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Halton Mayor launches initiative to bridge the gap in educational opportunities for "left behind" youth

THE Mayor of Halton is raising funds to help the Borough's:- "left behind" young people overcome barriers to higher education and vocational apprenticeships.

Councillor Kevan Wainwright and his wife Andrea said they are determined to make their mayoral year count by working to reduce the disparities in opportunities faced by young people growing up in the Borough, compared to those living in Cheshire's:- 'Golden Triangle.'

"Left Behind Neighbourhoods are areas struggling with severe deprivation, which have some of the worst social and economic outcomes in the country. In Halton, we have 8 such communities. The opportunities available to children growing up in these areas are worlds apart from those just 25 miles away in Prestbury, Wilmslow or Alderley Edge. Our mission is to bridge that gap and ensure that all young people, regardless of where they come from, can achieve their aspirations."
explained Kevan, who was born and lives in Widnes.

The fundraising programme, set up within the Halton Foundation, will be managed by the Community Foundations for Merseyside; an independent charity that promotes local giving. Bursaries will be given to prospective students and apprentices to help pay costs associated with their education.

"For many teenagers in our Left Behind Neighbourhoods, living in a household where no 1 is employed or has any qualifications is an unfortunate reality. We want to interrupt that pattern by providing bursaries for young people who have potential, but life circumstances are a barrier. We cannot continue to let talent go to waste because a teenager doesn't have the bus fare for College, or money to buy personal protective equipment to start aconstruction apprenticeship. These are just some of the heartbreaking stories we have heard over the past few months, which have inspired us to launch this programme."
said Andrea, who has more than 30 years' experience in Learning and Development.

1 of the programme's flagship initiatives will be a personal development conference for women in the workplace; named:- 'Actually, She Can!' with the event due to be held at:- The Heath Business and Technical Park, on:- 27 February 2025.

'Actually, She Can!'
will feature talks by 12 female:- speakers, authors and coaches, who have given their services voluntarily, as well as 8 interactive workshops.

"Our hope is that this charitable event will raise:- £25,000, which could significantly affect the lives of 50 young girls who currently have 1 too many hurdles to overcome. We welcome interest and support from any businesses who wish to get involved and help us make a difference to the future female talent in our community."
said Andrea, who is appealing for a headline sponsor.

Andrea expressed her hope that the results of both the fundraising programme and the:- 'Actually, She Can!' event will serve as a proud legacy of Kevan's mayoral year.

Andrea Wainwright added:- "We're both parents, and Kevan is a grandparent. Our goal is to create a bright and positive future for the next generation in Halton Borough. If we can improve even 1 child's life, then all our efforts will have been worthwhile."

For more information, visit:- ActuallySheCan.Co.UK.

For more information on Left Behind Neighbourhoods,visit:- OSCSI.UK.

Hero sailors rewarded for championing mental health and saving lives at sea

9 British sailors have been awarded the prestigious Merchant Navy Medal for saving lives at sea and championing mental health.

Steven Jones, 52, from The Wirral, has received the medal for his work to tackle mental health issues amongst seafarers. Steven set up the Seafarers Happiness Index (SHI) in 2015, which monitors the mood across the maritime sector and helps shipping companies and maritime bodies provide targeted support where it is needed.

Thanks to Steven's work, the Index has shone a spotlight on the impact of the pandemic on seafarers' mental health, which has shown steady improvements since its creation.

A lifelong champion of seafarer rights, in 2017 Steven campaigned to help bring home the Chennai Six; a group of 6 British maritime security guards wrongly imprisoned in an Indian jail. He helped mobilise the maritime industry into action, raising the profile of the 6 incarcerated men and exposing the injustice and challenging conditions they faced.

Maritime Minister Mike Kane said:- "It's fantastic to see these 9 remarkable sailors receive this very special Award; the highest in the industry. Their dedication, bravery and fortitude is truly inspiring and shows the very best of UK maritime. I take pride in celebrating these individuals, as well as the many seafarers who make such a significant contribution to our country, both here and abroad."

Steven Jones said:- "I'm thrilled to receive the Merchant Navy Medal. It's absolutely vital that seafarers have a voice, are listened to by the industry and seen by society. I'm glad I am able to shine a light on the important work that seafarers do and I'll continue to champion them in the years to come."

Also receiving the medal are 4 sailors who went beyond the call of duty and put the safety of others before their own.

Captain Richard Gascoyne Kirby from Exeter and his rescue boat crew of 3 sailors:- Coxswain Ben Owen Bramwell, from Leicestershire, Trystan Tanner, from Bicester and Bosun Ashley Oliver West, from Worcester, answered the distress call when a sinking vessel sailing by the coast of Italy issued its mayday call.

As the only vessel able to attend other than the Greek coastguard, the brave crewmen made the perilous journey in the Mediterranean in the dark of night and safely rescued over 100 people.

Captain Richard Gascoyne Kirkby quote said:- "After half a century at sea from Cadet to Master Mariner, working and living in an industry I care passionately about, I am honoured and humbled to receive such a prestigious award. The award belongs to every member of my crew who rescued 100 souls last year near Greece in horrific circumstances. This medal serves as a reminder that as seafarers we may be called upon at any time to help others, and I accept it on behalf of all those who dedicate themselves to the safety of life at sea."

The UK Government is committed to improving seafarer welfare and works closely with charities, including:- Maritime UK, on initiatives to improve seafarer wellbeing both on land and at sea.

Sharon Coveney, Deputy Chief Executive of the Merchant Navy Welfare Board (MWN), said:- "We are honoured and privileged to have such dedicated seafarers who work tirelessly to keep the global economy moving. The 9 recipients are all unsung heroes and are hugely deserving to receive a medal of this high stature; we are thrilled for them all. Their unwavering commitment and loyalty to the industry is truly inspiring."

Ben Bailey, Director of Programme at The Mission to Seafarers, said:- "The Merchant Navy Medal highlights the very best in British and Commonwealth seafaring. Steven Jones has been instrumental in framing the debate on seafarers' mental health, and ensuring the profession evolves to build a resilient workforce and meet their wellbeing needs. The Mission to Seafarers is delighted to have worked with Steven on a number of issues over the years, most notably the Seafarers' Happiness Index which remains an important barometer for social change in our industry. We congratulate Steven and all recipients receiving this worthy and important national honour."

The annual Merchant Navy Day took place on:- Monday, 2 September 2024, and it celebrated the contributions and vital role of the merchant navy in global trade and national security. The Merchant Navy is made up of British merchant ships that transport cargo and people during times of peace and war.

Recipients of the Merchant Navy Medal for Meritorious Service will receive their medal on:- 5 November 2024, in a ceremony with HRH Princess Anne.

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