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North West Air Ambulance Charity Awarded Investing in Volunteers Accreditation

THE North West Air Ambulance Charity has been awarded the Investing in Volunteers quality standard. The accreditation shows that the North West based charity values volunteers, demonstrating a commitment to volunteering from within the organisation.

The North West Air Ambulance Charity has over 500 volunteers spanning the whole of the North West. Their dedication, time and skills are integral to the charity so it can continue its lifesaving work.

The Investing in Volunteers accreditation is the UK quality standard for good practice in volunteer management. After 5 days of intensive external assessments by the Investing in Volunteers' assessors, the charity received the good news.

Steve Bray, Merseyside Volunteer, said:- "I really enjoy volunteering with North West Air Ambulance Charity at the Old Swan shop. There's great comradery between staff, volunteers, and customers. I feel like I have a voice at the shop, the staff listen to my ideas. It feels like 1 big team, everyone is equal and valued, and the staff know the power of a:- 'thank you' to their volunteers. For anyone else looking to volunteer, I'd recommend the charity and especially their Old Swan store. You can have a laugh and joke (dancing and air guitar optional!), meet new people, all whilst knowing you're making a worthwhile difference for a fantastic cause that needs all the help and awareness it can get."

Since the beginning of the year, the North West Air Ambulance Charity has been called to over 329 incidents across Merseyside. The charity is solely funded by public donations, with volunteers helping to raise the vital funds needed to keep the charity saving lives.

Helen Doward, Head of Volunteering, said:- "Everyone at the charity is delighted with the Investing in Volunteers achievement, it really is a reflection of how much we value our volunteers and the incredible impact they make. We are proud to offer an exceptional volunteer experience and invite people across the North West to come and join our lifesaving team."

The North West Air Ambulance Charity is looking for volunteers to join its team in its Old Swan and Heswall retail shops. To learn more about their lifesaving work or to explore volunteering opportunities, head to:- NWAirAmbulance.Org.UK.

Solar Together initiative extends registration, allowing more Liverpool City Region homes to generate their own energy with solar panels

DUE to overwhelming demand, residents in the Liverpool City Region now have more time to register for the popular Solar Together scheme. Registration is set to close on:- 17 November 2023, so residents must act now to take advantage of this opportunity.

To date, over 2,000 enthusiastic individuals, keen to understand how solar PV could work for them, have registered. The scheme not only helps residents shift to sustainable energy but also offers significant cost savings on solar PV and battery storage systems.

The second Solar Together Liverpool City Region scheme, which is open for registration now, is a partnership between the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority, the area's 6 local Council s, and iChoosr. The offer to residents is an average saving against market pricing of over 20% on a standard 14 panel solar setup. The scheme leverages group buying power, ensuring not only reduced costs but also a hassle free, safe, and streamlined experience for those keen to adopt renewable energy.

According to the Energy Saving Trust, installing solar PV can significantly reduce a household's carbon footprint by approximately 1 tonne per year for an average UK home. This not only benefits the household but also contributes to Liverpool City Region's commendable goal of achieving net-zero carbon by 2040.

Each solar panel installed plays a crucial role in creating a greener and healthier future for everyone in the Region. As per estimates from last year's scheme, over the next 25 years, the installed panels are expected to help reduce over 10,000 tonnes of carbon emissions, making a significant contribution to a sustainable future.

Homeowners can register for free, until 17 November 2023, to receive a personalised solar offer without any obligation, making it a convenient option to explore renewable energy options. The extension of the scheme will allow even more residents and businesses to take advantage of the group's buying power and save money on their energy bills.

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