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MAPFEST (Music Attack Against Poverty) was a fundraising show at The Tung Auditorium, in Liverpool, on Saturday, 8 June 2024, and promoted by LSFH (Leading Support For humanity). This event aimed to harness the power of music and performing arts in order to raise awareness for charities, sparking positive transformations in our communities. The event raised funds for 3 Liverpool charities:- Zoe's Place, The Whitechapel Centre, and AHFO (An Hour For Others).

The event consisted of a wide variety of entertainment, consisting of music, drama, comedy, fashion and more.   It's motto for the night was:- "Embrace emerging, differently able artists and fully established musical artists. At the same time giving room to:- equability, diversity, recognition, inclusion and fairness."


Performers included:- Dsisy Cill, Afrika Fuentes, Fraya Orfeome, and the Wavertree Choir. Not only that, the event has lots of fantastic dance performances from:- MD Productions and Afro Dance Academy, and entertainment from the brilliant Liverpool comedian Gary Skyner.

Taking part in the fashion show with Miss Liverpool City Region and Miss England Runner Up, Charlotte Grant where 4 leading Liverpool based fashion houses:- Zenobia Ethical, Seven Streets, Janice Charles and Dionne Dacosta, as well as:- House Of Charles Fashion, Bohemian Nova Fashion, and BASAL-T4B.


We have lots more photos on the following 2 pages within this edition.  Did you attended this event? What are your thoughts about it?  Email our Newsroom at:- News24@SouthportReporter.Com or send us a message on:- Mastodon, Facebook, or Twitter and let us know...










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