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Mersey Care NHS staff assault claims highest in England as Trust pays out staggering £1.2million in damages

"NOBODY should feel threatened at work; especially hard working, vital NHS staff," says Legal Expert Solicitor Patrick Mallon.

Mersey Care NHS Trust has the highest number of NHS staff assault claims out of any other trust in England. An investigation by reveals the North West trust has paid out an eye watering total of £1.2 million in damages for a total of 62 claims since 2019.

Out of 236 NHS Trusts, it had the highest number of staff assault claims and the second highest compensation payout figures.

"These figures are extremely concerning. Nobody should have to feel threatened at work; especially hard-working, vital NHS staff. Something must be done to tackle abuse towards NHS staff who, for the majority, are just trying to do their jobs,"
says Legal Expert Solicitor, Patrick Mallon.

Physical assaults on NHS staff are defined as:- "The intentional application of force to the person of another without lawful justification, resulting in physical injury or personal discomfort."

Data obtained via Freedom of Information requests to NHS Resolution (the legal body of the NHS) reveals that the highest number of claims out of any NHS Trust was recorded by Mersey Care, which recorded a total of 62 staff assault claims since 2019.

The trust, which has sites across the North West including:- Halton, Knowsley, Lancashire, Liverpool, Sefton, St. Helens and Warrington, recorded a total of 122 claims and incidents of staff assault in the last 5 years.

Between 2019-2023, Mersey Care Trust has the most claims and incidents by far, with Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Trust coming second with a total of 81.

Mersey Care comes behind only Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust for the biggest damages payouts awarded for such claims.

The Sussex Trust, which has locations in Brighton, Hove, East and West Sussex, paid out a total of £1,180,394 in compensation for just 10 claims.

Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundations Trust also had 9 claims of staff assault, paying out a total of £237,340 in damages.

The news comes amid responses to a separate FOI request that revealed there were at least 41,226 physical assaults on NHS staff working in Hospitals in 2023, an increase on the previous year and a 21% jump since 2019.

Around 14% of NHS staff have self-reported that they have experienced at least one incident of physical violence from patients, service users, relatives or other members of the public in the last 12 months, according to the latest NHS staff survey. But the ambulance sector is the worst affected, with almost 50% of paramedics experiencing physical abuse.

Legal Expert's investigation has gathered all the NHS trusts where staff have lodged assault claims. Below are the top 10 trusts with the highest number of staff assault claims:-


  • Mersey Care NHS FT (62)
  • Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS FT (34)
  • Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS FT (33)
  • Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS FT (26)
  • Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust (23)
  • Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust (20)
  • Central and North West London NHS FT (20)
  • East London NHS FT (20)
  • South London & Maudsley NHS FT (20)
  • West London NHS FT (17)

Legal Expert solicitor, Mr Mallon added:- "Whilst claiming against medical bodies like the NHS can seem daunting, such claims help highlight the issues and hopefully start the conversation that leads to change to ensure no staff members ever fall victim to either physical or verbal abuse in the future.."

NHS Resolution manages a number of risk-pooling schemes (similar to insurance) for the NHS, 1 of which is the Liability to 3rd Parties Scheme (LTPS).

This covers both employers' liability (for example, in relation to duties of care owed to employees) and public liability (i.e. in relation to duties of care owed to other patients, visitors, and other members of the public).

The claims referred to are LTPS claims.

If you've been injured in an assault at work and want free legal advice on your situation from experienced personal injury solicitors, such as those offered by Legal Expert.

Let us know your thoughts on this news topic... Email our Newsroom at:- News24@SouthportReporter.Com or send us a message on:-  Mastodon, Facebook or Twitter.

12 'prisoners' complete daring Jail and Bail prison break in Southport and it's all thanks to your help

12 'prisoners' have completed a bold escape from the cells at Southport Police Station; and it's all thanks to your help. The dozen daring fundraisers were all taking part in this year's Jail and Bail challenge, organised jointly by Queenscourt Hospice and Stand Up For Southport to raise as much money as possible for Queenscourt.

