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7 out of 10 North West SME's don't know their business carbon emissions

A brand new takeaway, specialising in ribs, has opened its doors in Southport, describing itself as:- "takeaway reinvented." The new takeaway, Gannets, opened its doors for the 1st time, on Monday, 10 October 2022. A new and unique offering to the area, Gannets' offers freshly prepared food from their 1st production kitchen. The idea for the takeaway originated from father and son duo, Gary and Andrew Tate, when son, Andrew, was just 14 years old. Since then, Andrew has worked in multiple Michelin-starred restaurants throughout the UK, but has come back to his roots to launch Gannets alongside Gary. Gannets' speciality is their ribs, which come in a number of different forms including minted lamb, tomato and mozzarella and peking. Some of their mouth watering sides include their very own:- "Onion Nest" (a cluster of fried seasoned onions) and "Cornslaw" (a crunchy classic with a corn twist). Burgers and wraps, such as the:- "Rib Tickler" are also available, alongside a number of vegan and vegetarian dishes including their:- "Buffalower Bites."

Gannets is also introducing the "Yaffle" desert; an irresistible, doughnut like cup rolled in sugar and filled with a variety of fillings including:- bisconoffee and chocolate fudge. The takeaway is located at 177 Eastbank Street, in Southport. Their brand new kitchen has been fitted to the highest spec to enable them to cook superb quality food at competitive prices.

Commenting on the launch Andrew Tate commented:- "It's so exciting to finally see our dream turn into a reality. I couldn't be happier with the menu, which offers something for everyone, all whilst remaining of top quality. It was also really important to us to keep prices down to make our dishes really affordable. A lot of our deals cost under £10 for a full meal!"

Gannets opened their doors to the public, on Monday, 10 October 2022, and is open 7 days a week from:- 4pm to 10.30pm. Check out their website here to view their menu or order online, or you can contact the team at:- 01704530750.

"Takeaway reinvented" - A brand new takeaway, specialising in ribs, has opened in Southport this month

A national festival designed to inspire a love of learning in family life is set to launch across the UK. The Family Learning Festival is an annual nationwide celebration where organisations of all types and sizes coordinate local activities and online workshops that are fun, informal, and promote a culture of learning as a family. Created by the educational charity Campaign for Learning, this year's theme is Inspiring Curiosity and hopes to bring together the whole family to try something new and learn with, and from, each other.

John Beattie, Deputy Director for Families at Campaign for Learning, said:- "This year the festival seems more essential than ever as budgets continue to be squeezed by the cost of living crisis. At times like this the disadvantage gap can grow wider than ever, and we want to ensure everyone has access to opportunities and events to learn together and spark a curiosity that will continue to burn long after the festival is over. Learning as a family can help us to become confident, lifelong learners with all the benefits that brings. We want families to take a look at what's happening in their local area and make the most of these learning opportunities."

As part of this year's festival, Campaign for Learning is hosting 2 free interactive online events during October. Supported by the Royal Society of Chemistry, the sessions will explore science and storytelling in a fun and informal way. Chemistry of Colour, on 19 October 2022, and Chemistry of Cooking, on 25 October, will see 2 readings of much loves children's stories, Howard the Average Gecko and the Gingerbread Man. This is followed by the chance to learn some Makaton, a sing along, and some colourful and tasty experiments, such as exploring the colours of Smarties, making square eggs, and investigating how cakes rise. To learn more about the Festival of Learning and register for the online events, visit:- FamilyLearningFestival.Com.

80% Of UK Workers Are Looking For A New Job, Survey Reveals

NEARLY 8 out of 10 people currently in work are looking for a new job because they feel undervalued by their bosses, according to a new national study. And that's bad news for employers, already feeling the stretch when it comes to recruitment. 79% of employees who feel undervalued are looking for a job elsewhere, according to the study by Appreciate Business Services, with the figure rising to 90% among the youngest demographic (18 to 24).

