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New signage highlighting new enforcement cameras in Liverpool

THE 2nd phase of enforcement cameras designed to curb moving traffic contraventions went live in Liverpool on:- Monday, 29 January.

Liverpool City Council has been installing Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras at a number of locations as part of new enforcement powers to help reduce congestion, improve air quality and road safety, and encourage sustainable travel.

The new powers, as set out in Part 6 of the Traffic Management Act (2004), allow local authorities to penalise poor driving habits which previously could only be enforced by the police, under criminal law.

Liverpool City Council, which received these powers from the Department of Transport (DfT), is using the cameras to reinforce the work it is currently doing to tackle unlawful and dangerous driving behaviour.

Enforcement cameras went live in November 2023, on:- Lime Street and Ranelagh Place, both roads in the City Centre, with warning notices issued for 1st time offenders. More than 8,500 notices have been issued in that period.

As of this week, £70 fines will be issued for repeat offenders caught ignoring traffic instructions on Lime Street.

In addition, a second tranche of cameras have gone live today at a further 4 locations, although fines will not be immediately issued in line with DfT guidelines. A 6 month grace period will be observed so 1st time offenders will receive a warning notice of the restrictions after which repeat offenders will receive a fine.

The new locations area at:-

  • St Annes Street, outside the Fire Station, looking at the yellow box junction.

  • Whitechapel, at Crosshall Street, looking at the yellow box junction.

2 'School streets' (for Greenbank Primary School and Much Woolton Primary School) will also see APNR cameras at:-

  • Arlington Avenue / Greenbank Road.

  • Arlington Avenue / Nicander Road.

  • Watergate Way at Priorsfield Way.

  • A camera is also in place at Watergate Lane, at Woodrock Road, and is set to go live in early February 2024.

These:- 'School streets' are pedestrian and cycle zones which operate:- Monday to Friday, 8.30 to 9.00am, and 2.30 to 3.40pm, and do not allow vehicle access, with exceptions including:- those with blue badges, those loading, or those who are valid permit holders.

A camera is also in place at Lime Street between:- Skelhorne Street and St George's Place, to enforce the bus only route. These cameras are set to go live in February 2024.

An ANPR camera is also in place on Ranelagh Street to enforce the bus gate regulations there.

The new ANPR cameras will further complement changes to key parts of the City's highways network such as the upgrade of:- The Strand and Lime Street, and the increasing number of cycle lanes being introduced across the City.

Examples of the type of moving traffic offences that can be enforced under the new powers include:-

  • Undertaking banned turns.

  • Driving through a:- 'No Entry' sign.

  • Driving in a route permitted for buses and taxis only.

  • Driving through a School street, pedestrian and cycle zone.

  • Entering a yellow box junction when the exit is not clear.

Councillor Dan Barrington, Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate Change, said:- "Road Safety is of paramount importance to the Council. These new powers to enforce moving traffic contraventions are a key part of a wider programme to improve road safety across the City. These new APNR cameras will enable us to enforce the Highway Code and improve behaviours at key junctions, in both the City Centre and near to our Schools. Our overall aim is to educate people to be more patient behind the wheel, and ideally encourage people to think twice about using the car at all. Most car journeys in the City are under 5km, many of which could be done by alternative methods. That's why as a Council we're supporting moves to improve public transport and why we're investing millions of pounds in active travel infrastructure to make it easier and safer to walk and cycle more often."

A community approach can chart the path to cleaner air

BETTER community engagement can encourage more people to use modes of "active transport" such as:- walking and cycling; all can reduce air pollution in high risk areas, a University of Manchester expert has argued.

In an article published by Policy@Manchester, Professor Sheena Cruickshank highlights that outdoor air pollution contributes to 4.2 million global deaths every year. She continues:- "Greater Manchester (GM) has among the worst levels of pollution in the UK. It has been estimated that poor air quality contributes to around 1,200 premature deaths each year in the City Region."

Professor Cruickshank describes:- "vehicular transport" as "a major contributor to pollution" and points out that plans to improve pavements and implement cycle lane networks are underway in several GM boroughs. But she adds:- "The network does not include all parts of GM and notably some areas remain pollution hot spots."

1 such place is Ardwick, a central area of Manchester bordered by busy major roads, on which she has led ongoing academic research with Ardwick Climate Action. Professor Cruickshank explains:-  "Analysis of pollution levels near several GM Schools including the primary School in Ardwick reveal high levels of pollution. In consultation workshops, Ardwick residents expressed concerns about high levels of pollution, and safety of pathways, pavements and traffic crossings, stating all contributed to a reduction in physical activity and use of active transport."

Building on a previous Ardwick study, the team has been exploring the barriers to active travel and developing solutions to encourage walking in the area including the establishment of a local programme to renew green spaces and create small planted havens.

Professor Cruickshank writes:- "By partnering with the community, the project has been able to highlight particular areas that may require safety interventions and should enable targeted action which, in times where there are budgetary constraints, is all the more important. Notably, planted areas were linked to lower pollution."

And she argues that enhancing infrastructure for active travel:- "enables safe travel, not just for the community in Ardwick, but has positive effects for neighbouring communities who may want to take active travel via Ardwick. This approach highlights that by taking a local community centred approach to policy interventions, you can deliver real improvements to active travel take up."

Based on the research, the University of Manchester academic advances 3 policy recommendations.

1st, she argues that policymakers should adopt a:- "place based participatory research geared towards the needs of local communities to tackle air pollution levels."

2nd, she urges organisations such as Transport for Greater Manchester to strengthen links with neighbourhoods and community groups to ensure that:- "transport options and infrastructure work for each community and connect communities and areas in a way that allows residents and commuters to use active travel for their complete journey."

And 3rd, Professor Cruickshank makes the case for planners and developers to include:- "a minimum green space quota" in all new transportation infrastructure projects. She adds:- "This might include:- 'pocket parks' along busy roads to significantly and cost-effectively reduce pollution exposure."

'Charting a path to clean air... A community centred approach to active travel policy'
by Professor Sheena Cruickshank is available to read on the Policy@Manchester website.

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