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17 Jan 2002

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Car Crashes out side the Halifax on Sunday.

Above the car at rest out side the Halifax and below the tell tail signs of an impact on vacant property wall after the car had mounted the pavement.
A Southport pensioner was taken to hospital at the weekend, Merseyside Police on the scene said "The car, a Toyota Starlett was involved in a slight accident by the monument, hitting a car, a Volkswagen Golf.  The automatic car then proceeded on mounting the curb crashing into the vacant property by the Bank and rebounding into a parked car (Golf) on the opposite side of the road out side Halifax.  No one was injured, but the female driver had a heath problem."   It was later revealed that the driver a 84 year old is believed to have become ill at the weal, hitting the first Golf owned by a 21 year old man.   The 84 year old was taken out of her car unconscious but still breathing by Firefighters and police.  Paramedics took the lady to Southport and Formby District General Hospital. 
Photos above by Patrick Trollope.
Motorist lucky to be alive!
A motorist was lucky to be alive on Saturday after a collision with an electricity post on Back Moss Lane Scarisbrick ,The Lane was closed to traffic while emergency services were making the area safe. The cables which carry 11,000 volts to homes in Scarisbrick & Southport were attached to the underside of the car. The driver walked away shocked and without injury. 
Pictured below is the scene. 
The road had to be closed and United Utilities where called in to switches off the electric before emergency services could start work.

Photo and Article above by Phill Rodwell. (On The Spot)

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