What is The Botanic Gardens Community Association?
ON Thursday, 21 September 2023, we had the pleasure of meeting some of the Friends of the Botanic Gardens, otherwise known as the Botanic Gardens Community Association.
If you have never visited this local attraction, it is just a few minutes out of Southport's Town Center, within the historic and picture postcard Churchtown is the gorgeous Southport's Botanic Gardens.
The gardens are ranked among the UK's top parks and green spaces, but the park's outstanding looks are only thanks to a secret army of volunteers who keep this suburban village Park looking amazing all year round.
The Victorian gardens were originally opened in 1874 and quickly became a must-see tourist destination for people visiting the then-fast-growing Seaside Town of Southport.
Today, some of the attractions remain, like their floral colourful displays, and band stands with music playing over the summer. That is not forgetting the many winding paths through the park, that go around the garden’s lake. The park also has Bowling Greens, a Victorian Fernery, a Cafe, and children's play areas to name just a few parts of this open year-round attraction.
The lake in both Summer and Autumn
Unlike the more publicized Park, Victoria Park, this is one of the area's 3 park gems, yet it continues to attract tourists from all over the UK.
Currently, the Park also plays host to many amazing events, offering school activities to hosting Summer Fetes and Christmas Fairs. It even has been known to host ghost walks and bat talks! But even when the events are taking place the park offers many peaceful, spots to get away from the world around.
The park also has Green Flag status and the attraction's many flower beds are now maintained and entered into Britain In Bloom each year by the Botanic Gardens Community Association of volunteers.
This small but highly effective group of volunteers has been doing an amazing job of keeping the Park looking amazing for many years now. They also help run the park's amazing Fernery, and its Aviaries, as well as working alongside other groups within the area to keep this an amazing tourist attraction. But they can only do this with local community help. We popped over to hear all about what they do and why they require more volunteers...
This interview also provides some very interesting information about the possible future plans of the Park, should the Park get extra funding.
Without these amazing men and women, we would not have this outstanding green flag park!
useful links:-
You can find out more about this community action group online at:-
Also by logging onto the group's Facebook
Page , as well as Check out the group's Fernery Facebook:-
We think it is worth wanting this BBC program that followed this
Gold winning Britan in Bloom team on:-
For more historical information we suggest you look at:-
Wikipedia.Org. You can also discover more on the Sefton
Council's Tourism
For updates about the Aviaries, visit the groups Facebook
as well as this a report published within Sefton Councils website:-
Did you know?
The distance between Liverpool and Southport Botanic Gardens is 18
to 20 miles? Also, did you know that the original turn-style gates
to the park are now located at Southport Football Club's grounds on
Haig Avenue, in Southport?
Churchtown Primary School celebrates glowing new Ofsted report
PUPILS and staff from Churchtown
Primary School, part of the Endeavour Learning Trust, are excited to be starting
the new academic year celebrating their latest Ofsted report.
The Southport primary School has maintained its:- 'Good' Ofsted
rating from 2017, and has achieved an:- 'Outstanding' rating for its
pupils' behaviour and attitudes.
Inspectors highlighted that staff have high expectations of all pupils,
including:- pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
They remarked that pupils live up to these expectations and:- "develop
into well rounded citizens and achieve highly."
The report drew attention to pupils learning about the importance of being:-
"active citizens in their community" and caring for the planet,
recognising their initiative to organise a local beach clean up. It praised
leaders for establishing strong links with the local community and noted that
these links:- "help to enhance further opportunities for pupils' wider
The report was overwhelmingly positive, and key highlights include:-
The quality of education: Leaders were credited for creating an:- "ambitious and meaningful" curriculum.
SEND provision:- Staff have extensive training providing support for pupils with SEND, swiftly identifying individual needs to give them:- "the same access to the curriculum as their peers."
Reading is prioritised: Children in the early years:- "develop a love of reading from the outset" and older pupils demonstrate a:- "wealth of knowledge in relation to their favourite authors and the types of books that they like to read."
Pupils' behaviour is:- "exceptional": Inspectors noted how polite and courteous pupils were and how maturely they conducted themselves.
Extra curricular experiences:- All pupils, including:- pupils with SEND, are offered a wide range of activities and clubs, including:- chess, drama, choir, dance and boccia.
Jinnie Payne, Churchtown
Primary HeadTeacher, said:- "I'm extremely proud to lead this
fabulous School and the wonderful remarks in the report reflect how
tirelessly our staff work to provide an exciting and fulfilling
education for each and every child. To the children I would say a
huge thank you for always being the very best Churchtown ambassadors
and upstanding members of your community."
David Clayton, the newly appointed Chief Executive of Endeavour
Learning Trust, said:- "What a wonderful start to the School
year. It's fantastic to see Churchtown Primary School continuing to
uphold such high standards. Well done to all staff, pupils, parents
and carers for the roles that you have played and I look forward to
supporting your future success to ensure every child fulfills their
true potential.".