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Public Notice - Goods Vehicle Operator's Licence

Click on to see a .PDF copy of the notice.

FV Logistics Ltd, of 161 Ince Avenue, Anfield, Liverpool, L4 7UU is applying for a licence to use Oakfield One Ltd, 480 Hawthorne Road, Bootle, L20 9PP as an operating centre for 2 goods vehicles and 2 trailers. Owners or occupiers of land (including buildings) near the operating centre(s) who believe that their use or enjoyment of that land would be affected, should make written representations to the Traffic Commissioner at Quarry House, Quarry Hill, Leeds, LS2 7UE, stating their reasons, within 21 days of this notice. Representors must at the same time send a copy of their representations to the applicant at the address given at the top of this notice. A Guide to Making Representations is available at: Gov.UK/Government/Publications/A-Guide-To-Making-Representations-Objections-And-Complaints-Goods-Vehicle-Operator-Licensing.


Lib Dems slam Labour's Merseyside fire cuts

THE Liberal Democrats have called on Merseyside's Labour MPs and Council leaders to stand up to the Government, after Merseyside Fire Service was hit with a £650,000 funding cut.

Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service (MFRS) has been hit with a double whammy from Labour chancellor Rachel Reaves, leaving Merseyside's Council Tax payers to foot the bill with a 5% Council Tax rise.

Fire Chiefs, who had been expecting a 2% increase in Government funding this year, were shocked to be told they will receive £175,000 less than last year.

To make things worse, Labour's increase in Employers National Insurance increase will cost the fire service £1 Million a year. At the October budget, Rachel Reaves promised the public sector would be protected from this increase. Instead, MFRS have received just £425,000 in compensation; leaving the fire service £575,000 short.

Lib Dem Councillor Andrew Makinson, who represents Liverpool on Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority said:- "It is shocking that 1 of the 1st acts of this Labour Government has been to slash funding to our fire and rescue service. Even more shocking is the deafening silence from Merseyside's Labour politicians who, 12 months ago, would've been screaming in protest and banging on the door of the Tory Government. If we don't kick up a fuss, I worry that Merseyside will be seen as an easy target for further cuts next year. I have called on all parties and all of Merseyside's MPs to put pressure on the Labour Government, and make clear that Merseyside has had enough of funding cuts to our fire service by successive Governments since 2005."

Press Recognition Panel publishes 9th annual report into press regulation in the UK

THE Press Recognition Panel (PRP), the independent body which oversees the system of press self regulation, published its 9th annual report on the effectiveness of the Recognition System created in the wake of the Leveson Inquiry into the conduct of the press.

The report highlights how the rolling back of the Leveson Inquiry's recommendations around independent press self-regulation last year has increased the risk to the public from press intrusion and harm. While high profile legal cases brought by celebrities such as Hugh Grant and Prince Harry have led to settlements and substantial payouts, the vast majority of victims of press abuse cannot afford to pursue justice and redress in the face of powerful and influential media owners.

Examples of press intrusion and harm highlighted in the report include CCTV footage of a fatal hit and run being posted on a news publisher's website for clickbait, journalists informing siblings on the doorstep of the death of their brother in a terrorist attack, and news outlets falsely accusing people of murder.

The report highlights how no other industry, including:- broadcast journalism, enjoys the privileges and protections that:- 'news publishers' enjoy in law. However, these protections and privileges are not balanced by responsibility or accountability.

News publishers are not required to participate in independent press self regulation, which has resulted in a fractured and incoherent system. Over 130 news publishers have joined Impress, the only press self regulatory body that has demonstrated that it meets the criteria recommended by the Leveson Inquiry for independence, financial security, and effective complaints handling. However, all the major national titles have instead opted to do their own thing or join the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO), which does not meet the criteria for an independent regulator. between:- 2018 and 2022, IPSO investigated just 3.82% and upheld 0.56% of the eligible complaints it received, far lower than the proportion of cases upheld by Impress.

The PRP's report notes that news publishers often cite concerns around the impact of regulation on freedom of the press as 1 of their reasons for not joining a regulator which meets the criteria for independence. However, members of Impress undertake high quality investigative journalism without any constraint from the regulator as long as they can justify their actions in the public interest. Broadcasters also undertake high quality, award-winning investigative journalism despite being subject to statutory regulation under Ofcom.

The report concludes that unless the Government takes action to persuade news publishers to participate in the Recognition System, it will only be a matter of time until the next crisis in the industry, creating more victims and worsening public trust in the press as a whole.

The report contains 3 key recommendations:-

  • The Government must urgently review the incentives for news publishers to participate and the consequences for failing to participate in the Recognition System in the interests of freedom of speech and public protection.

  • News publishers who do not currently participate in the Recognition System should join Impress, work to reform IPSO so that it can meet the recognition criteria, or come together to form a new body which could then seek recognition.

  • The Government should ensure consistency in the various definitions of:- 'news publisher' and relevant:- 'standards codes' for news publishers, aligned with the Recognition System, to enable press self regulators, online platforms, the public, and news publishers themselves to understand the rights and responsibilities of the press under the law.

Kathryn Cearns OBE, Chair of the Press Recognition Panel, said:- "It is a stain on the national conscience that despite years of campaigning by individual victims and groups and promises from politicians, powerful sections of the press remain able to destroy lives with virtual impunity. The historic injustices that led to the Leveson Inquiry have not been fully addressed. New cases continue to emerge, highlighting the damage still wrought by a largely unaccountable press pursuing headlines at the expense of ordinary people. Both previous Governments and the new incumbent have been unwilling to take on the press and put in place measures, including:- recommendations approved by Parliamentarians on both sides of the House, which would provide better protection for victims. The public deserves better. With the rise of new technologies increasing the opportunities for press intrusion and harm, this issue is even more pressing. Unless the Government takes action, it is only a matter of time before another press scandal emerges."

Please click  here  to download a .PDF copy of the report.

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