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Engineers at Northern confident they will outfox old adversary this autumn as they complete 'battle prep' 3 months ahead of schedule

ENGINEERS at Northern have completed the final fleet modifications to help their annual battle with autumn leaf fall 3 months ahead of schedule. The train operator has deployed an increasingly innovative range of tactics in recent years to combat:- 'leaves on the line' and says they are confident they will outfox their old adversary this autumn.

Among the technology in their arsenal this year are:-

  • Water-Trak technology; equipment that sprays water onto the track to simulate heavy rain conditions which helps wheels from slipping; has now been fitted to all 16 of the Class 170 trains in the Northern fleet

  • Wheel Slide Prevention (WSP); technology that prevents wheels from:- 'locking' while the train is moving, a scenario that creates flat spots on a round wheel as carriages slide along the track; now fitted to all Class 150 and Class 156 trains in service.

  • Double Variable Rate Sanders (DVRS); which deploy up to 3 times the quantity of sand at a higher speed than previous versions; to all 34 of Northern's Class 323 trains.

With these units deployed across the network, Northern is confident that disruption caused by leaf fall will be kept to an absolute minimum.

Rob Cummings, seasonal performance improvement manager, said:- "Whilst it feels like summer has only just arrived this week; our engineers have had their eyes firmly fixed on autumn for some time. Fallen leaves used to cause significant disruption across the network; but having tried a number of methods in recent years and by fine tuning our approach; we have been able to cut that right down. To be 'battle ready' 3 months ahead of schedule is a real testament to the team that has worked so hard to ensure our fleet is ready for whatever nature throws at it."

Leaf fall disruption is caused by leaves sticking to damp rails and passing trains compressing them into a smooth, slippery layer, which reduces the trains' grip.

As recent as 2018, Northern had to take 306 trains out of service for repairs to carriage wheels caused by:- 'wheel slide' on slippery rails. Last year, that figure was down to 14.

The huge reduction in the amount of time required to repair carriage wheels has meant Northern can offer its services to other train operators, to repair their carriage wheels, generating a new source of income for the train operator.

In October 2023, Northern released GoPro footage showing Water Trak technology in action and in December 2023 they used GPS tracking to map leaf fall hotspots.

Northern's measures to prevent disruption caused by leaf fall is supported by Network Rail's 'railhead treatment trains' (RHTTs) but there are only a limited number of those available and routes are only treated once a day, 6 days of the week. 

SGH170 Festival to celebrate the old and the new

ST George's Hall is set to mark its 170th Anniversary by inviting a host of Liverpool's most talented performers into its iconic spaces.

From comedians to singer songwriters from jazz to rock'n'roll, the final programme of events for the SGH170 Festival, curated by Culture Liverpool and the St George's Hall team.

Thousands of visitors have already been enjoying stunning EONARIUM Enlightenment which brings Vivaldi's 4 Seasons to life in a breathtaking audio visual extravaganza in the Great Hall that runs until:- 29 September 2024.

The next events within the programme showcasing the very best of Liverpool's cultural scene will take over the Concert Room on the following dates:-

The Wombat Jazz Festival - Sunday, 1 September 2024. In a 1st for Liverpool, the Wombat Jazz Festival unites the City's finest jazz talent and will delve into the roots and rhythms of jazz, showcasing both the vibrant local scene and the rich cultural heritage that defines the genre. The line up includes:- the legendary The Grapes Band with special guest vocalist Ni Maxine, rising star drummer Skye Ambrosius and the great Andrew Ibi, threading the day together with rare vinyl jazz education. Other performers include Parabhen Lad, Buster Swaby, Robasca, David Kayode, Bop Kaballa, Monkey Paw and Dharma Collective.

Further information and tickets details as well as online booking are on the SGH170 webpage.

Cllr Harry Doyle, Cabinet Member for Health, Wellbeing and Culture, said:- "St George's Hall and culture; is there a more iconic pairing or a more apt way to mark the 170th Anniversary of this magnificent building? Fittingly, St George's Hall was born out of a need to have a place to hold festivals and concerts. I hope that the people who bought £25 shares back in 1836 to help fund the design and building of the Hall would be proud to see it still fulfilling that original need and being enjoyed by so many people. It's so important that we're celebrating Liverpool talent in the SGH170 programme. Our City is known for music and its sense of humour and St George's will be full of both over the coming weeks. Whilst we're an outward-looking and global City, we also hold our own close and shout about them as loudly as we can and that's what this festival is all about. St George's Hall has always been and always will be the people's building and SGH170 is another chance to come inside and marvel at its splendour. Enjoy it; this is yours."

Veso Mihaylov, Head of Events, Jacaranda Records, said:- "We are super excited to be a part of St George's Hall's 170th Anniversary celebrations. St George's Hall is not just architecturally stunning, but is also 1 of Liverpool's biggest landmarks. To open the 170th celebrations with The Jacaranda's Rock N' Roll circus is a real honour for us."

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