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Volunteer Celebration Event 2023

ON Wednesday, 7 June 2023, Volunteer Centre Sefton held their annual Volunteer Celebration Event to mark National Volunteers' Week. Volunteers received certificates of thanks from The Lord Lieutenant of Merseyside, The Mayor of Sefton and Councillor Paul Cummins.

The event, held at Bootle Town Hall, welcomed 16 organisations from across Sefton, who invited volunteers who make a vital difference to their communities in the borough. Guests enjoyed the presentations followed by a buffet.

Additionally, nominations were received for Volunteer of the Year and Young Volunteer of the Year awards. The awards are a special recognition for volunteers in Sefton who have gone above and beyond their role and shown real dedication and commitment to the organisation they support. The young volunteer of the year award is open to those aged 25 and under.

The Winner of Volunteer of the Year 2023 was Andy King from Crisis Café, a project offering 1 to 1 support and a social space with refreshments, to reduce distress and better manage crisis situations from their cafes in Southport and Crosby.

The winner of the Young Volunteer of the Year 2023, sponsored by Formby Hall Golf Resort and Spa, was Freya White from Independence Initiative, an organisation which supports experiencing severe and multiple forms of disadvantage.

Mayor of Sefton, Councillor June Burns said:- "The event was wonderful! It is so important that we recognise and celebrate the good work our marvellous volunteers do. They give up their precious time to the many varied activities, which in some cases wouldn't survive without the time they give freely."

Organisations who attended the event were:-

  • Kindfulness Coffee Club.

  • Halle's Hub.

  • Cat's Protection.

  • Community Connectors.

  • Galloway's.

  • Linacre Mission.

  • Crisis Café.

  • Parkhaven.

  • Friends of High Park Green Spaces.

  • Friends of Victoria Park.

  • Friends of Merrilocks Park.

  • Litherland Youth and Community Centre.

  • Maghull in Bloom.

  • Healthwatch Sefton.

  • Congolese Association Merseyside.

Volunteer Centre Sefton would like to thank Formby Hall Golf Resort and Spa for sponsoring the Young Volunteer of the Year Award and a donating a raffle prize, Maghull in Bloom for table decorations, STEMS florist for bouquets and the following for raffle prizes:- Crosby Coffee, The Sparrowhawk, The Treatment Rooms, The Climbing Hangar, Africa Oye, 1 Fell Swoop and Satterthwaites Bakehouse. The raffle raised £150 for Sefton 4 Good, a charity initiative from Sefton CVS that raises funds for local groups and causes.

If you would like to find out more about volunteering, please contact Volunteer Centre Sefton, at:- Info@VolunteeringSefton.Org.UK, or visit:- VolunteeringSefton.Org.UK,

9 in 10 Councils concerned about nursery capacity ahead of 30 hours free childcare extension

NEARLY 9 in 10 Councils fear that nursery closures this year will undermine capacity ahead of the rollout of the Government's extension of the 30 hours free childcare scheme, new research by the Local Government Association reveals.

On day 2 of the LGA's Annual Conference in Bournemouth, Councils are warning that there is a risk the scheme is not delivered universally, when it begins to be implemented next year.

The LGA is supportive of the Government's reforms and wants to work with it to make the extended scheme a success, however it has concerns that while the improved funding rates are helpful, this will not be enough to ensure a universal implementation of the scheme.

The Chancellor announced in March that every child in an eligible working family, aged from:- 9 months to 5 years, would be entitled to 30 hours of free childcare each week by September 2025. It is currently available to parents from the start of the next School term after a child turns 3.

Under the expansion, the proportion of places delivered through Government funded entitlements is expected to go up to around 80% - from just under 50% now.

With Councils responsible for directing the majority of childcare spending, their role will become even more critical in managing the market.

The LGA says Councils need stronger powers for commissioning provision centrally to ensure that the right provision is available in the right places, including for example the ability to withhold free entitlement funding where a provider wants to open in an area where there is already plenty of provision.

The report by Isos Partnership, Nursery Closures, Research on the nature, impact and drivers of nursery closures in England, found:-

  • 88% of Councils are concerned that nursery closures in 2023 will be significant and undermine sufficiency.

  • 48% of Councils are fully confident of having sufficient childcare provision for children aged 2 under the current entitlements.

  • 40% of Councils saw a spike in nurseries closing in 2022, compared to the year before. Insufficient income to meet rising costs and workforce related issues are among the key drivers behind some of the closures.

It is also calling on the Government to go further and faster on addressing the urgent workforce challenges within the nursery and early years sector.

While it is good the Government has announced a consultation around workforce, there needs to be a wholesale review of the recruitment and retention challenges within the nursery and early years sector, where staff shortages are threatening early years education and childcare provision.

The LGA is calling for a recruitment drive that improves routes into the sector to be rapidly rolled out.

It comes as the report revealed nursery owners and managers are facing the combined pressures of simultaneously managing hikes in utility bills, rent, insurance, food and staff wages, as well as the growing gap between delivery costs and Government-funded entitlement rates.

A lack of appropriate staff has increasingly prevented nurseries from being able to deliver to their full capacity. This has meant some have been forced to shut rooms or close temporarily for days or weeks, while some settings have had to limit places for children with more complex needs.

The report also found that recruitment and retention challenges were greater in disadvantaged communities, where rising levels of poverty, complexity of needs and Pandemic related trauma are impacting on children, and that the challenge of supporting children in a context of stretched funding and limited specialist support is contributing to escalating departures of staff while placing greater burdens on managers.

Cllr Louise Gittins, Chair of the LGA's Children and Young People Board, said:- "The Government's extension of free childcare is a positive step towards helping working parents manage the high costs of sending their children to a nursery or childminder. However, we have serious concerns about the ability of local areas to secure nursery places, with capacity issues providing challenges to the universal rollout of the extended offer. Nurseries and childcare providers are already under massive pressure, grappling with severe financial and workforce challenges, which has seen staff numbers depleted and an acceleration in places closing. Alongside the improved funding rates, it is vital the Government's planned recruitment drive tackles the staffing shortages and provides an opportunity for staff to progress and thrive in a fulfilling career. Councils will also need to be given the right levers to manage local childcare markets, given the significant rise in Government funded places local areas will see."

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