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Liverpool launches Tall Buildings consultation

LIVERPOOL City Council has launched a consultation on draft guidance which will support where high buildings can be built in the City. The Council has produced a draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) to guide the development of tall buildings in a proactive and positive manner. As part of the process, the Council is now asking residents and businesses for their views before adopting it to inform future planning applications for buildings above 15m in height. People can go online to read the draft Tall Buildings SPD on the Council's website or go to Central Library or the Cunard Building to see a printed copy. The public can give feedback until Friday, 16 September 2022 and the Council will also be hosting virtual and in-person consultation events. Once amended after the consultation and then adopted, the new policy will be used to underpin Liverpool's Local Plan, by setting out in detail what the Council considers to be appropriate in terms of building height in the City. This draft policy provides design guidance that complements the National Design Guide and Model Design Code. It also has a focus on the environmental impact on surroundings through to ensuring the protection of the historic character of its neighbourhood and other buildings nearby. 6 locations in and around the City Centre have been identified where clusters of taller buildings may be appropriate. They are:-

   Liverpool Waters.

   Commercial District.

   Leeds Street / Pall Mall.

   Central Station.

   Paddington Village.

   Southern fringe of Baltic Triangle.

The draft SPD has mapped current developments and sets out guidelines for appropriate heights for new planning applications in these clusters. The policy also provides guidance based on 9 core principles covering issues such as quality, sustainability, environment and economic growth.  The draft policy also includes the recommendation that schemes need to pass 4 tests by demonstrating:-

   A clear purpose and role for the tall building to directly support regeneration.

   The proposed height is appropriate to the role or function of the locality.

   It positively contributes to an area and its scale is appropriate to its surroundings.

   The impacts on sensitivities have been fully considered.

   The responses received during the consultation period will inform the final version of the Tall Buildings policy. If adopted by the Council's Cabinet as an SPD, it will carry weight in the decision-making process as a material consideration.

People can provide feedback on the draft SPD by emailing:- LiverpoolLocalPlan@Liverpool.Gov.UK or writing to:-

Liverpool City Council
Planning and Building Control Service
Cunard Building
Water Street
L3 1AH

There will be 2 virtual consultation events (which people can register to the email above) on:-

   Wednesday, 17 August 2022, from 10am to noon.

   Wednesday, 17 August 2022, from 2pm to 4pm.

And an in person event on:- Thursday, 8 September 2022, running from:- 1:30pm to 3:30pm, in the Cunard Building, access at Brunswick Street, Liverpool.

New research has revealed the UK areas most dominated by 1 industry

THE study by marketing training hub School of Marketing analysed ONS data to see the number of businesses from each industry in every Local Authority to find the areas dominated the most by a single sector. It found that the Northern Irish area of Fermanagh and Omagh is most dominated by:- agricultural, forestry and fishing businesses, with 40.30% of all businesses in the area being from this industry, the highest in the list. It's 1 of 2 Northern Irish Authorities on the list, with Mid Ulster being the other entry, also dominated primarily by agriculture.

The Orkney Islands and the Shetland Islands take 2nd and 3rd respectively, again dominated by agricultural businesses. In the Orkney Islands, 37.07% of all businesses are in agriculture, followed very closely by the Shetland Islands with 37.04%.

The Worcestershire area of Bromsgrove is an example of an entry not dominated by agriculture, with 32.43% of all businesses in the area defined as being part of the business administration and support services industry.

Professional, scientific, and technical businesses were found to dominate in the City of London Authority, making up 31.17% of all businesses in the Central London area. Specific kinds of businesses in the industry include:- legal, bookkeeping, scientific research, and marketing businesses.

The Northamptonshire area of Wellingborough rounds out the list in 10th place, with 30.99% of all businesses in the arts, entertainment, and recreation industry. Businesses in this industry include:- libraries, zoos, gyms, theme parks and museums.

Overall, the agriculture, forestry, and fishing industry were the most common industry for businesses, with 7 entries in the top 10 and 22 within the top 50. Other notable dominant industries included:- the professional, scientific, and technical industry and the construction industry.

Commenting on the findings, Ritchie Mehta, CEO of the School of Marketing, said:- "It's fascinating to see the variety all around in these results, with areas from all around the UK making their way into the list. This data shows that some industries really dominate in certain areas of the UK, however that doesn't mean there's only one type of job available, as there can be a huge variety of roles within a business sector. When it comes to skills, there are some common themes that employers are looking for across a range of jobs, however in the current climate, budgets for training are likely to be cut, and the skills gap could widen. SME owners can take advantage of the Apprenticeship Levy scheme to bring in new staff or train current ones in digital and data led programmes, with the vast majority of the training cost covered by the levy."

The study was conducted by the School of Marketing, which offers leading digital marketing apprenticeships and has more than 4,000 learners in more than 20 countries.


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