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Emily Spurrell invites you to share views and feedback at monthly PCC advice surgery

MERSEYSIDE'S Police Commissioner is inviting residents to share their views and feedback with her at her next monthly surgery in Sefton. Emily Spurrell launched the monthly advice surgeries last year as part of her commitment to giving local people a greater voice on policing, crime and community safety issues in Merseyside. The sessions enable Emily to meet residents from across the Region face to face and in confidence to listen to their views on how we can build a stronger, safer Merseyside and respond to any questions or concerns they have about the performance or oversight of Merseyside Police. The Commissioner and her team will work with residents to identify the best route for their enquiry and discuss any action that can be taken or supported by her office. The next PCC surgery will take place between:- 3pm and 5pm, on:- Wednesday, 24 May 2023 in Bootle and appointments must be booked in advance. Over the year, the Commissioner holds 2 sessions in accessible venues in each local authority area, as well as 2 virtual sessions, to ensure people living across Merseyside have the opportunity to share their views with her.

Merseyside's Police Commissioner Emily Spurrell said:- "I'm committed to being a strong voice on behalf of people across our fantastic Region, ensuring their views are at the heart of my work, as well as local policing and community safety. These regular advice surgeries are a great way to hear directly from local communities about any views or concerns they have and are a key way I can ensure I am as accessible as possible to residents of Merseyside. I would encourage anyone with views or concerns about policing, crime and community safety across our Region to get in touch and book a slot at 1 of these monthly surgeries. I want to hear your views and ensure your voice is heard on local issues. These surgeries are just part of the wider work that I'm undertaking to raise awareness of the role of PCC and make sure I'm alive to the views and opinions of local people."

Representing the views of residents is a key responsibility of the Commissioner and an important part of monitoring Merseyside Police's performance and holding the Chief Constable to account. The surgeries will help the Commissioner to identify themes or trends in public opinion, which will help to influence her scrutiny of the Chief Constable and inform future decisions, including the commissioning of:- services, projects and campaigns.

While the Commissioner is unable to intervene in operational matters, she welcomes your feedback on how the Region is Policed and how we can work together to build a stronger, safer Merseyside.

Future surgeries are currently scheduled for:-

  • Saturday, 24 June 2023; morning; Newton-le-Willows.

  • Thursday, 20 July 2023; morning; Speke.

  • Tuesday, 15 August 2023; evening; Virtual.

Ukrainian artist who fled to Liverpool to escape war creates giant Eurovision billboard on landmark Liverpool building

AN artist who came to Liverpool after escaping the war in Ukraine has told how a Combined Authority funded course led to her Eurovision design being featured on a landmark City Centre building.

Mariana Potetenko fled her home in Kyiv in June 2022 with her 2 daughters and the family dog to begin a new life in Liverpool.

After studying a digital design themed Skills Bootcamp, funded by Mayor Steve Rotheram and the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority, she answered a call out to artists for Eurovision themed shop window art with an image featuring the 2022 winners Kalush Orchestra and UK runner-up Sam Ryder.

The Liverpool BID Company, who launched the scheme to decorate shop fronts, were so impressed with the stunning artwork that they displayed it on the hoarding outside the Lyceum building on Bold Street.

Mariana said:- "I came to Liverpool in June last year because of the war and started working as an artist and medical interpreter. The bootcamp changed everything for me because it provided me with new knowledge, skills and opportunities; I still can't believe that I am seeing my design on such a huge scale and everybody can see it as well. I am a huge fan of Eurovision and it was supposed to be in Ukraine, but unfortunately, due to the war, it is here, in the City where I am. I still can't believe it. I will watch it on TV and be proud for my country."

Mayor Steve Rotheram and the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority's pioneering Skills Bootcamps programme is set to expand into more job sectors after securing a further £8.2m funding.

Steve Rotheram, Mayor of the Liverpool City Region, said:- "People across our Region have opened up their hearts and homes to thousands of Ukrainian refugees over the past year; and we want to ensure they feel a real sense of belonging in our community. By giving people like Mariana the opportunity to access training, not only are we helping people's creativity to flourish, we are helping them to gain the knowledge and skills they need to start to building a better future for their families. Because, for far too long, people in our area have been held from fulfilling their potential, not by a lack of talent, but a lack of opportunity. I am on a mission to put that right by giving our residents the chance to expand their horizons with opportunities that previously would have been out of reach; and our Skills Bootcamps are helping hundreds of residents to do just that."

Skills Bootcamps are free, flexible courses of up to 16 weeks, giving people the opportunity to boost their skill levels in a key area or gain more responsibilities in their current role.

Square 1 Training in Birkenhead ran an 8 day bootcamp in digital design, spread over various weeks, covering Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator and Premiere Pro.

Lisa Johnson, Managing Director, Square 1 Training, which delivered the Skills Bootcamp, said:- "We deliver Skills Bootcamps on behalf of the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority and the 1 Mariana did has allowed her to learn all the key skills to create wonderful masterpieces like this. When she first came to me and told me about her life story I was full of emotion and pride that she had come to Liverpool to live; her story is truly amazing and now she is starting a new life in our wonderful City. That she has been given the opportunity for the Skills Bootcamp and from the Liverpool Bid Company is just fantastic."

Liverpool City Region Combined Authority offers Skills Bootcamps across the following sectors:- Digital, Engineering and Manufacturing, Construction, Green Skills, Rail, HGV driving, Health & Social Care, Visitor Economy, Creative Industries, Leadership and Management, along with Professional Services.

Anyone interested in undertaking the training or training organisations in delivering a Skills Bootcamps should visit:- LiverpoolCityRegion-CA.Gov.UK for more information.

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