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Southport Rugby Club Firework Extravaganza 2023

SOUTHPORT Rugby Club held it's annual spectacular Firework Extravaganza at the clubs home ground, on Waterloo Road, Hillside, drawing quite a crowd, despite the rain at the very start of the night.  Thankfully, the very heavy rain didn't last that long and it was surprisingly near perfect conditions when the fireworks went off.  This event was yet again very well managed, with around 2,000 people attending. Despite the larger numbers than in the previous year, and more stalls taking up room, it was not too crowded.

On offer before and after the display was a good range of stalls, outside, selling Sweet, another selling fancy hair decorations, a stall selling pizza, BBQ, a Bar and inside was another Bar and the Club's Kitchen. Not only that but the event also had a Bouncy Castle, along with live music provided by the event's host Mighty Radio.

The club told us:- "We are very grateful to our event sponsor Anthony James Estate Agents and to Mighty Radio for their presence and support. We are also extremely grateful to everyone who made this event possible by putting in a huge number of hours with behind the scenes to make the event perfect. After hearing some of the feedback we delighted to see so many saying our event was amazing, This makes it all worthwhile, as well as the massively supported by our local community. Thanks again, and keep an eye on our website:- SouthportRFC.Com to see what other things we have planned."


Many said that the atmosphere was fantastic, and extremely family friendly. From what we heard and seen, this was probably the clubs best Firework event to date... Well done to all who took part in making this annual event a reality yet again.


We have lots more photos from this event on the next 2 pages within this edition.  Please do let us know your thoughts on this event by emailing our Newsroom at:- News24@SouthportReporter.Com or send us a message on:- Mastodon, Facebook, or Twitter as we would like to know them.





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