Discerning diners see a tasty future for tech in restaurants
FUSSY customers
would be happy for more technology to be used by
restaurants and bars if it meant they didn't have
to queue to be served, a survey has revealed. But
customers' attitude to a more technology driven
approach to dining and eating out differs markedly
across the UK with peak popularity in the south of
the country.
The survey, commissioned by hospitality technology
specialist ePOS Hybrid, found people in the East
Midlands were less fussed about queuing and
embracing tech to improve their dining experience;
with only 18% in support compared with a 28%
national average. But neighbouring West Midlands
diners were much more switched on to the use of
tech with 30% agreeing it would be a good thing.
Sheffield, which is home to 5 restaurants featured
in the prestigious Michelin Guide, was the City
with the lowest interest in tech benefits, with
almost 20% of those surveyed saying they approved.
The Welsh appeared to be the nation who favoured
the use of tech, with 35.06% of those surveyed in
Cardiff approving, while nationally 35% in Wales
gave the thumbs up. Brighton residents were the
UK's highest scoring, giving a resounding 36%
The survey, Restaurants and Bars of the Future,
spoke to more than 2000 people and was
commissioned by ePOS Hybrid, a leading provider of
point-of-sale and digital ordering technology.
Andrew Gibbon, Head of Growth at ePOS Hybrid,
said:- "Tech has already revolutionised the
dining and hospitality sector and is here to
stay, with many more emerging technologies
certain to impact the way we socialise and
enjoy our downtime. The survey results are
surprising in that Sheffield, with a thriving
dining scene, was found to be the lowest
ranking in levels of interest in how
technology can add benefit to our restaurant
and bar experiences. However, it is no
surprise to find that Cardiff is top of the
league on this count as the City is carving
out a reputation as one of the hottest and
fastest growing tech hubs in the UK."
The North South pattern was mirrored when those
surveyed were asked if receiving deals information
specifically tailored to them would improve their
dining experience.
The North East was the lowest scoring Region with
only 20% saying they would like this; the same
figure as Newcastle; compared to a national
average of 27%. But again, Cardiffians and the
Welsh were keen to benefit from targeted deal
offers with approvals of 35% and 33%,
respectively. Further South, Plymouth residents
proved to be the UK's most eager deal seekers with
a 37% approval rate.
Andrew Gibbon added:- "Consumers are always
looking at new ways they can get a discount
code or take advantage of special offers,
especially in the current economic
environment. Businesses using tech to offer
highly tailored discounts based on user
behaviour or preferences, is improving the
experience for both business and customer.
Newcastle is a vibrant, energetic City with a
huge and diverse dining and entertainment
scene and it was surprising to find savvy
Geordies were the least likely to take
advantage of deal information which could have
been put their way. In Cardiff they seem more
careful, and in Wales generally, the survey
shows they would welcome specific deal offers,
but again it is Plymouth residents who are
most partial to targeted offers. Our survey
has provided an interesting insight into the
mindset of diners and drinkers the width and
breadth of the UK and provides plenty of food
for thought as to how restaurants of the
future can adapt to better engage with
customers, increase footfall, and improve the
customer experience."
With climate change on everyone's agenda, those
surveyed surprisingly seemed less concerned about
the overall sustainability of restaurants or a
venue's carbon footprint across its supply chain.
Indeed, only 23% of those surveyed said it would
be a positive factor in improving their dining
Again, the survey showed this scored less
favourably with those living in the North, with
Yorkshire/Humber recording the lowest interest at
14% and Leeds was identified as the City with
least concerns (13%), closely followed by
Nottingham on 14%.
Plymouth residents were the most green minded with
36% - 14% above the national average; saying they
would support outlets which are working on being
more energy efficient, and this was echoed
Regionally with a 27% approval rate in the South
However, despite last year's COP26 in Glasgow and
growing environmental awareness, sustainability
issues such as carbon footprint are not
particularly influential in consumers' decisions
on where to eat out.
For more information about ePOS Hybrid and to
download the full "Restaurants and Bars of
the Future" report, visit:- Eposhybrid.com.
Linzi Saunders solo exhibition:- 'RISE'

will have the opportunity to experience the unique
artwork of Crosby artist, Linzi Saunders in her
forthcoming solo exhibition at Southport
Contemporary Arts. There will be in excess of
forty mixed media artworks from Linzi who works
predominantly on wood and canvas, preferring to
paint with acrylics rather than oils because of
their lower impact on the natural world. With an
innate love for colour and texture, she often
incorporates fabrics, recycled items and natural
materials into her intricate imagery.
Linzi commented that:- "I will be presenting
a varied collection of my work that will offer
a sense of the differing energies that can be
tapped into in the world around us, if only we
can be free enough from the chatter of the
mind to notice and really feel these forces at
work. My hope is that when viewing my work
people are really able to feel the energy
within each piece of art. Despite being
classed as inanimate objects, each piece
really does have a 'life' of it's own."
Based on her own life journey, Linzi's pieces
often contain multiple layers, representing the
vibrating dynamisms and oscillating complexities
of psychoanalytic theory. By weaving together the
internal with the external worlds, Linzi creates
work that is constantly fuelled by her own
fascination with the layered complexities of the
human psyche, the collective unconscious and the
natural world.
Linzi said:- "I'm always tapping in the
subtle energies within my own inner world and
the world around me, including those that are
exchanged within relationships between people
that mostly happen without conscious
processing. I often represent these energies
within the textures that occupy much of my
work and they feed into the layering approach
that is linked to the multi-faceted, complex
layers of the human psyche."
Inspired by eclectic spiritual teachings, Linzi is
constantly aiming to strip back these layers
within herself through each creation.
Linzi added:- "As a homeopathic and shamanic
practitioner I have an animistic perception of
life and so see artwork as having a life of
its own. I believe it's this life energy that
'speaks' to us when we are drawn to a
particular piece of work. Due to this I like
to infuse as much positive energy into my work
as possible, often beginning my 1st layers
with positive statements, affirmations,
mantras, poems etc, or my work may openly
include a written message."
Although Linzi was always a creative child, there
was little opportunity to express her artistic
temperament during her formative education.
However, the combination of personal trauma and a
series of encounters as a counselling therapist
later in life changed all that. Linzi explained:-
"Not long after entering my 40's, at the end
of yet another academic training course to
improve my skills as a counselor, my whole
world came to an abrupt halt. I was completely
burnt out and barely had any energy to tend to
the most basic tasks. I was also in lot of
physical pain, suffering from anxiety and
subsequently diagnosed with fibromyalgia."
However Linzi's reunion with her love of creating
aided her recovery and she believes that much of
her healing has resulted from her artistic
journey. This solo exhibition is an opportunity to
experience Linzi's extremely original artworks.
Linzi concluded:- "Rise and the related
Buddha images were born out of the intensity
of the energies at play during our lockdown
experiences. The fear based culture that
intensified at this time compelled me to dive
deeply inwards to connect with levels of
serenity that could not be found in the
external world of media coverage and mass
hysteria. These images represent a level being
that can be accessed at all times, regardless
of environmental influences. They serve as a
reminder to visit this place of being on a
regular basis in order to function optimally
as a compassionate and connected human being
rather than 1 driven by differences and
The exhibition runs from Tuesday to Saturday, both
weeks, and Linzi will be at the gallery herself on
the afternoons of:- 3 May, 5 May, 10 May, 11 May
and 14 May 2022. There are facemasks and hand
sanitizers available at the ArtHouse should
visitors wish to use them.