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100th Ainsdale Show is postpone to 2021

THE 100th Ainsdale Show has had to be put on hold due to the national crisis facing the UK. The event was due to take be held on 4 July 2020, but with great regret, due to the COVID 19 restrictions and to protect against any affects that will following the lifting of them, the Ainsdale Horticultural Society has taken the decision to to postpone the 100th Summer Show until 3 July 2021.

The Chairman, Ainsdale Horticultural Society, Clive Leech said:- "A great deal of work has gone into the production of this Schedule by David Marshall, our Show Secretary and his Committee. This decision has been taken with deep regret, but it is taken with the safety of the public of Ainsdale, the performers, the stall holders, the exhibitors and those volunteers who enable the show to go ahead utmost in the mind of the Society. The 2020 100th Show was to be David's last Show and it is pertinent we acknowledge his input as a thank you for the many Schedules that have been produced in the past. Please stay safe. Stay in and protect the NHS. We look forward to seeing you all next year." More information will be placed on the Society's website once restrictions are lifted. These photos where taken in 2019 at the show by our Editor Patrick Trollope and give you an idea of what you will see in 2021.

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CLA responds to nature based report's tree planting recommendations

AS the Natural Capital Committee has published its report on using nature based interventions to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, the CLA has issued the following statement. Mark Bridgeman, President of the CLA, said:- "It is absolutely the case that the right type of tree must be planted in the right place. This ethos protects biodiversity, supports productive farm land and helps reduce carbon emissions. Tree planting on a large scale is absolutely necessary, and with the right support and guidance from Government agencies, landowners can play a major role in improving the environment. This can partly be delivered by integrating trees with farming through hedgerows, copses and agroforestry practices; this can have multiple benefits for carbon, wildlife, water management, as well as supporting farmer's ability to provide food for the country. It will take time but, with good information and advice and the right incentives, it can happen. There are already processes in place that mean that any new woodland creation over a certain area needs to have an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), which is a way to ensure that there is no damage to sensitive habitats. You improve soil by taking good care of it; reducing ploughing and using organic manure for example. You do not just give up and stop farming the land; particularly at a time when the country is becoming increasingly reliant on high quality, locally produced food."

Southport Armed Forces Day 2020

THE Southport Armed Forces Day 2020 has been deferred to Sunday, 27 June 2021, due to the current situation with the Coronavirus:-"We regret to inform you that the Armed Forces Day Parade and events will not be taking place in 2020. It was a hard decision to make, due to all the hard work that the volunteers have put into this event, Please stay safe and may the force be with you all." Southport AFD Committee.

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