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Formby Christmas Lights Switch On 2023
Report by Rowan Harrison - Photos by Patrick Trollope...

FORMBY Parish Council held its Christmas Light Switch On on:- Thursday, 23 November 2023,  within the Village Centre, on Elbow Lane. This year Christmas Spirit was already being displayed within the village, as many of Formby's shopkeepers who have given great support to this event, joining in by decorating their windows and adding to the atmosphere.

Earlier light rain had failed to dampen enthusiasm, and had ceased long before the main events. The crowds enjoyed performances from children from local schools and organisations, with incredible support from the crowd. This year, dancing on the main stage where members of:- Formby School of Dancing and  Performing Arts, and Miss A's Dance School. Also performing with many well known Christmas songs and carols were:- Freshfield Primary, Make Noise Kids, and St Luke's Primary School.

Sadly, the event did not have as many traders attending as it has had in other years, but it did have a far bigger selection of fairground rides.

As the Switch on approached, the crowd got bigger and bigger, as they enthusiastically waited to join in the count down, with the lights being turned on by Santa and 3 members of Formby School of Dance.

Shortly afterwards further entertainment was presented by the adult choir of Make Noise as the crowd continued to enjoy the lights, the food, and children's rides.

You can see more photographs from this event on the next 3 pages within this edition.

If you missed this event do not forget that the Formby Christmas Festival takes place on:- 2 November 2023, and the Formby Village Nativity will be held on:- Saturday, 8 December 2023.

Please do let us know your thoughts on this years event by emailing our Newsroom at:- News24@SouthportReporter.Com or send us a message on:- Mastodon, Facebook, or Twitter.





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