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Problem properties undergo:- "heavenly" transformation


2 properties in Liverpool which were closed due to anti social behaviour linked to organised crime have been transformed.

Over the last 2 years, the Council's Private Sector Housing team have worked in partnership with Merseyside Police to tackle organised crime within rental properties across Liverpool.

Under the Council's Landlord Licensing scheme, the owners of privately rented properties have a duty to ensure that their tenants behave responsibly.

The Council works to support and advise landlords who have issues with their tenants, and when all other options have been exhausted, this can include the eviction of problematic tenants.

Houses on Goldie Street, in Anfield, and Geraint Street, in Toxteth, were closed in:- August 2022 and April 2024 respectively under the:- Anti Social Behaviour (ASB) Crime and Policing Act 2014. The action was taken due to drug related issues associated with the properties were having a detrimental impact on the local community.

Using powers granted under the Council's Landlord Licensing scheme, the anti social behaviour team were able to aid the landlords in evicting the highly problematic tenants.

The properties were refurbished to a high standard, and they were subsequently let out to new tenants to prevent a repeat of the problems that had previously occurred.

Over the last month, the Private Sector Housing team have revisited both properties to carry out compliance inspections, finding both to be a safe standard with the current tenants are delighted to be making their home there.


1 resident in Geraint Street told Council Officers that anti social behaviour used to severely impact her wellbeing but now describes life on the street as:- "heavenly."

On Goldie Street, a local resident noted that what was once a troubled street is now:- "family-orientated" adding:- "It's nice to have a family living there and the children are back playing out in the street."

To contact the Private Sector Housing team about issues related to privately rented properties, email:- PrivateSector.Housing@Liverpool.Gov.UK or contact them online.

Cllr Laura Robertson-Collins, Cabinet member for neighbourhoods and community safety, said:- "All of our residents have a right to live in thriving communities where they feel safe and secure, but sadly we know that some don't. The work that has been under taken on these streets in Anfield and Toxteth has made a positive difference to the lives of local people. It is a clear demonstration of the positive benefits of our Landlord Licensing scheme in bringing partners together to support landlords to evict difficult tenants."

Anfield Councillor, Billy Marrat, who referred the issue to the Private Sector Housing Team, said:- "The house has been turned around and so has the street, with residents stating they are free to go about their ways and not in fear of being intimidated by drug and crack addicts. The residents can actually invite their friends and relatives around now, just as any other family would. I am really grateful to all the agencies involved and it shows what can be done with a bit of intelligence and the right actions taken."

Chief Inspector Sarah Rotherham from Merseyside Police, said:- "The successful closures send a clear message that we will not tolerate properties to become hubs for crime and antisocial behaviour. By working closely with our local authority partners through the landlord licensing scheme, we are ensuring that problem premises are shut down, and our communities remain safe places to live."

Northern:- 'working apace' to improve travel experience for people with additional access needs across its network

NORTHERN says it is:- 'working apace' to improve the travel experience for people with additional access needs across its network.

The train operator has met with representatives from the Office of Rail and Road (ORR) to discuss the progress it has made since an improvement plan for its Passenger Assist service was accepted by the regulator in December 2024.

It follows a complaint by the ORR in September (2024) that not all passengers were receiving the necessary assistance they required.

At the time, Northern revealed it had seen a significant increase in number of requests for assistance since the Covid-19 pandemic, with more than 100,000 bookings for:- 'assists' in the previous year.

Since then, Northern has instigated a range of activity aimed at improving accessibility and customer experience, including:- a:- 'Try the Train' campaign and participating in a Rail Delivery Group trial to introduce more Welcome Points at stations on the network. And in February, Northern joined forces with the free travel app GoodMaps to provide guided tours of 4 stations (Blackpool North, Bolton, Manchester Victoria and Meadowhall) to increase people's confidence to navigate those stations independently.

On matters relating to accessibility, the train operator works closely with the Northern Accessibility User Group (NAUG); a pan disability user group whose membership represents a wide range of disabilities that reflect the communities served by Northern.

Alex Hornby, commercial and customer director at Northern, said:- "We are in the midst of a huge push on our accessibility agenda. We weren't doing enough and we are putting that right. Delivering Passenger Assist isn't a luxury or:- 'optional extra'; it's a critical element of some people's every day travel needs. Customers that have experienced our Passenger Assist service have given it a 96% approval rating; that's joint top for the rail industry and up 17% since Northern moved into public ownership in 2020. If we fail once, that's once too often. That's why, together as a team throughout Northern, we are embracing better communications and technology to improve the accessibility assistance throughout the customer's journey and right across our network."

Northern will meet with the ORR again in April to discuss further developments.

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