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Digital signature pioneer Videosign secures ₤1.15m investment

PIONEERING electronic signature developer Videosign has secured new investment of ₤1.15m as it continues to develop its innovative online security platform.

The company, with bases in Liverpool and Glasgow, has developed a unique electronic signature platform that uses artificial intelligence powered facial recognition and video technology to verify the identity of document signatories.

Videosign Chief Executive, Steven Tallant, said:- "Videosign already offers unprecedented levels of security and confidence for anyone using electronic signatures. This new investment will help us to continue Videosign's development and offer even higher levels of security to our clients."

The investment has come from the Moonstone Group, which provides a portfolio of compliance, education and fintech solutions to the financial services market in South Africa.

Hjalmar Bekker, Chief Executive of Moonstone, said:- "Use of Videosign is well established at Moonstone, and it is a platform we trust for a range of business applications, from remote contracting to exam invigilation. Use of electronic signatures is only going to increase, and we believe that Videosign will play a pivotal role in its growing acceptance among users, bringing document signing into the 21st century."

Videosign is an online meeting platform with the facility to record video and other evidence like IP addresses and timestamps to allow for e-commissioning and remote witnessing of signatures on legal documents ranging from affidavits to contracts.

The platform's AI-powered facial recognition software compares an individual with their passport or driving licence photo to confirm their identity. It also has the ability to link to external identity databases for further checks.

Tamper proof electronic signatures can then be made, witnessed by everyone in the meeting and backed up with video and metadata evidence.

Videosign already enjoys popularity among financial advisors, thanks to the improved customer experience it offers and its integration with the widely used Iress Xplan advice software.

Steven Tallant said:- "This investment is an indication of how integral the Videosign platform has become to Moonstone's operations. This is an exciting time for Videosign, and we have plans to continue improving our security features to offer even stronger levels of assurance and compliance to our customers and lead the way in this evolving way of doing business."

Celebrating young people who #LiveLifeLoveLiverpool

LIVERPOOL City Council is launching a new campaign that will celebrate the children and young people across the City who are making a difference in their communities.

#LiveLifeLoveLiverpool will shine a light on the incredible work that young people have committed to in their own time and will also mark their achievements outside of the classroom, including the positive, everyday differences they make to the people around them.

The campaign kicks off by highlighting the City's team of Young Inspectors, a group of young people aged from 8 to 14 who volunteer their time to make sure that services and events in the City respect and support young people.

The Young Inspectors are all trained to be quality assessors, carrying out:- "mystery shopping" exercises and interviewing service users and staff so that improvements can be made. Recent successes have included inspecting a young person's rave and welcoming their counterparts from Birmingham Youth Voice as part of exchange visits around the Cities hosting the Commonwealth Games and the World Gymnastics Championships; WGC2022; later this year. In Liverpool, the Young Inspectors are supporting the WGC2022 team as part of a youth board to make sure that children and young people are engaged in the event.

The Young Inspectors are based at the Unity Youth and Community Centre and at Sports Alive in Everton and Fazakerley, and are looking to increase their numbers post-Pandemic. There are also plans are for the team to offer their expertise more widely to businesses in Liverpool and this summer they will be supporting events across the City.

But we also want to hear from you; do you work or volunteer with children and young people who #LiveLifeLoveLiverpool? From sports to the environment, from arts to reducing anti social behaviour and campaigning on social issues, please tell us about the community changing work that young people are doing.

Email:- NewsCentre@Liverpool.Gov.UK, with:- "#LiveLifeLoveLiverpool" in the subject line.

Young people who would like to become involved with the Young Inspectors can contact youth worker Faith Andrews at:- Faith.Andrews@Liverpool.Gov.UK.

Cllr Tom Logan, cabinet member for Education and Skills, said:- "#LiveLifeLoveLiverpool is about giving young people in our City the credit they deserve for making Liverpool a better place. There are groups that encourage young people to get involved all across the City, and we want to hear from you. We also want to hear about the young people who are the unsung heroes where they live, whose everyday commitment makes a difference but so often goes unnoticed. How are young people engaging with their communities? How are you supporting young people to be the best that they can be? Please let us know!"

Faith Andrews, youth worker, from Liverpool City Council, who co-ordinates the Young Inspectors, said:- "We have big plans for the Young Inspectors now that we are allowed to get out and about again and we definitely want more young people to get involved. The group is all about ensuring that services, businesses and events respect young people and they will have different expectations from people who are older. The Young Inspectors take on a lot of responsibility and deliver every single time. I'm always impressed with how they approach the tasks they take on, they work hard but they have a lot of fun too."


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