Each kind hearted 'inmate' was set the task of raising a minimum of £999 in 'bail' through completing a series of fun challenges throughout the day on:- Friday, 7 June 2024.

Over £13,000 has been raised so far, with every penny going towards helping the hospice to operate services to support families from across Formby, Southport and West Lancashire, 365 days a year. Queenscourt relies on public donations for 80% of their costs.

Funds are still being raised; you can donate to your choice of 'prisoner' via the JustGiving Page.

This year's inmates were:- Queenscourt Hospice Medical Director Clare Finnegan; Frantastic Pre-School owner Fran Taylor; Southport Hospital UNISON Officer Angela Wilson; Hesketh Arms pub landlord Dave Langshaw; Mikhail Hotel And Leisure Group Commercial Director Geoff Wareham; owner of LM Beauty in Wayfarers Shopping Arcade, Laura Murray; Rubix UK Key Account Manager and Everton FC disability coach Jon Hardy; Anthony James Estate Agent Director Mark Cunningham: speech therapist and All Souls and Southport Dramatic Club panto star Chris Gerring; United Legal Assistance Motor Claims Handler and Southport Coaster bartender Jocelyn Pye; Thatch & Thistle pub landlord Suzanne Norris; and Greatest Hits Radio producer Alexander Toal.

They were all issued with prison costumes and given little idea of the daunting challenges that lay ahead.

The day was well supported by Officers from Sefton Police

The 12 'convicts' met for an early morning coffee at the House Of Ivy on Lord Street in Southport, when they were suddenly 'arrested.'

The captured 'inmates' were led in a 'chain gang' to the dock inside the former Southport Magistrates' Court, kindly hosted by Access Point and their MD, David Robertshaw.

Judge Ash Halligan Giles prosecuted their cases for a variety of heinous 'crimes' Mark Cunningham was convicted of being a 'Christmas junkie,' Jon Hardy for his terrible jokes, Laura Murray for:- 'aiding and abetting catfishing' by making the women of Southport look beautiful, and more.

They were then taken down into the cells at Southport Police Station, where they completed a quiz and spent time inside.

Sefton Police Officers and members of the Queenscourt Fundraising team then led the:- 'chain gang' along Lord Street, visiting places including The Grand and United Legal Assistance, as they accepted donations from passers by and headed for lunch at the new Connolly's Irish bar on King Street.

Their next challenge awaited; a pedalo race across Marine Lake, thanks to Southport Marine Lake.

The escaped 'convicts' competed in 3 teams as they raced across the lake, and were ambushed with water bombs dropped from the Venetian Bridge.

Their final challenge awaited; with karaoke at the Marine Lake Cafe.

Pictures, video and other coverage throughout the day were captured by:- Zack Downey. from Zed Productions and by Stand Up For Southport.

Queenscourt Hospice Fundraising Manager Liz Hartley said:- "What a fantastic day! We'd like to say a huge thank you to our 12 brave:- 'inmates,' to all the local businesses, and to Sefton Police who so kindly supported us, and to the hundreds of people who donated to our fundraisers. The huge sense of community spirit, along with the warmth and invaluable support from local businesses, reflects the strong support for Queenscourt and enables us to continue delivering essential care to patients and their families when they need us most. We wanted to make the day as fun as we could while also raising as much funding as possible to continue the vital work provided by Queenscourt Hospice. This is the second year we have run Jail and Bail, and it adds to the series of successful fundraising events that we run, including Strictly, Star Trekk, the Southport Santa Sprint, and more."

Stand Up For Southport Director Andrew Brown said:- "Our 12 'convicts' were really up for a challenge this year and we really appreciate everything they put into making this year's Jail and Bail such a huge success! It was a really fun day, made possible through the support of so many local people, local businesses, our local Police Officers, and members of the public. Queenscourt Hospice is such a fantastic local charity that deserves all the support it can get. So many people in our community have been supported by the care they provide at a time they need it the most. We are already recruiting for next year's Jail and Bail; if you are interested in taking part please get in touch!"

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