will receive a family ticket to see the  the:- 'The BIG Model and Hobby Show.'  the ticket will allow entry for 2 adults and 2 children.

The judge will be Robert Clarkson, a LEGO builder who runs the weekly workshops, at Brick Craft.

Updates and more information will be released on both Southport and Mersey Reporter as well as on Brick Craft's Facebook and Twitter feeds, as the competition progresses.

This competition is not authorised, endorsed or supported by The LEGO Group.

The winners of each category will be announced on Thursday, 18 April 2019 and over the Easter Weekend in the Southport and Mersey Reporter, as well as on Brick Craft's  Instagram,  Facebook and Twitter accounts.

Entry Rules...

Note, entries not complying with these rules, or agreeing to our data protection policy (see below) will result in disqualification and no refund will be issued.

1. To participate you must visit Brick Craft, in the Wayfarers Arcade, Southport and pay £1 to obtain an entry form.

2. You agree that the £1 is non refundable, even if you later decide not to enter a model. Refunds will only be given if Brick Craft is unable to run the competition.

3. Models must not be wider than 48x48 studs (or 38cm x 38cm) and no higher than 38cm with all parts, including the base, constructed entirely from official LEGO elements. The model must be the design and work of the participant and not a copy from any instructions of either existing sets or sets no longer in produced, or from models produced by someone else (e.g. on the internet). The model must not be glued or contain any LEGO elements that have been cut, altered or defaced.

4. All models should follow these guidelines:-

► Be Child Safe / Appropriate - entries should be of models appropriate for young children.

► Avoids restricted content - the model should not include any content that (either deliberately of inadvertently) promotes of violence. For example, weapons, depictions of conflict or violence, or cruelty to others. Avoid licensed products (eg. Star Wars, Marvel Superheroes).

5. You agree that photos can be taken of the model. This is to aid a replica being made and kept until display at the:- 'The BIG Model and Hobby Show,' (and also to help in making repairs should it become damaged). In the unlikely event a model is seriously damaged or there is any loss of parts, neither the organiser or judge hold responsibility.

6. Finished model entries are entered into the competition by taking them to Brick Craft, in Wayfarers Arcade, between Saturday, 13 April 2019 and Wednesday, 17 April 2019, during normal opening hours (9:30 am to 3:00 pm)

7. The model must be brought in with the child or young person who designed and constructed it.

8. Adults are strictly prohibited from interfering with the designed or building of the model and are asked to respect that the decision of the judge is final.

9. The competitions offer no cash alternative and the legal guardian of the child / young person taking part is the only person who can agree to the rules and submit an entry in their behalf.

10. Participants agree to collect their model between Monday, 29 April 2019 and Sunday, 19 May 2019, from Brick Craft, Wayfarers Arcade.

11. Should the:- 'The BIG Model and Hobby Show' be cancelled, no alternative option of exhibition will be given.

12. Those taking part can not be family of those employed by Lego, Southport Reporter or Brick Craft.

13. We require that all participants should agree to our data protection policy as stated below:-

► All information obtained will only be retained should your child win. This will allow us to notify the winners and also keep them updated about the:- 'The BIG Model and Hobby Show.' Also, the winners names will again be exhibited along with the reconstruction of the model, at the:- 'The BIG Model and Hobby Show.'

► All contact information supplied on the competition entry forms will only be used for notifications about the competition and will not be used for marketing.

► All other information supplied on the competition entry forms, except for the winners will be destroyed, after collection of the builders model, after collection of their models.

► The winners information, information supplied on the competition entry forms, will be destroyed after the:- 'The BIG Model and Hobby Show' has taken place, as it will be used to update winners about the show.

► The names of the winners will be exhibited alongside the reconstruction of the model at the:- 'The BIG Model and Hobby Show.'

► The legal guardian has the right to specify any if photographs and/or video footage can be taken of their child / young person's.

► The winners, name and agree may be shared with the local media (for example Sandgrounders Radio), the:- 'The BIG Model and Hobby Show,' Wayfarers Arcade, and with Brick Craft, the social media sites and other online outlets.

► Numbers of those entered from Southport and other areas, along with ages, will be logged and used for future marketing purposes, but other information will be kept with these figures.

► All records of the winners' names and ages, published by the media and the organisers will not be able to be removed from public record.

14. The judge might want to ask questions about the models construction in order to aid judging, so it may be required that the builder be questioned about the build.

15. Brick Craft reserves the right and might have to extend the period in which a free workshop session is offered if they are over subscribed.

16. Failure to abide by these rules and to agree to our data protection policy will result in disqualification and no refund will be issued.

Good luck and happy building...

Click here to download our rules as a PDF document also please do download our poster and display it if you are allowed to do so.  To download our poster, please click on here now.  Click here for audio copy of the rules.

   UK Registered Charity (1161639)

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