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Control your speed to save lives this season

REDUCE your speed to save lives, that's the message from The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) as we head into some of the darkest months of the year.

The most recent Department for Transport (DfT) data revealed that in 2022, there were around 40,000 people injured on our roads during hours of darkness. This included:- 8,780 people who were seriously injured, and 737 who sadly died.

Rebecca Guy, Road Safety Manager, said:- "This time of year sees a worrying combination of darker skies and poor weather conditions, which can pose unique risks to motorists and pedestrians and cyclists; these risks are amplified if someone is speeding. Higher speeds mean that drivers have less time to identify and react to what is happening around them, and it takes longer for the vehicle to stop, removes the driver's safety margin and turns near misses into collisions. Driving at 30mph, vehicles are travelling at around 3 car lengths a second; 1 blink and the driver may fail to see the early warning brake lights; a short glance away and the movement of a child behind a parked car could be missed. With that in mind, and the poor visibility this season poses, it's clear to see the tragic consequences speeding could have."

RoSPA advises the following when driving in darker periods of the day:- Be prepared: As the UK experiences shorter days and longer nights, it is crucial for motorists to adjust their driving habits. The decreased visibility during early mornings and evenings demands heightened caution. RoSPA urges drivers to use dipped headlights, ensure clean windshields, and to be extra cautious when navigating poorly lit roads.

Control your speed:- Darkness amplifies the risks associated with speeding. The lack of visibility, compounded by higher speeds, can lead to devastating collisions. The DfT Reports that in 2022, exceeding the speed limit was deemed a contributory factor for 19% of all fatal collisions. In 9% of fatal collisions, driving too fast for the conditions was deemed a contributory factor. RoSPA emphasises that adhering to speed limits and driving to the conditions is paramount, especially when daylight hours are limited.

Rebecca Guy continues:- "If you must travel in the dark, I suggest leaving ample time for the journey, ensuring you can travel within the speed limit, and maintain a safe distance behind other road users. As we age, our ability to adapt to changing light reduces, which impacts how we see colours and contrasts in low light conditions. It also takes longer for the eyes to recover from glare; from:- 1 second, at age 15, to 9 seconds, at 65."

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Merseyside PCC statement after 4 men found guilty of murdering Ashley Dale

FOLLOWING the news that 4 men have been found guilty of the murder of Ashley Dale, in Old Swan, in 2022, Merseyside's Police Commissioner has released the following statement.

Emily Spurrell said:- "I cannot begin to imagine the pain, suffering and loss Ashley Dale's loved ones have experienced since her shocking murder in August 2022. No family should have to face the devastating heartache they have had to endure in the past 15 months. Ashley was just 28 years old. She was a beautiful young woman with the rest of her life ahead of her. She was at home that night, in a place she was meant to feel safe. She was making a positive contribution to our Region in her role as an environmental health officer at Knowsley Council and she'd just successfully achieved a promotion. Heartbreakingly, she never got the chance to begin her new job as her life was cut short in the most brutal and merciless way. No justice will ever bring Ashley back to her family. Being present in court over the last 7 weeks, witnessing the heartless attempts of those 4 cowards to cover-up their involvement in Ashley's murder while being forced to relive the events of that tragic night, must only have compounded their unthinkable suffering. Thankfully, the jury saw through those lies and while today's guilty verdict will not end their grief and loss, I hope it will bring them some small comfort that the 4 individuals responsible will be spending many years behind bars for their appalling crimes. I would like to pay tribute to the investigation team at Merseyside Police, and the Police officers and staff who supported them, for their commitment and determination to solving this case. In the hours and days following this horrendous incident, right up to today's guilty verdict, they have been relentless in their pursuit of justice to make sure those responsible are made to for their actions. I'm also very grateful to a number of other forces who provided support. I'd also like to thank the people of Old Swan and the brave witnesses who through immense courage came forward with vital information to ensure these callous individuals are no longer able to spread toxicity and fear within our communities. Ashley's senseless murder was the second of 3 fatal shootings in what was a very dark week for our City, showing that there is a still a shameful minority who occupy the gutters of our society and who are prepared to use guns with no care for the harm they inflict on others. To break into an innocent young woman's house and fire a powerful submachine pistol is deplorable and yet these men have shown not a single shred of remorse. There is no place for firearms in our Region. The Police are relentless in their approach to tackling heartless criminals. Last year our Region saw the number of gun crime incidents reduce by almost a third but even 1 firearm incident is 1 too many. I am determined to do everything I can to support the force as they continue to pursue those organised crime groups who attempt to spread fear and intimidation in communities in which they operate. The ongoing support of our communities is also vital in making it clear these disgusting, callous individuals will not be tolerated in our proud Region. I would urge anybody, if you know where weapons are being kept or suspect who is using them then please, do the right thing and speak out. By doing so, you could play a vital role in protecting the lives of innocent people and preventing further traged:-ies. Together, we can stop those intent on causing violence and harm and make all our communities stronger and safer places to live, work and play for all. If you have any information, you can call Crimestoppers anonymously on:- 0800555111, no 1 will know that you have made that call."

From left to right - barry, zeisz, witham and peers.

If you have been affected by this case and want to speak to someone or access support, you can contact my Victim Care Merseyside service on:- 08081753080, or visit:- VictimCareMerseyside.Org.

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