Employees in the UK cite a lack of acknowledgement for:- hard work (36%), poor pay (34%) and a lack of loyalty (32%) as key issues in the workplace. Some 10 million Brits feel undervalued at work, a new survey has revealed.

The 10 million figure means a whopping ⅓ of all workers in:- England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland feel undervalued.

Aspects of a job that help workers feel most valued include:- good pay (57%), fair and flexible working hours (51%), and being recognised and rewarded your boss (46%).

The national survey was conducted by Appreciate Business Services, the home of Love2shop, to lay bare the reality of employee unhappiness.

Workers in London and Northern Ireland feel the least appreciated, with an average value rating of 5/10, while employees in the South West feel most valued, with an average rating of 6.5/10. Elsewhere, 92% of workers who feel undervalued in the capital are currently looking for a new job.

The study, titled the Appreciate Report, reveals 1 proven way to help firms retain staff and make them feel valued is to give spontaneous gifts.

UK companies spontaneously gift employees an average of just 1.3 times a year, according to the survey, despite workers claiming it must occur 2.3 times a year in order for them to feel valued.

Frank Creighton, Director of Business Development at ABS, said:- "The extent to which UK workers feel undervalued and under-appreciated is alarming. The fact that
of staff feel undervalued should be a massive wake up call for UK business, particularly in light of the report, which found almost half (49%) of people would feel a heightened sense of loyalty to their employer if they felt valued by them. We do understand it isn't always easy for employers to know when to reward their employees; or by how much. That's why we've compiled the Appreciate Report, which offers valuable insight when it comes to making staff feel valued while maintaining and increasing productivity levels."

To read the report, visit:- Appreciate.Co.UK.

£4.3m plan to attract major events to Liverpool City Region

THE Combined Authority is set to approve funding for a 5 year plan to attract major conferences and sporting events to ACC Liverpool. Under the proposal, a £4.37m fund would be created with the Combined Authority contributing £1.42m towards attracting major events. The remainder would come from private sources. The money would be used to ensure Liverpool remains competitive in attracting lucrative business visitors by offering funding support to national and international conferences, as well as major sporting events at ACC Liverpool. The fund would also go towards research and engagement support at the Liverpool Convention Bureau. If approved at Friday's Combined Authority meeting, the Authority would support the 5 year project while it transitions to a commercially self sustaining model funded from private sources. Hoteliers and serviced accommodation owners in Liverpool will start balloting on 28 October 2022 over creating an Accommodation Business Improvement District (ABID) that would provide the private sector funds for the initiative.

Inclusive Economy and 3rd Sector Portfolio Holder Councillor Janette Williamson said:- "We are working hard to ensure Liverpool City Region's visitor economy recovers strongly from the Pandemic. Last year we approved a £1.5m fund to attract visitors back to the City Region. Ensuring Liverpool City Region remains competitive in attracting major conferences and events is vital, if we are to increase the number of business visitors who occupy hotel rooms during weekdays. These events also allow us to showcase the City Region's strengths to potential investors."

Culture, Tourism and the Visitor Economy Portfolio Holder Councillor Mike Wharton said:- "Our visitor economy is vital to our Region's prosperity and business visitors and conferences are a crucial part of that sector. If approved, this investment will enable us to really sell the City Region, attracting high profile conferences and sporting events, and ensure that we can compete with major Cities."

The initiative is Phase 2 of a Growing Business Events project that started in 2019 and ends in March next year. Progress in the last financial year has seen 30 conferences recommended for support, which are forecast to generate more than £13m for the economy. Hotel occupancy is greater at weekends however the business visitor economy is particularly useful in generating bed nights during the working week. The proposed Strategic Investment Fund backed project would start in April 2023 and seeks to stimulate inward investment and business growth through its support for major events. It would promote the City Region's strengths through conferences and help rebuild confidence in the visitor economy following the Pandemic. Attracting business conferences would allow the City Region to showcase its strengths in priority sectors to delegates and enhance its reputation as a strong investment location. In addition, business visitors may experience the City Region for the 1st time and consider returning as a leisure visitor.


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