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Davy T to launch a new radio station for Liverpool

A new DAB radio station is launching in Liverpool this Summer. "Old Skool Jamz" will launch in mid August with a head office and station based in the heart of Liverpool. The brainchild of well known local DJ Davy T.

The station is being launched by the team behind Soul Train, the over 25's bar on Seel Street in Liverpool City Centre which has been a huge success since opening in 2022. Presenters will include the likes of David Thomas aka Davy T as well as many of the original DJ's from some of the classic clubs of Liverpool's past. Including, but not limited to, the Buzz Club, Kirklands, The Conti and the State.

The studios will be in Seel Street also at the same site as Soul Train and the exact launch date in August will be announced online in the next 7 days across their social media as well as a large media campaign across the City.

Davy T said:- "In all my years working on and listening to radio stations there are very few who play constant back to back good music from back in the day. I wanted a radio station with big tunes that take you back 24/7. Songs from your 1st night out in The Conti or a date in Quinns or that Sunday night in Kirklands. So I set about opening a new radio station for the City which covers all this great music. Liverpool clubland has its own sound so our playlist 24 hours a day will be all those anthems. Tunes from TLC, Luther Vandross, Destiny's Child, Robin S, Sybil, Kool and the Gang plus many many more. When I created the Soul Train brand for the over 25's it blew up so much we had to move to a bigger site! It is now Liverpool's biggest over 25's weekly event. I myself have over 35 years of radio and music experience from Radio City to Juice FM so I decided I wanted to do the same to radio with a purpose built DAB station for Liverpool with all their hits that take you back to a certain time in your life.Hence the birth of 'Old Skool Jamz.' You will be able to get it in the car or on your Alexa while dancing around the kitchen at home. It is so easy to tune in."

For further information about:- "Old Skool Jamz" radio reference more information on the station's Facebook Page.

Merseyside Police record sharp rise in “disturbing" crimes linked to TikTok including stalking, harassment and sexual offences


MERSEYSIDE Police has recorded a spike in crimes linked to social media site TikTok, with figures climbing year on year.

Stalking and Harassment offences made up a staggering 84% of TikTok related crimes logged by the Force this year.

New figures obtained by Legal Expert via Freedom of Information requests to all Police Forces in England and Wales reveals more than 140,000 crimes have been linked to the site in the last 3 years.

Crimes including:- stalking, theft, blackmail and sexual offences have soared by 70% since 2021.

In Merseyside, stalking, harassment, violence and sexual offences are some of the most common alleged offences linked to TikTok this year.

Despite the rapid increase in the social media crimes, the number of charges brought against alleged perpetrators is shockingly low.

Across England and Wales:- 'evidential difficulties' are most commonly cited as preventing further Police action; meaning crimes are often left unresolved.

Legal Expert solicitor, Jane Davies says:- "Some of the offences recorded by Police Forces linked to TikTok are extremely disturbing and worrying. What's more worrying, is that lack of evidence preventing further Police action seems to be extremely common."

A total of 356 alleged criminal offences associated with TikTok have been recorded by Merseyside Police in the last 3 years, with figures soaring by 38% since 2021.

In the last year alone (between 2023/24), the Force logged 117 alleged offences of stalking and harassment linked to the app as well as 7 sexual offences.

A further 5 'crimes against society' were also recorded as well as 4 counts of public disorder.

In the last year, 3 charges have been issued by Merseyside Police for crimes linked to TikTok.

The Force, along with the majority in England and Wales, most commonly cited 'evidential difficulties' as preventing further Police action and investigation.

There can be many reasons for evidential difficulties including:- that the victim has withdrawn their support in pursuing the case.

However, in 2023/24 alone, figures reveal some 46 instances where the Force failed to identify the suspect in TikTok related crimes and the investigation was deemed complete.

The Force also recorded 24 cases this year where further Police action was prevented due to:- 'evidential difficulties' despite the suspect being identified and victim support.

Separately, there were 28 instances where the suspect was identified but the victim withdrew support.

Legal Expert Solicitor, Jane Davies added:- "It is important that victims know there will be consequences if they are subjected to abuse online or in person; in any capacity. Reaching out for legal advice can be a good way to get the ball rolling and make sure perpetrators are held to account."

TikTok's Safety and Civility community guidelines state:- "We do not allow any violent threats, promotion of violence, incitement to violence, or promotion of criminal activities that may harm people, animals, or property. If there is a specific, credible, and imminent threat to human life or serious physical injury, we report it to relevant law enForcement authorities." has a team of experts at hand for anyone who has concerns about criminal offences relating to TikTok.

They operate a 24-hour helpline and live chat service which you can access on their website.

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