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A Merseyrail Bridge crossing the River Alt is being replaced

ON Monday, 19 August 2024 the 110 year old bridge crossing the River Alt was removed as part of a £3.5 million project to replace the old bridge with a new concrete structure. Once the work is completed, it is hoped that the new bridge will keep the line structurally safe and reliable for years to come. The work was being carried out by Murphy Construction for both Network Rail and Merseyrail.

At the same time, Network Rail were doing improves to the track between River Alt the bridge and Hightown Station, by removing the old bullhead rail and installing continuous welded rail, along with new sleepers and ballast. If you are unaware, bullhead rail was once common place throughout the UK's rail network throughout the 19th century and 20th century, but is new being replaced across the UK rail network as part of the ongoing infrastructure improvements.

Chris Penny, who is the scheme's Project Manager at Network Rail, said:- "I'd like to thank Merseyrail passengers for their patience while we replace the bridge across the River Alt in Formby. I'm also grateful to the local community who live near the bridge for their understanding. We will do all we can to keep disruption to an absolute minimum during the work."

Following the demolition of the old bridge work then start on putting the new concrete structure in place and reopening the line.

This upgrade work on both the track and the bridge should allow a significant reduction in the the amount of maintenance required, making for a smoother and quieter ride, as well as making the network more sustainable and environmentally friendly.

Despite the weather conditions being very windy and wet, the crews pushed on at a rapid paice to meat the tight deadline.  We will have an update in our next edition on the work, once completed.  This is footage taken of the old bridge being removed...

For more information about the Merseyrail Network please visit:- Merseyrail.Org. These are more photos of the bridge work being carried out.




Footage of the old bridge before demolition took place...

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