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New review launched into Vitamin D intake to help tackle health disparities

A new review has been launched to promote the importance of Vitamin D and identify ways to improve intake across the population, including through dietary supplements and fortified food and drink.

Around 1 in 6 adults and almost 20% of children in the UK have Vitamin D levels lower than Government recommendations. Older people, the housebound and people from Black and South Asian communities are more likely to have lower levels of the vital Vitamin.

Vitamin D deficiency is linked to rickets in children and bone pain and muscle weakness in adults.

The call for evidence, has been launched by the UK's Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID), will kickstart a national campaign to raise awareness of the importance of Vitamin D and gather views from the public, public health experts, retailers, food manufacturers and other industry bodies on ambitious ways to improve uptake and tackle disparities.

The review comes ahead of the Health Disparities White Paper due to be published later this year, which will set out action to reduce health disparities between different places and communities and address their causes, so that people's backgrounds do not dictate their prospects for a healthy life.

Health and Social Care Secretary Sajid Javid said:- "We must break the link between background and prospects for a healthy life as I am determined to level up the health of the nation and tackle disparities. People from Black and Asian communities, older people and people who have limited access to the outdoors are more likely to have lower levels of Vitamin D, which is essential for bone and muscle health and improving years of life lived in good health. I have launched this call for evidence to identify innovative ways we can encourage people to increase their Vitamin D intake and help people live longer, healthier and happier lives."

In the UK, people obtain the majority of Vitamin D from sunlight on their skin during the spring and summer, as dietary sources of Vitamin D are limited.

Current advice is for all adults and children to consider taking a daily 10 micrograms supplement of Vitamin D between October and March. Some at risk groups are advised to consider taking a supplement throughout the year. However uptake is low with only 1 in 6 adults reporting taking a daily supplement.

The call for evidence will last for 6 weeks and aims to consider how we improve the population's Vitamin D levels, particularly among at risk groups.

OHID will engage with representatives from major retailers, Pharmacy and health organisations, patient groups and bodies representing people from at risk groups to support the national awareness campaign.

Dr Tazeem Bhatia, Interim Chief Nutritionist at OHID, said:- "I welcome this call for evidence as part of OHID's continued drive to improve health outcomes and tackle health disparities. We want to improve the dietary health of the population and this includes supporting everyone to maintain sufficient Vitamin D levels to support strong and healthy bones and muscles."

As part of the Healthy Start scheme, pregnant women and new mothers who are eligible can receive free supplements, which contains folic acid, Vitamin C and Vitamin D. Children under the age of 4 who are eligible can also receive free supplements. However, estimated take up of free Vitamin supplements is extremely low.

70% of walkers have broken the Countryside Code - the 8 most common ways revealed

70% people in England and Wales are breaking the Countryside Code when they go out walking, but the vast majority are doing so without realising, a new report has revealed. Rohan has been inspiring people to adventure into the great British countryside since 1972, so as part of its 50th Anniversary, the company is launching a range of initiatives to help raise awareness of and protect the spaces that the public know and love. The report surveyed over 1,800 walkers on their knowledge of the Countryside Code, and what they do to protect their favourite natural landscapes. The most common way that people breach the Code, which advises people on how to enjoy and protect the countryside by acting responsibly, is by going through an open gate and closing it behind them (46%).

Sam Durham, Chief Land Management Adviser at the National Farmers' Union (NFU), explains how this seemingly innocent action can cause issues:- "Generally, a gate is closed or open for a reason, and it has been left that way by the farmer. It may be left open to give livestock access to food and water, or because they are working in the field and require regular access."

The 2nd most common violation is people climbing over fences, walls or hedges away from the designated footpath (23%). However, the study found that the majority of people are likely breaking the Countryside Code unknowingly. Just 12% respondents said they know exactly what the guidelines involve, and 48% have no knowledge at all, or aren't sure.  Unsurprisingly, people who walk frequently are far more aware of the Code than those who don't. Those who walk in the countryside every day are 5 times more likely to have some knowledge of the regulations than people who never do (77% vs 16%).  Interestingly, millennials (25 to 34's, 61%) are the most likely generation to have some awareness of the Code, yet admit to breaking its rules more than any other age group. 73% have breached at least 1 aspect of the Code while out walking.

Giles Polito, Marketing Director at Rohan, said:- "Since our launch in 1972, we've always worked to inspire people to enjoy the great outdoors and all it has to offer, and it's been fantastic to see more walkers than ever enjoying the British countryside in recent years. That being said, making small changes to our behaviour now will play a vital role in protecting these spaces for years to come, which is why the Countryside Code is so important. It offers advice on how we can all help to care for our natural environments so that they can be appreciated by future generations. In addition, as part of our 50th Anniversary plans looking ahead to the next ˝ century of UK adventure, we've consulted with the NFU to help spread the word about the importance of the Code, and help walkers play their part in protecting our amazing countryside for all to use, benefit from and enjoy."

To see the full report, including additional data, expert comments and a quiz where people can test their knowledge of the Countryside Code, visit:- Rohan.Co.UK.


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