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19DEC 2001

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Southport’s new measures to promote the resort to the group travel market have paid off after being nominated for The Coach Friendly Resort 2002.

A series of new initiatives were introduced this year including the appointment of coach hosts to ‘meet and greet’ drivers and visitors to the resort.

Now Southport is one of six areas nominated by members of the Coach Tourism Council (CTC) for this prestigious award. The other nominees are Dublin, Windsor, Stratford upon Avon, Weymouth and London

Graham Beacon, CTC’s Chief Executive, said: “Being nominated is recognition of the enormous steps Southport has made to welcome coaches.”

Lord Fearn, Sefton’s Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Tourism, said: “The new drive to promote the resort to the group travel market has already reaped rewards with 2001 being a hugely successful year for coach parties. This nomination is wonderful news and a credit to everyone involved in the new initiative to encourage drivers to the town and making them feel so welcome.”

The Awards have been organized by Coach and Bus Week and the winner will be announced at the Coach and Bus Awards Dinner at the Birmingham ICC on February 16.

Other measures introduced in Southport include a Group Travel Manual highlighting the resort’s many plus points such as events, shopping, restaurants, nightlife, golf, bird watching and walking.

In addition, it provides a rundown of the Tourism Division’s special services for coach drivers and passengers. These include cheaper parking and special drop-off and pick-up points.

An incentive scheme also operates which enables drivers to collect points every time they visit which can be redeemed for vouchers to spend in local shops.

The coach hosts also hand out a book of vouchers to visitors featuring special discounts and special offers and the town’s shops and restaurants.

Article by Julia Brough

Michelle, who lives in Euxton, Chorley, won the prize in the draw organized by Sefton Tourism and Century 105 as part of a Christmas campaign to promote shopping in Southport.

Michelle had been shopping in Southport when she came across the team from Century in their ‘Red Hot Hondas’ outside the Arts Center. She was one of hundreds of shoppers to enter the draw and couldn’t believe it when she was told of her win.

“I couldn’t believe it. I was shocked to tell you the truth and thought it was a joke at first,” said Michelle

Michelle now plans to spend the money shopping in the resort for some new furniture and treating her mum and dad.

Lord Fearn, chairman of Southport Christmas Group, said: “The free draw was a huge success and I’m delighted for Michelle. Southport’s reputation as a first-rate shopping destination is continuing to grow. Throughout the year the major stores have experienced excellent sales and the Christmas shopping trade this year also looks brisk.”
Julia Brough

Please don't Drink and Drive!
Remember get a taxi this Christmas or your blood could be spilt!

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