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Your safety matters; serious violence consultation launches

PEOPLE across Merseyside are being asked to help shape a new strategy with the aim of reducing serious violence across our Region. Willing residents will be asked to share their thoughts on the impact of violence on communities, their perceptions of the problem, the causes, the consequences and what they want to see happen to prevent themselves and others having a fear of violence.

The development of the strategy is being led by the Police and Crime Commissioner, Emily Spurrell, with the support of the 5 Community Safety partnerships in:- Knowsley, Liverpool, Sefton, St Helens and Wirral. They are made up of Councils, Merseyside Police, Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service, NHS, and National Probation Service.

Other partners such as youth justice, prisons, education and voluntary sector services are also involved.

The survey is completely anonymous, is open to anyone living, studying or working in Merseyside, and can be found at:-SmartSurvey.Co.UK.

The closing date is:- Sunday, 1 October 2023.

Merseyside's Police Commissioner, Emily Spurrell, said:- "Serious violence can affect anyone and the consequences are often devastating and life changing; whether you are a victim, a relative, loved one, friend or witness. We are determined to prevent and reduce serious violence to stop more families suffering such heartache and harm. To do that, it's vital we understand people's perceptions of violence and how we can make them feel safer. This is a chance for people across Merseyside to have their voices heard. By taking part, you will help inform the work we do in the future to protect families and communities, and I would encourage everyone, to please have your say."

Liverpool City Council's Cabinet Member with responsibility for Community Safety, Councillor Laura Robertson Collins, said:- "As the tragedies we have experienced as a Region in the past few years show, violence has a devastating ripple effect causing harm to individuals, families, communities and our society. We want to make sure that everyone who lives, studies and works on Merseyside has the opportunity to be heard in relation to their feelings of safety, experiences of crime and sense of community. This is a chance for you to have your voice heard in a way which will directly influence how we work with you to address issues of safety and violence in your communities."

Cllr Shelley Powell, Knowsley Council Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods said:- "In Knowsley and across the City Region, we have experienced 1st hand the impact serious violence has on our communities and the often life changing devastation it leaves behind. We want to put residents at the centre of our strategy to reduce violence and ensure that your views, feelings and experiences are used to influence how we tackle violence across the City Region . I urge all residents to take part in the survey and have their say in creating safer communities."

Cllr Trish Hardy, Sefton Council's Cabinet Member for Communities and Housing said:- "No 1 should have to fear for their personal safety when they are out and about but all too often, a small number of residents tell us it is something which they are constantly worrying about and trying to protect themselves against. This is a completely unacceptable situation and it is the responsibility of every single 1 of us to be aware of it and to prevent it happening."

Cllr Helen Cameron, Chair of the Tourism, Communities, Culture and Leisure Committee for Wirral Council, said:- "In recent times, we have seen some of the most high profile and shocking violent crimes occurring here in Wirral and I appreciate the progress made by Merseyside Police to disrupt and deter organised crime groups. We know, however, that we need to address the root causes of these terrible incidents; the consequences they have on communities. With 5 community safety partners across the Region coming together and the PCC engaging with as many people as possible, this consultation could help to shape a comprehensive strategy to reduce the levels of serious, violent crime and the address the impact it has on our communities."

North West housing association set industry benchmarks for community safety

RESOLVE UK has praised 1 Vision Housing for its:- 'exemplary' approach to community safety that is setting benchmarks for anti social behaviour services across the UK's housing sector.

With a sole focus on community safety, Resolve UK advocates for anti social behaviour (ASB) to be treated as a precursor to serious crime and helps organisations through effective training, support, guidance and best practice.

The centre of excellence has introduced a new ASB accreditation and 1 Vision Housing are the 1st to qualify in line with their 6 overarching principles: leadership culture and resource, performance, victims and communities, challenge and change, problem solving and partnership, in addition to learning and development.


Tom Nevitt, an official spokesperson for Resolve UK said:- "One Vision Housing offers an exemplary anti social behaviour service. They are truly leading the way when it comes to recognising the importance of making communities safer and excel in ensuring that appropriate resources are in place to support everybody affected by anti social behaviour. It was a pleasure to go through this assessment process with them and discover so much best practice across the board."

As a member of The Sovini Group, 1 Vision HJaynehorror ousing is a provider of over 13.6k homes across the North West, with a commitment to creating opportunities and changing lives. Their Community Safety Team is dedicated to creating a better future for communities, ensuring customers are able to enjoy their homes in vibrant neighbourhoods without anti social behaviour.

Following a peer review, Liz Smith, Head of Safer Neighbourhoods at Stockport Homes commented:- "I was impressed by 1 Vision Housing's approach to tackling anti social behaviour, which is done in an innovative and passionate way. I saw many unique processes which I considered to be best practice and the passion from those interviewed really shone through."

The housing association's innovative approach involves proactive services that are leading the way in the housing sector, with 99% of cases responded to within 24 hours and over 89% of customers satisfied with case handling.

This proactive approach includes:-

  • Interactive support directories and frequently asked question guides designed to help signpost victims to services available in their area.

  • Community outreach days in hotspot areas and partnerships with local councils, Police, Fire and Rescue services to improve engagement.

  • Bespoke training for colleagues and Community Safety Champion roles across the organisation.

  • Involvement in national and local campaigns to raise awareness.

  • Sharing best practice across housing sector groups and the landlord's new podcast, On the Couch with 1 Vision Housing.

After accessing its ASB service, a customer from 1 Vision Housing thanked the association and said:- "My Community Safety Officer was amazing and went above and beyond to make sure I was okay and felt safe."

Ian Mitchell, Managing Director at 1 Vision Housing commented:- "This accreditation from Resolve UK is testament to the dedication of our team who are committed to creating a better future across the neighbourhoods we serve. I am immensely proud that our approach to unite communities and tackle anti social behaviour has been recognised as industry leading and look forward to working with the accreditation board to share best practice with our peers."

To learn more about 1 Vision Housing and its approach to anti social behaviour, please visit:- OVH.Org.UK.

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