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St. Patrick's Day Parade - Liverpool 2025

MILLIONS of people within Irish communities around the world honour the patron saint of Ireland with parades, parties, and all-green outfits every year on:- 17 March, otherwise known as:- St. Patrick's Day!  This religious holiday is not just celebrated by the Irish though, as many other people have latched onto the Irish heritage and have also started to also enjoy the festivities that often take place in the likes of:-  Dublin, New York, London, and Montreal, as this lively celebration of the Irish spirit has now evolved into a worldwide cultural phenomenon. As normal Liverpool's Irish community have also held its annual Parade through the City Centre.

This year the Parade might not have had the vehicles, with just 1 vehicle taking part ion the celebrations, but it was still well attended, despite being on a working day, particularly as unlike in Ireland, St Patrick's Day isn't a public holiday in England.  The atmosphere was extremely relaxed and friendly,  and the City Centre was heaving.

This years family friendly parade went past both Cathedrals as it snaked its way though the City Centre, starting at the Irish Centro, next to the Catholic Cathedral, on Mount Pleasant, and ending on Slater Street.

This was an extremely well organised event and moved quickly, starting at just 30 seconds after its set start time of 3pm and finishing just before its extricated finish time of 4pm, despite being a longer route than last year.

Along the way we joined a few TV crews who filmed the proceedings, and this is some of the footage we took, plus some of the photos we snapped on the day. More photos of the celebrations can be seen on the following page within this edition.


Please let us know what you thought of this years Parade by emailing our Newsroom at:- News24@SouthportReporter.Com, or send us a message on:- Mastodon, Facebook, or Twitter.

More information about the Liverpool Irish Centre can be found online at:- LiverpoolIrishCentre.Org.

If you are interested in knowing why Liverpool holds a St Patrick's Day event, please see our Mersey Reporter's Section... as it explains the area's Irish heritage.




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