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Britain's households set to save:- £4.15bn in energy costs as price cap cut from Sunday

WITH the energy price cap set to fall again during the final 3 months of this year, research from Fair Fix, the boiler engineer experts, has revealed that the nation's households will benefit from an estimated saving of almost:- £4.15bn on their energy bills.

Ofgem, the body that regulates energy supplies across Britain, will be further reducing the energy price cap as of this Sunday, 1 October 2023, meaning that many households will see a reduction in cost of their energy bills during the final quarter of 2023 and in the run up to Christmas.

The energy price cap limits the maximum amount energy suppliers can charge you for each unit of energy used. At the start of this year, the price cap sat at:- £4,279 per household, falling to:- £3,280 during the second quarter of the year.

However, during b0 quarters the Government's Energy Price Guarantee was also set at:- £2,500 to ensure struggling households were protected from sky high energy bills. As a result, the total energy bill paid by Britain's 27.5m households was an estimated:- £68.7bn in b0 the 1st and second quarters of the year.

Between July and September, the energy price cap fell again to:- £2,074 per household, while the Government's Energy Price Guarantee increased to:- £3,000. This means that the total paid by the nation fell by over:- £11.7bn in Q3 to a total of:- £57.0bn.

From this Sunday the energy price cap is set to reduce further, this time to:- £1,923, a -7.3% drop versus the previous quarter and more than halving (-55.1%) when compared to the 1st quarter of the year.

As a result, Fair Fix estimates that the total to be paid by the nation's households for their energy will be an estimated:- £52.8bn during the final quarter of this year. That's a reduction of:- £4.15bn when compared to the previous 3 months and:- £15.8bn less when compared to the 1st quarter of the year.

Founder of Fair Fix, Tyrone Ekrem, commented:- "Households across the nation will be breathing a sigh of relief as their energy bills are set to reduce again from this weekend, with the price cap now considerably lower than it was at the start of the year even without the additional help of the Government's Energy Price Guarantee being needed. Of course, as we head towards Christmas and the darker, colder months, the likelihood is that we will be more reliant on our energy supply and so it still pays to be mindful about how and when you heat your home or use electricity. There are steps you can take to help minimise your energy outgoings even further. While insulating your home or installing double glazing are the more costly options, you can also look to block draft spaces, switch to more energy efficient light bulbs, upgrade to more energy efficient appliances and avoid leaving electrical appliances plugged in and on standby when not in use. At the very least, consider getting your boiler serviced as this will help the heart of your home run as efficiently as possible. It's estimated that heating our homes accounts for around 55% of our energy bill, so a well maintained boiler is essential when it comes to keeping costs down."

The UK's Back Pain Hot Spot is the North West

BACK pain is an issue sweeping the North West, as a surging number report suffering with aches and pains, in a recent report from the British Chiropractic Association (BCA).

As part of this year's Back Care Awareness Week; that runs from:- 3 October to 7 October 2023; the British Chiropractic Association (BCA) is empowering people to look after their backs and joints through simple lifestyle changes, after finding that 80% of people from the North West are struggling with back pain on a daily basis.

As NHS strikes and GP waiting times continue to rise, the BCA has found that 51% of people from the North West that are suffering from joint and back pain admit they avoid seeing their GP.

Instead, the North West is investing its efforts into preventative care, with 63% are using exercise to manage their back and joint pain, the research found.

The study also found that in the North West:-

· 35% of people have had to take up to 5 months off work due to their back and joint pains

· A whopping 60% of people have lived with bone and joint pain for longer than 12 months

· 30% haven't seen a GP to treat their bone and joint pain as they struggled to get an appointment

Chiropractor and President of the BCA, Catherine Quinn, shares her simple and quick tips to help manage your aches and pains:-

1. Take a stand - Inactivity is a leading cause of back pain. If you spend most of your day sitting down, make sure that you take regular breaks, ideally every:- 20 to 30 minutes. Stand up, change position and walk around a little.

2. Stretch it out - If you struggle to get away from your seat at work, simple activities such as stretching, shoulder shrugging or even fidgeting in your seat can help to keep your back in line.

3. Get active - Exercise is key to a healthy back. This doesn't mean that you need to embark on any extreme fitness regimes. Adding just a few extra minutes of walking a day can hugely benefit your back health.

4. Check your workspace: If your job primarily involves sitting at a desk and staring at a computer for hours at a time, make sure your workspace is set up to support a comfortable position. This is different for everyone, so if you don't feel comfortable in your current set up, try altering the height of your chair or screen.

5. Straighten Up! Try incorporating some simple exercises into your daily routine. The BCA has developed a series of simple exercises designed to improve your posture and prevent back pain by promoting balance strength and flexibility in the spine.

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