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Co-operative bookshop

PATRICK Hurley is inviting members of the public to a community meeting to discuss the exciting prospect of establishing a new co-operative bookshop in the heart of Southport. This initiative follows the closure of the iconic Broadhurst's bookshop in August 2024, which had been a beloved part of the Town's high street since 1920.

The new co-operative bookshop seeks to fill the gap left by Broadhurst's. The shop was a pillar of Southport's cultural and social fabric for over a century until the death of its long-time owner Laurie Hardman earlier this year.

In the wake of Broadhurst's closure, Patrick Hurley has been working closely with residents and stakeholders to explore the possibility of opening a co-operative bookshop to serve the Town. This venture would not only preserve the Town's rich literary tradition but also provide a sustainable, community driven business model that reflects the values of Southport's residents.

Mr. Hurley previously raised the importance of co-operative businesses in Parliament during a Business and Trade debate, highlighting their ability to support local communities. He said:- "Co-operative businesses can be the lifeblood of our Towns and communities. In my constituency, I have been working with stakeholders and interested parties to bring about a community co-operative bookshop. We need to rebuild our high streets, and the Government must offer more support to ensure businesses like this can thrive."

The public meeting will take place in Southport, on:- Thursday, 6 February 2025, and will provide an opportunity for:- residents, potential volunteers, book lovers, and anyone interested in helping shape the future of Southport's new co-operative bookshop to get involved. The discussion will include plans for the bookshop, its operations, and how the community can contribute.

"I'm excited to invite members of our Town to join us and have their say in this exciting project. This is about more than just opening a new shop. It's about reviving our Town Centre, supporting local businesses, and giving residents a real say in the future of their high street."
said Mr Hurley.

Anyone interested in attending the meeting to discuss this initiative or to learn more is encouraged to contact Patrick Hurley's office directly via email at:- Patrick.Hurley.MP@Parliament.UK.

20 year master plan for Liverpool travel set to be unveiled

LIVERPOOL City Council is set to green light a masterplan to transform how people move around the City Centre over the next 20 years.

A report to the Council's next cabinet meeting, being held on:-Tuesday, 21 January 2024, is recommending the approval of the Liverpool Urban Mobility and Public Spaces Plan. It will guide a multi million pound investment programme up to 2045 in a bid to increase the use of public transport and to get people walking and cycling more.

The draft plan, which is part of the Council's overarching drive to achieve net zero status, has identified key sites, opportunities and challenges within the City Centre and proposes investment in enhanced transport and public space for both the immediate and longer-term future.

The cornerstone of this masterplan is to future proof the City Centre by creating a fully integrated public transport system, a comprehensive active travel network, and vibrant public spaces to create an exceptional urban experience.

The plan builds on the Liverpool City Centre connectivity programme which saw more than £50m invested in upgrading key routes such as Lime Street and The Strand and developing active travel routes from the waterfront to the City's Knowledge Quarter.

This new masterplan follows a data-driven approach to identify the next chapter in the evolution of the City Centre and has identified three key mobility pillars:- 'People,' 'Place,' and 'Movement.' which considers impact on all aspects of the City's development and functionality.

Immediate progress will be through the introduction of:- "quick win" schemes, followed by long-term accelerated projects, ensuring continual progress towards the vision.

The initial quick wins are:-

• Castle Street; develop the area to improve the public realm and link the business district to the City Centre.

• Monument Place/London Road; work with the Green Bus Route team at the Combined Authority and the City Development team to develop bus priority measures and improve the public realm.

• Moorfields Station; develop a masterplan for the area to guide its development.

• St George's Gateway; improve the pedestrian and public transport links.

• Parking Strategy; develop a strategy that guides parking for the whole City.

In the longer term there are proposals to change the bus routings, which would link to bus franchising and a suggested routing map that would improve connectivity across the City and its two main underground rail stations,

The adoption of the Urban Mobility and Public Spaces Strategy will ensure there is full alignment with the Council's Transport Plan and Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) to ensure people default to walk or cycle where possible rather than using a car. They will be supported to do this through the provision of a safe, accessible and inclusive transport system, powered by clean vehicles.

It will also focus on enabling sustainable travel behaviours, prioritising active travel, reducing the carbon impact of travel and transport, and maximising the Council's commitments, including making best use of assets and resources available for alternative modes of travel and transport and making all form of travel more accessible for all.

The strategy will also support future growth of the City, and in respect of the Council's declaration of the climate emergency, enable decisions to be made about how transport, streets and spaces are designed and used in the future.

Cllr Dan Barrington, Cabinet Member for Transport and Connectivity, said:- "This Mobility Strategy presents a long-term plan for all types of movement in the City Centre. It creates a clear blueprint for more active and sustainable movement. One of the key aspects is the improvement of the public realm. Areas such as Castle Street and London Road will be more attractive for people and businesses, boosting the attractions that Liverpool has to offer. Strategies such as this are key in driving the City forward into a future that prioritises people over cars, and creates and attractive and sustainable environment for us all."

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