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Motorists urged to park properly at tourist destinations

WHILE local Authorities across the UK are ready to offer a warm welcome to visitors, warnings have been made about a repeat of scenes from previous years that saw a minority of motorists parking irresponsibly, causing chaos and frustration for residents and businesses in and around visitor destinations.

These communities are now preparing for another year of managing the increased demand placed on staycation hotspots, including providing additional parking facilities in anticipation of the higher number of motorists.

The parking sector, both public and private, believe everyone needs to play their part by only parking where it is legally permitted, helping ensure that streets and communities are kept safe, free from congestion, and can be enjoyed by all.

Government is also being urged to increase the options and sanctions available to local authorities to tackle the worst offenders. These measures could see an increase in the top level of penalties as evidence from last summer shows that the current rates are not an effective deterrent to antisocial and selfish parking.

Kelvin Reynolds, BPA Director of Corporate and Public Affairs said:- "There is good reason to anticipate that some people will ignore the rules, causing obstruction and endangering the lives of other road users, especially pedestrians. If we all do what's right, residents as well as visitors can enjoy the holiday season. In short, we're asking motorists to be kind and park with others in mind."

The impact of so many people thinking antisocial behaviour and poor parking is acceptable is that it increases congestion, contributing to additional pollution and rising frustration from people living in these areas. Journey times for emergency vehicles get longer, people who are disabled or visually impaired or parents with pushchairs are forced into the path of moving vehicles.

The BPA's Selfish Parker campaign encourages people to respect others and think before they park. Parking restrictions exist for a reason and:- 'It's not OK to park, where it's not OK to park.'

The BPA has some top tips for those planning to visit tourist hot spots:-

  Plan your visit - search the location for parking facilities and if possible, book parking in advance.

  Find alternatives - to the most popular parking locations by parking further away from your final destination, this could save you time too.

  Park responsibly - only park where it is permitted, respect the people living in the community you are visiting and be kind.

  Don't obstruct - pavements, private driveways, or impede access for emergency vehicles.

  Don't litter - take it home with you or find a rubbish bin.

  Don't be idle - turn your engine off when in stationary traffic or when you are parked.

Roadshows to prove it's never too late for University

A leading careers advice programme will visit West Lancs College this summer to encourage more adults to think about starting University as a mature student.

Future U, which works across Lancashire to encourage more people to consider higher education, is hosting a range of events to inspire more people to start University, even if they left School years earlier.

Despite misconceptions that most University students are teenagers, in Britain mature students make up over ˝ of University students, with 1 in 5 students over 30 years old.

Despite considerable careers support to help young people leaving School and College to start University, more needs to be done to help mature students to access support around finance, childcare and employment challenges which can be seen as a barrier to accessing degree education.

Future U is hosting events at West Lancs College, as well as at Preston College and Burnley College to answer questions on starting University, interview techniques, work placements and academic writing. Education partners including:- Edge Hill University, University of Cumbria and University of Central Lancashire alongside current adult students will also be available to answer questions. The events will be available for current College students as well as the general public.

Matt Lord, Senior Outreach Officer at Future U, said:- "The last 2 years have seen plenty of people reassessing their life and work situation, pushing themselves to start new careers or improve skills. Plenty of people are changing their careers into fulfilling roles such as health care and nursing, but many jobs still require a University qualification. Adult learners can often feel like they won't fit in at University, that they're going to be the only one there. They can also face barriers to visiting universities that younger learners don't due to caring responsibilities or employment commitments. Many of our partner universities and Colleges have been involved in the development of the roadshow, it's been a truly collaborative effort to develop something that can make a real impact on the futures of adult learners in Lancashire."

Future U works across Lancashire to increase the career and higher education knowledge of young people and adult learners.

Since the start of the project in 2017, Future U has delivered over 1,100 careers activities across 70 Schools and Colleges in the area, in addition to creating a range of educational and careers resources available to download from its website.

Future U is part of the national Uni Connect Programme, funded by the Office for Students, and involves institutions and organisations across the county including University of Central Lancashire, Lancaster University, Edge Hill University and the University of Cumbria. Its list of partners also include:- Blackburn College, The Blackpool Sixth Form College, Blackpool and the Fylde College, Burnley College, Kendal College, Lancashire County Council, Lancashire Enterprise Partnership, Myerscough College, Nelson and Colne College Group, Preston College, STEMFirst, Runshaw College, The Lancashire Colleges, West Lancashire College.

For more details of the events and support available, visit:-

Event dates:-

  Burnley College, on:- 3 May 2022, from:- 2pm to 7pm..

  Preston College, on:- 11 May 2022, from:- 2pm to 7pm.

  West Lancs. College, on:- 09 June 2022, from:- 2pm to 7pm.

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