Headlines - Southport, Formby, Liverpool - Week ending 2021-08-15

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76th Anniversary of VJ Day - Southport

WHILST VE Day marked the end of the war in Europe, in May 1945, it was not the end of World War 2. Bitter fighting in the Far East still raged on, with thousands of Armed Forces personnel, from Brittan and other Allied forces still involved. Despite giving the Japanese the chance to surrender, the Imperial Japanese Army continued to fight. As a result, as the Allies prepared for a costly invasion of the Japanese mainland, the United States detonated dropped of 2 nuclear weapons over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima, on 6 August 1945, then Nagasaki, on 9 August 1945. The bombs lead to Japanese to surrendering on the 15 August 1945, ending combat action in...


Southport residents encouraged to cast their vote

SOUTHPORT residents are being asked to vote for their favourite local community gardening project to receive support from Dobbies, the UK...


Naked Peak delighted to be part of new Beales department store in Southport

A shop gaining a growing reputation for its natural, organic and vegan friendly...


Port of Liverpool workers get Covid19 jabs

NHS South Sefton Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and Sefton Public Health Team were invited by Peel Ports to the Port of Liverpool to vaccinate those working there who had not yet been able to...


Wilko EXTENDS in store mask recycling scheme - estimate 400k masks recycled!

AN in store scheme to help Wilko customers recycle their masks has proved so successful that the home and...


Have your say on future improvements of Southport's Hesketh Park

SEFTON Council's Green Sefton team has launched a public consultation to gather ideas and thoughts on ways...


Race Events Are Back As BTR Liverpool Looks Ahead To Busy 2021 Race Calendar
Photo by Paul Hanley..

16 months since staging its last public event, independent race organiser BTR Liverpool...


Imagine Formby's 1st Monthly Event Day

THE 1st ever Imagine Formby, monthly art and craft event took place on 15 August 2021. The aim of these events is to bringing more people into the Village and also raising funds to do improvements in and..


Liverpool ONE hosts fun filled themed Tickle the Ivories performances

VISITORS to Liverpool ONE will have the chance to enjoy all the fun of the circus, dance classics and home grown Scouse music, as part of...


New study reveals 1 in 4 employers are not giving staff paid time off to get Covid vaccinations

NEW research by Acas has found that a ¼ of British employers have not been giving their staff paid time off for Covid19 vaccinations and have no plans to allow it. Acas commissioned YouGov to ask businesses in Britain about whether they would be giving staff paid time for COVID vaccination appointments. The poll found that:-  59% have been giving staff paid time off. 4% have not been doing it but plan to in the future. 18% did not know. Acas advice is that employers should support staff to...


Partners unite to protect women out in Liverpool at night

ORGANISATIONS across Liverpool are coming together to make sure women and girls are safe in the City, at night. Studies have found that the risk of sexual violence is high in locations associated with...


76th Anniversary of VJ Day - Formby

THESE photos were taken by Major (RTD) Roy Bevan MBE in Formby, on 14 August 2021. The 1st location was shot at the memorial for the 13th Kings Regiment, who were based in the village before heading out to Burma. The event marked their supreme...


Liverpool One to host permanent Tourist Information centre

GROSVENOR has announced Liverpool ONE is the new location of the City's Tourist Information Centre (TIC)..


Technical Vocational students celebrate outstanding results

TECHNICAL Vocational students, at Hugh Baird College, have been celebrating achieving outstanding results this week within the College's industry based subject areas...


509 to 515 Lord Street - Southport

QUIRKY historical features of an iconic Southport Town Centre building will be lovingly restored over the coming months thanks to Sefton...


A-level Celebrations at Hugh Baird College

STUDENTS and staff at Hugh Baird College's South Sefton Campus are celebrating yet another of impressive A-level and BTEC results. Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, they...


GCSE Results Day Celebrations

GCSE students at Hugh Baird College have been celebrating as they collect their results and begin making preparations for their next step. After months of patiently waiting, today students received...


VAMPHire.com presents:- "Celebrating 137 Years Of Comic Books with Tim Quinn and panel!"

ON Saturday, 11 September 2021, VAMPHire.com will...


Liverpool leads national commemoration of Arctic Convoys
Photo by Frances Haycock, MOD - Defence Imagery

A national service to mark the 80th Anniversary of the Arctic Convoys has taken place in...


Teenage girl sexually assaulted on train

OFFICERS investigating a sexual assault on board a service travelling between Liverpool Lime Street and Blackpool North Stations are releasing images in connection. At just after 8pm, on Sunday, 8 July 2021, a group of teenage girls were travelling back from a day of shopping in Liverpool. While waiting on the platform for the train, a group of men were looking in their direction and winking. Both...


Multi million pound initiative to improve local roads across England

A multimillion pound scheme to improve traffic signals and a commitment to explore how new technology; such as:- drones and 3D printing; could be used to find and fix potholes are part of a raft of measures announced by Transport Secretary Grant Shapps this week. The package will see Councils across England receive a share of...


Rossall School students achieve over 2/3 A / A* grades at A-Level

A Lancashire based independent School's celebrating another year of outstanding A-Level results, with over 2/3 of results gained being in the A / A* bracket. Rossall School, Fleetwood, is known for being a centre of academic excellence, and this year's A-Level results have further reinforced this. This outstanding set of A-Level...


Rallying call for disabled people to have their say on shaping future of benefits system

DISABLED people across the country are being urged to have their say in shaping the future of the benefits system by responding to the Health and Disability Green Paper consultation. The 12 week online survey closes in 2 months and Minister for Disabled People Justin Tomlinson has issued a...



Monthly Sponsor:- Holistic Realignment
Monthly sponsor:- Holistic Realignment - Your local, fully qualified sports therapist. Call now on:- 07870382109 to book an appointment.
Your local, fully qualified sports therapist. Call now on:- 07870382109 to book an appointment.



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Renacres Hospital 

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