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Concern for animals as Merseyside a 'hot spot' for weapon attacks on animals

THE RSPCA is warning pet owners in Merseyside to be extra-vigilant this summer after new figures suggest it is a hot spot for animals being targeted in deliberate weapon attacks; with wildlife also in the firing line.

New RSPCA data reveals that between 2020 and 2023, there have been a total of 896 incidents reported to the charity involving weapons affecting all types of animals across England and Wales.

Sadly, Merseyside has been identified as having a particular problem. The charity's figures show that over those 4 years, there were 36 reports from the area about wildlife and pets targeted by a weapon; the 3rd highest number out of all counties.

The RSPCA is particularly concerned about the impact on the nation's cats; with attacks on the rise this year. New data from the animal charity reveals that, across England and Wales, the number of cats shot with an air gun, catapult/slingshot or crossbow has more than doubled in the 1st 6 months of this year (44), compared to the same period in 2023 (18).

Warnings come as the RSPCA's 'No Animal Deserves Cruelty' summer campaign continues to raise vital funds supporting the charity's work to tackle animal cruelty.

Rocket (pictured); a tabby; recently lost an eye and was left with life changing injuries after being shot twice with an air gun.

Overall, there has also been a 23% year-on-year increase in the total number of animals targeted by weapons, up from 300 in 2022 to 370 last year.

Crossbows are the weapon which has seen the biggest increase in its use in attacks, with 11 incidents in 2023, compared to 7 in 2022. Catapult/slingshot incidents also show an upward trend (27 to 28).

With the RSPCA receiving more reports of cruelty in summer than at any other time of year, the charity has released the heartbreaking figures as part of the No Animal Deserves Cruelty Appeal.

RSPCA Lead Wildlife Officer Geoff Edmond said:- "These weapon attacks are horrific, but what we see is likely only the tip of the iceberg; and we are particularly concerned about the situation in areas like Merseyside. It is unspeakably cruel and totally unacceptable to shoot animals for 'fun' like this; or to harm them for target practice, but sadly we receive nearly 200 reports across England and Wales every year. While most people will be appalled by attacking animals in this way, sadly the RSPCA's experience shows that there are people out there who are deliberately targeting wildlife, pets and farm animals with guns, catapults and crossbows. These weapons cause horrific pain and suffering. But we are doing all we can to change things. As more and more Police forces are seeing worrying levels of weapons-related incidents, we are helping to develop Operation Lakeshot, a Police-led partnership initiative initially established by Essex Police and the Metropolitan Police, which aims to tackle these worrying crimes against wildlife."

Incidents involving weapons reported to the RSPCA this year include:-

  • A fox in Chatham, Kent was shot with a catapult by a group of teenagers. Sadly, as the wild animal was also suffering from other severe medical issues, it was decided that euthanasia was the kindest option. May 2024.

  • A post mortem carried out on a dead hedgehog found in Newbury revealed a 10mm diameter metal ball lodged in the animal's skull, suggesting he had been targeted with a catapult. July 2024

  • Air guns:- Narla, a 3 year old cat from Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire, was shot in the abdomen and the pellet ruptured her spleen. Luckily, thanks to expert veterinary care, she survived her ordeal. April 2024.

  • An x-ray of a hedgehog taken to a vet after being found wounded in a garden in Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, revealed an air gun pellet embedded in his shoulder. Sadly, the wild animal had to be put to sleep on welfare grounds. April 2024.

  • A peacock was fatally wounded after being shot 6 times with an airgun in Shropshire. The bird was found with pellets lodged in his leg and several other areas following the shooting in the village of Hinstock near Market Drayton. January 2023

  • 2 pigeons were seen with bolts or arrows through their legs (presumed shot from a crossbow) in the Duston area of Northampton. July 2024.


 Geoff commented that:- "Day after day, our frontline officers and animal centres see the sickening consequences of weapons being used on animals; severe injuries often leading to death. And what we deal with probably only represents a small part of a much wider problem, as not all cases will be reported to the RSPCA directly and there may be situations where animals injured and killed by these weapons are sadly never found; especially in the case of wildlife. This is why we need our supporters to back our RSPCA No Animal Deserves Cruelty Appeal campaign so we can tackle this horrific trend and continue to take action against cruelty."

Between:- 2022 and 2023, wild birds bore the brunt of weapon attacks, with numbers increasing from:- 190 to 214. Attacks on dogs also increased from:- 11 to 30 and from:- 6 to 32 for farm animals.


The RSPCA receives more reports of cruelty in summer than at any other time of year. That's why the charity has launched its RSPCA No 'Animal Deserves Cruelty Appeal' because, as the RSPCA puts it:- "It's vital to take action together to help animals. If you believe that no animal deserves cruelty, please donate now to help animals as abuse reaches its awful peak this summer. By working together we can create a world that's kinder for all animals."

For more information on how you can help or to make a donation please visit:- RSPCA.Org.UK.

Charity serves 700 Hospital workers as thank you for:- "incredible endurance"

AS the Southport community has been shaken by a recent series of terrible events, charity the Rapid Relief Team (RRT) has mobilised in support of staff at Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust by serving:- doughnuts, cake, and coffee to show appreciation for 1st responders' hard work.

After offering immediate treatment to the victims of the stabbing, Doctors and Nurses at the NHS Trust have also treated those impacted by the violent demonstrations, in what has been described as an extremely difficult week by the staff, with the events taking a great emotional toll on 1st responders and frontline workers.

In response, 10 volunteers from RRT served 60 dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts, 700 slices of cake and a selection of hot and cold drinks to 500 staff members at Southport Hospital and 200 from Ormskirk Hospital.

RRT, which is made up of volunteers from the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church, is dedicated to putting compassion into action by offering practical support to charities, emergency services and other organisations on the frontline.

Ian Thewlis, RRT Local Team Leader, said:- "It was a true privilege to be asked by the Hospitals in Southport and Ormskirk to step in and provide some comfort to their staff following the traumatic developments of last week. Many of the Doctors and Nurses witnessed some harrowing events, so it was an honour to be able to put compassion into action and help lift spirits by providing cake and hot coffee. At RRT, we believe in strong communities, and in the past week, 1st responders and NHS staff have especially proven how essential they are to our wellbeing. We want to thank them for their incredible endurance in the face of such horrible events and let them know that they are in our thoughts."

Lynn Barnes, Acting Director of Nursing, Midwifery and Governance at Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals, said:- "I want to say a big thank you to RRT who really stepped up in support of our staff, showing them kindness and compassion with a cup of coffee and a piece of cake. We are extremely grateful for their support during such challenging times, when a little bit of thought can go a very long way. Our staff, who are also members of our community, have had a very difficult time, so it was great to see charities and volunteers mobilising to show solidarity with our efforts to treat people impacted by the events."

For more information about the RRT please visit:- RRTGlobal.Org,

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