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NICEIC Warns Online Tutorials Could Put Lives at Risk

NICEIC the UK's leading electrical certification body, has launched a campaign to warn consumers of the dangers of online DIY tutorials that could be encouraging them to tackle jobs they are not qualified for.

Platforms such as:- YouTube and TikTok, have become virtual classrooms, where individuals seek guidance on a wide array of subjects.

With a staggering 122 million active users on YouTube per day and 70% of those searching for:- "how to" videos, many are turning to the internet for quick fix solutions, in a bid to save time and money.

However, the new campaign launched by NICEIC, is warning that this surge in DIY tutorials could pose a serious threat to personal safety and is keen to warn homeowners against the dangers of dabbling in jobs that should be left to the professionals.

When it comes to electrics within the home, DIY attempts at repairs can have disastrous consequences. In a recent survey carried out by NICEIC, it found that 53% of Brits would be happy to:- 'have a go' at DIY in the home without any prior experience or formal qualifications and 18% think asking for help is embarrassing or a sign of weakness.

According to recent data, there has also been a notable increase in electrical accidents caused by unqualified individuals attempting electrical repairs. These accidents range from minor shocks and burns to catastrophic fires and even fatalities. On average, 400 people are electrocuted in the home every year, resulting in about 200 deaths, a troubling trend that underscores the urgent need for proper education and change.

Paul Collins, Technical Director at NICEIC said:- "With the accessibility of online tutorials at the touch of a button, it's unsurprising that so many UK homeowners are willing to get stuck in and 'have a go' when it comes to DIY. However, nothing can replace the rigorous training and experience that certified businesses undergo. A botched electrical job attempted at home can easily lead to hefty costs and further underlying issues that may not become noticeable until it's too late, putting UK homes and families in danger. Our stance is not to discourage individuals from learning and engaging with technology but rather to stress the importance of knowing one's limits. Electrical work demands a deep understanding of the electrical installation and safety protocols that cannot be fully grasped through online videos. Ask yourself:- 'If I have to Google this, should I really be doing it?'. If in any doubt, leave it to the professionals and use a certified electrical business such as those certified by NICEIC; it could not only save you a lot of time and money in the long run, but could also avoid a serious electrical accident impacting you and your loved ones. Our online educational campaign around home electrics will raise awareness about the risks associated with DIY electrics and aims to influence homeowners' behaviour at critical moments."

To learn more about the campaign and watch the videos, visit:-  NICEIC.Com/DontCiy.

Gas Safety Concerns Emerge as UK Households Make Compromises

INSIGHTS emerging from a recent study conducted by the Gas Safe Register underscore a disconcerting trend which reveals that almost 31% of UK homeowners are poised to forego their annual gas safety checks this year, all in a bid to alleviate the strain on their household finances. This worrisome development has prompted Alpha, heating expert and leading manufacturer, to advocate for a nationwide call on maintaining and ensuring gas safety in UK homes.

Jonathan Kidner, product engineer at Alpha, comments:- "The revelations from the Gas Safe Register's data are concerning, highlighting the far reaching implications of the cost of living crisis. Gas safety assessments within homes serve as a protection against potential catastrophes like gas leaks, explosions, house fires and the threat of carbon monoxide poisoning."

While it was encouraging that 77% of homeowners displayed a sound understanding of the critical benefits which come from regular servicing and upkeep, particularly in terms of enhanced performance and cost efficiency, there is apprehension over the glaring gap between awareness and tangible action.

Alpha maintains that homeowners should take a pivotal stride by enlisting the services of a Gas Safe Registered engineer to conduct comprehensive assessments on all gas powered appliances, with an annual boiler servicing topping the list of priorities. This approach not only ensures the sustained peak efficiency of boilers, but also uncovers hidden malfunctions, thereby upholding warranties and insurance coverage. A practical aid in this endeavour is the Gas Safe Register's Stay Gas Safe website, which empowers homeowners to set timely reminders for boiler servicing.

Jonathan continues:- "Despite being among the most frequently utilised appliances in a household, boilers often draw reluctance when it comes to perceived maintenance expenses; our own survey data from recent years corroborated this sentiment among 54% of respondents. Experts at Which? suggest that the average expense for a boiler service barely touches £80, a minor outlay when juxtaposed with the potential cost of rectifying or replacing commonplace faulty components, an expenditure which can reach upwards of £200."

To bolster gas safety, homeowners are encouraged to take these additional measures:-

  • Conduct visual inspections to flag warning signs on potentially unsafe appliances, such as:- lazy yellow flames replacing vibrant blue ones; pilot lights prone to extinguishing; excessive window condensation; and irregular dark markings or staining on and around gas devices.

  • Test and replace smoke alarm batteries routinely.

  • Install a carbon monoxide alarm and get acquainted with the 6 key symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Jonathan concludes:- "Some important points might seem obvious or repeated, but the Gas Safe Register's findings clearly highlight the need to reiterate them. Only 1 in 3 homeowners claim to know that not having regular gas safety checks can lead to house fires, and less than half understand the signs of carbon monoxide poisoning. We need to keep talking about this until everyone becomes vigilant. We understand that people are tightening their purse strings; but scrimping when it comes to gas safety could lead to life altering serious consequences."

If you can already smell gas and/or think there could be a leak, you should call the National Gas Emergency Service immediately on:- 0800111999 . This number can be called for FREE at any time of the day or night.

You will also find gas safety advice online at:- NationalGas.Com and CadentGas.Com. If you need local emergency, travel or council contact information,

our link might help you.
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