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'Nanzone' launched in Liverpool ASDA to offer welcoming space for over 65s to watch summer football and combat loneliness

AS new research reveals more than 1.9million over 65s will be watching the biggest football tournament alone this summer, ASDA has announced the launch of:- 'Nanzones': the 1st ever football fanzones designed for elderly people to gather, socialise and enjoy the sport together.

With traditional fanzones often overwhelmingly populated by more boisterous crowds, in a bid to combat loneliness and isolation, the new dedicated Nanzone spaces have been specially created to cater to the older generation to ensure they don't end up following the football alone at home.

The 1st Nanzones will open at ASDA stores in Watford, Manchester Eastlands and Liverpool Arrow Park, on the 20 June 2024, for the England vs Denmark game. Each Nanzone will give local elderly people the chance to unite over food, drink and football. The fanzones for senior citizens are completely free to enter and the areas will be decked out with football decorations and refreshments, offering a safe and friendly environment.   

The launch comes as a result of the retailer's Togetherness Tracker, which looks at how customers and colleagues want to support their local communities. According to the poll, 60% of people surveyed think more needs to be done to combat loneliness and social isolation, with the elderly called out as the group most in need of support within communities. And despite being a core issue for older shoppers, just 17% say they have accessed support for loneliness and isolation. But ASDA's pledge to supporting loneliness and isolation among the elderly isn't confined to just one night. The supermarket is putting out a nationwide call for Britons of all ages to check in on an elderly relative, friend or neighbour during the Summer of Sport, sitting with them to enjoy the game, or whatever sporting event they're keen to watch. People of all ages are also welcome and heartily encouraged to watch the game in a Nanzone alongside elderly fans. 

David Hills, Chief Customer Officer at ASDA comments:- "Sport has a way of bringing people together like nothing else. That's why we want to use the power of football fandom to help strengthen community spirit this summer; and the Nanzones sit at the heart of that ambition. Our colleagues and customers really care about supporting the elderly in their communities, and we hope that by encouraging the nation to join our pledge to bring people together, we can help combat loneliness and social isolation."

Community champions across ASDA stores have the opportunity to host Nanzone style events throughout the Summer to engage their local community groups. Anyone who wants to get involved and attend ASDA's Nanzones this summer can reach out to their community champion at their local ASDA store.

For anyone wishing to attend the 1st Nanzone events on the 20 June2024, please contact their local community champions:-

New NatWest PMI shows further solid growth in North West business activity in May 2024

BUSINESS activity continued to rise at a solid pace across the North West during May, supported by improving demand conditions, latest Regional PMIŽ survey data from NatWest showed. The upturn coincided with stronger confidence towards the outlook, which in turn contributed to a pick up in employment growth. Cost pressures meanwhile subsided somewhat, after having spiked in April with the change to the National Minimum Wage.

The headline North West PMI Business Activity Index; a seasonally adjusted index that measures the month-on-month change in the combined output of the Region's manufacturing and service sectors; registered above the 50.0 mark that separates growth from contraction for the fifth month running in May, coming in at 53.4. Although down slightly from a2 year high of 54.0 in April, the latest reading was still above the UK average of 53.0.

A fifth consecutive monthly increase in new business across the North West in May pointed to a sustained improvement in underlying demand facing the Region's businesses. The rate of new order growth was strong and the 2nd fastest among the 12 nations and Regions monitored by the survey. The upturn was supported by a sustained and sharp rise in the services sector, which was accompanied by a fresh expansion in manufacturing new orders. Firms cited more confidence among clients and successful marketing campaigns.

May's survey showed a notable improvement in business expectations across the North West private sector. Firms were the most optimistic about their growth prospects in the coming year since August 2021. A cooling of inflation and cuts to interest rates were two factors that businesses hoped would lead to an expansion in activity. Local manufacturers were particularly upbeat about the outlook, underlying data showed.

May saw private sector employment in the North West return to growth, following a slight decline in workforce numbers at the start of the second quarter. Furthermore, the rate of job creation was the strongest seen since August 2022 and the second-fastest of the 12 monitored nations and Regions, behind that seen in Northern Ireland. Where a rise was recorded, panellists remarked on increased workloads and strategic hires.

Firms in the North West once again reported a decrease in outstanding business (ie. work received but not yet completed), as has been the case in every month throughout the past 2 years. The rate at which backlogs were depleted accelerated for the 3rd month in a row to the fastest since January. It was also much faster than the UK wide average, pointing to relatively low business capacity pressures in the Region.

Following a spike in costs in April, which was linked to changes in the National Minimum Wage (both its level and coverage), the rate of input price inflation faced by firms in the North West eased sharply to a 6 month low in May. It was also one of the slowest among the 12 monitored nations and Regions. Where a rise in operating costs was recorded, firms cited higher prices paid for a range of materials, including:- copper, alongside wage demands.

Firms in the North West raised average prices charged for goods and services only modestly in May. The rate of inflation stayed close to April's 43 month low and was below the average seen since the series began in 1999. Moreover, it was weakest nationally for the second month running.

Malcolm Buchanan, Chair of NatWest North Regional Board, commented:- "May's PMI survey makes for encouraging reading. Growth is becoming more entrenched across the North West private sector, as we see business activity rising for the fifth month running on the back improving underlying demand. Companies are looking to the future with optimism, and this positive mood, alongside greater workloads, has translated into a solid rise in employment in May. There was also some relief for local firms on the cost front, with April's spike in input prices followed up by a much more moderate increase in May."

But, warnings about father increase in wages are being shouted, as many small businesses are now really struggeling to keep staff and pay wages at the current levels.

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