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UKHSA campaign urges North West residents to get Flu and COVID19 Vaccines

THE UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), Department of Health and Social Care and NHS England are urging those eligible who've not yet come forward for the Flu and COVID19 Vaccines to:- 'get winter strong' and join the millions of others in taking up the offer ahead of the festive and new year season when Flu and COVID19 are expected to peak.

In the North West 1.4 million people have had the Flu Vaccine so far, with 1.1 million taking up the COVID19 Booster, but millions more in vulnerable groups remain at risk.

As part of a drive to encourage those eligible but still unvaccinated to come forward, TV Doctor and former Gladiator Dr Zoe Williams is fronting a major new national marketing campaign, was launched on 1 November 2023.

Adverts encouraging people to:- 'get winter strong'; with gladiatorial creatives and copy; will appear on TV on demand, radio and billboards, with further content across social media and in newspapers throughout the campaign, which runs from 1 November to mid-December.

For the Flu and COVID19 Vaccines, the campaign targets pregnant women, and those with ongoing health conditions, as these groups have more recently had lower Vaccine uptake despite being at higher risk. The campaign also aims to engage parents of children aged:- 2 and 3 (on the 31 August 2023) to get their children vaccinated against flu.

Dr Merav Kliner, Regional Deputy Director, UKHSA North West, said:- "As we head into winter and the weather turns colder, respiratory viruses spread more easily. For those most vulnerable both Flu and COVID19 can cause severe illness, often Hospitalisation and the Vaccines provide the best possible protection. It's essential you protect yourself by booking your jab. If you are eligible, please come forward as soon as possible to make sure you have the best protection against these viruses."

GP and TV Doctor, Dr Zoe Williams said:- "Getting the Flu and COVID19 Vaccines can help prepare your immune system, helping to make you winter strong and better able to fight off these illnesses if they come your way. If you are eligible it's because you are at higher risk of severe illness, so now is the time to get protected before winter arrives. Pregnant women and those with chronic health conditions are particularly at risk from Flu and COVID19 and young children aged 2 and 3 from flu. My 2 year old recently had their Flu nasal spray vaccination. It was quick and painless, and I'd strongly encourage other parents to take up the offer. Nobody wants to see their child getting unwell with what can be a nasty illness especially with the winter festivities ahead."

People can learn more about the Vaccines and how to book them on:- NHS.UK.

New homes set to make:- "enormous difference" to Ainsdale community

WORK starts on 130 home scheme, in Ainsdale, Southport, to transform a disused site into affordable and extra care housing.

The Riverside Group and Sefton Council have laid the foundations for redeveloping a disused site off Sandbrook Road, in Ainsdale, to provide more affordable housing in the borough.

Having purchased the unused site from Sefton Council, Riverside will transform the area by developing 40 new affordable and energy efficient homes available for rent and shared ownership, alongside a 90 extra care apartment scheme.

Such schemes are often offered as an alternative to residential homes to support residents to remain independent in their own home, through providing 24/7 onsite care.

Also included in the plans is the creation of an 8 unit short term accommodation assessment facility for individuals who are neurodiverse and may have a learning disability. The facility, which will be operated by Sefton Council, will give those with more complex needs and their families and carers time to develop a long term housing and support plan.

The new centre has been designed by Riverside alongside the Sandbrook Co-production Group, who helped shape ideas through utilising their lived experience of autism and learning disabilities.

The group, set up by Sefton Council and People 1st Merseyside, meet frequently to discuss the various aspects of the centre such as internal furnishings, sensory room design and outdoor spaces, to best suit the needs of those who stay there.

Riverside will develop the approved proposals in partnership with Sefton Council .

Nick Jones, Director of Development and Growth at Riverside, said:- "We're pleased to be investing £33million into this development behind Sandbrook Road, which we feel will have something for everyone. At Riverside, we work to transform communities and create opportunities for our customers to thrive. We pride ourselves in being 1 of the country's largest providers of housing and care services, and this scheme will enable us to provide an inclusive community that not only supports local people to step onto the property ladder through a choice of quality homes to buy or rent, but offers individuals options to continue living independently. We look forward to transforming this space and want to thank Sefton Council and Homes England for their support."

Cllr Trish Hardy, Sefton Council 's Cabinet Member for Communities and Housing said:- "The redevelopment of the site at Sandbrook Road will create much-needed new affordable and supported housing in a diverse community that benefits local residents. Extra Care housing offers a supportive environment that promotes independence and security for people who need additional help, while the short-term accommodation will provide a lifeline for those facing transitional challenges."

Cllr Paul Cummins, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care added:- "The short term accommodation and the new Extra Care facilities will be a vital addition to social care in Sefton. The introduction of these facilities will provide residents with more choice and independence when it comes to their care and wellbeing as well as ensuring their care package best meets their requirements. The proposed short-term service has been designed in partnership with people who have lived experience of autism and learning disabilities and has been incredibly well thought-out. I have no doubt that when it opens, it will make an enormous difference to those who need that extra support."

Deborah Butcher the Executive Director of Adult Social Care and Cheshire and Merseyside NHS Place Director said:- "We are excited to be working with Riverside and all of our housing partners on our Extra Care Strategy. This is the start of the journey to deliver more housing with care options for our Sefton residents as an alternative to residential care in the borough."

Riverside is delivering the development as part of its Strategic Partnership with Homes England, the Government's housing and regeneration agency.

Work is due to begin in November, with the new homes and schemes set to be completed by 2026.

The Sandbrook Co-production Group meets on a regular basis, and anyone interested in attending can find out more on the Sefton Council website.

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