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A Superlambanana lands at Bobby's Wood

ON Monday, 27 November 2023, amid the increasingly Christmassy activities, we attended a less usual event. This took place at Bobby's Wood, Maghull, and was the unveiling of an art installation, another version  of Liverpool's well known Superlambanana. This one was a treasured family possession, that was sold to Friends of Maghull and District (FOMD) by Lisa Williams-Equizi, It has been refurbished by Mark (Auto Body Repair Shop) who took up the challenge. Then beautifully enhanced by Maghull High School Pupil, Artist, Amy Burns. It is now sporting a pretty floral wrap, in keeping with its new environment.

This now stands at the South Corner of Bobby's Wood, itself significant;  much work has gone into transforming this bit of land. In many places this small parcel of land may have remained a rather dull and un inspiring patch of waste land, or built upon. Here the local Town Council and it's staff have joined up with local businesses, and  community supporters, like the Rotary Club, represented at this event by Bruce Hubbard, Mike Jones and, of course, Santa. But above all the very enthusiastic volunteers from FOMD. These people are a shining example for all of us as to what can happen when local people rise to the challenge by actively engaging with the environment, to the benefit of all.


This aim was alluded to by Doctor Frank Sharp, Chairman of FOMD, in his address which followed the spirited welcome and introductions by the Mayor of Maghull, Councillor Ken Hughes. Dr. Sharp mentioned a various of work carried out under the auspices of FOMD, including The Wood End Community Woodland Project, involving Bobby's Wood and how they had:- "galvanised the community" to fund raise funds and act for the betterment of the area.  He referred in his speech to the:- "special magic" involved in such activities. He also quoted the Author, Roald Dahl:- "And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you, in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe on magic will never find it." Dr. Sharp also thanked significant others who were represented at the event and others previously mentioned, Aldi's Real Estate Representative, Bryn Richards, MV Kelly Civil Engendering Contractors Manager, Aidan Delaney, Anwyl Homes'  Mr Andrew Morgan, for time and materials for the nature area.  Councillor Marion Atkinson, local Sefton Councillor and Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Skills, for her expertise.

Special mention was made of the work of Matthew Locke, a young, enthusiastic Councillor who had contributed hugely to the local community and this project, but who tragically died very recently. He was bravely represented by his parents Christine and Richard Locke, who must rightly be proud of his achievements.

Pop star Asa Murphy and Poet Ken Harrison, who have both fundraised and composed a poem for it.

Also present on this damp and chilly day were local children from:- Maghull High School, Hudson Primary School, and St George's Primary School. These Schools have been very busy in various ways, including:- fundraising and tree planting. Under the direction of it's Art Department, led by Mrs Hanneh Ebboral, Maghull High School has contributed, not only Amy Burns' painting, but also  bottle top mosaics and other items around Bobby's Wood.


Bumbles Nursery children, who had previously undertaken a litter pick of the area, withstood the weather, and behaved admirably, as they awaited the unveiling. Their premises abut Bobby's Wood and no doubt they stand to enjoy, 1st hand, all that this area of land has to offer, with it's Bug Hotel, hidden models, and creatures, throne chairs and picnic area, and lots more to explore; we hope they enjoy it.

Besides the attendant children, little faces watched the proceedings from the overlooking window, at Bumbles Nursery, with lots of hand waving to and fro Santa, who had already presented each of the children attending with a box of chocolates, provided from a stash kindly donated to FOMD.

Plaques have been added to the rockery adjoining the new installation, marking all the day's events, and the recording of acts of kindness and community spirit will be on going.

All together an inspiring effort. If you find yourself in the area, on the corner of the A59, Northway, and Liverpool Road, at the South end of Maghull, near Aldi, please do pop in and explore it. It is a positive experience, and if possible help with their future projects.

More photos from this event can be found on the next page within this edition.




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