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Made Smarter calls for Southport manufacturers to open up factories for National Manufacturing Day

Donna Edwards, Programme Director Made Smarter North West Adoption.

DONNA Edwards, Director of North West Adoption Programme, says UK wide open house is a perfect opportunity to showcase the sector and STEM

Made Smarter is calling for Southport manufacturers to open their factories to the Schools, Colleges and the local community for National Manufacturing Day, on:- 26 September 2024.

The Government funded, industry backed programme, which helps North West manufacturers connect with technology and skills, is backing the national celebration of UK manufacturing.

Run by trade body Make UK, and now in its third year, National Manufacturing Day (NMD24) encourages businesses to sign up for a UK wide:- 'open house,' allowing members of the public to experience first hand what manufacturers do, how they make some of our most loved household brands, and how they use the most cutting edge technology.

With manufacturing vacancies high, the labour pool shrinking and makers needing help finding recruits with the right skills, NMD24 is a golden opportunity to demonstrate potential careers and jobs on offer, from engineering and robotics to data analysis and innovation.

Commenting on NMD24, Donna Edwards, director for Made Smarter North West, said:- "I am delighted that Made Smarter and manufacturers involved in our adoption programme are demonstrating support for Make UK's campaign. NMD24 aligns perfectly with the programme's ambitions to help SME manufacturers achieve their digital transformation with a people-led approach and using technology as a tool. It is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate UK manufacturing and emphasise the role of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) to encourage more students to pursue these subjects, something Made Smarter is passionate about. By opening their factories, which are normally closed to the public, it is the perfect opportunity for manufacturers to showcase the huge progress that has been made from the traditional oily rag image towards the smart modern factory. I would encourage more manufacturers to join the campaign."

Made Smarter is also holding a special LinkedIn Live to celebrate the programme's impact nationwide.

Stephen Phipson, CEO of Make UK, the manufacturers organisation added:- "National Manufacturing Day is a really exciting day where the whole manufacturing sector will come together to celebrate the amazing things that Britain designs and makes. Britain's manufacturing companies are at the forefront of global renewable technology development and some of the most innovative engineering developments seen anywhere around the world. This is a sector with amazing opportunities and we hope this third National Manufacturing Day will give people who have never had the chance to see inside their local businesses just what is going on and the opportunities available to them."

To learn more about how to get involved visit:- NationalManufacturingDay.Org, or visit:- MadeSmarter.UK.

New footage shows progress on Sefton's 1st new Council Housing for almost 2 decades

NEW drone footage and photographs of progress on the construction of Sefton's 1st new Council Housing since 2006.

18 of the 63 new homes under construction at the properties at the:- Molyneux Gardens Scheme, located at:- Buckley Hill Lane in Netherton, Merseyside, will be 1 and 2 bedroom apartments that will be let at affordable social rent rates. Those on the ground floor will be built to meet national accessibility and adaptability standards.

Molyneux Gardens has been developed by Sandway Homes Limited, Sefton Council's arm's length housing development company that has already delivered 78 new homes across 2 developments in the Borough.

The new apartments are due to be handed over to the Council from the constructors Challenger Building Services Ltd. in Spring 2025.

Cllr Daren Veidman, Sefton Council's Cabinet Member for Housing and Highways said:- "I'm delighted to see the progress that has been made on the construction of these 18 new apartments that will be the 1st new Council Housing in Sefton in almost 2 decades. We have long recognised the need to build homes fit for the future and this includes:- homes that are available to local people at social rent levels."

In her speech to the Labour Party conference at the weekend, Angela Rayner said that not enough homes had been built over the past 14 years and said the Government will get Britain building and building decent homes for working people.
The best start in life

Ms Rayner said:- "Whether you're a leaseholder, a tenant, a home buyer or without somewhere to live this Government is on your side. But my mission is not just to build houses, it is to build homes. We will give families the security they need to have the best start in life."

Cllr Veidman added:- "I was pleased to hear the Deputy Prime Minister set out the new Government's commitment to building affordable homes protecting the rights of tenants and homeowners in her speech this weekend. Sefton Council shares that commitment and will continue its commitment to creating new social and affordable homes in the coming years."

Molyneux Gardens' 2, 3 and 4 bedroom homes have been designed to appeal to 1st time buyers, growing families and those looking to downsize. The properties will conform to the latest Building Regulations which will ensure that they will have a higher energy efficiency rating than the average equivalent property in Sefton.

Electric vehicle charging points to each dwelling and to the apartment blocks and energy efficient design with high thermal efficiency values to reduce heat loss are among the measures that will help reduce the Buckley Hill Lane site's carbon footprint. Other features to offset its impact on climate change are high efficiency boilers and photovoltaic panels to capture sunlight and convert into energy.

You can find out more about Sandway Homes' developments on:- SandwayHomes.Co.UK.

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