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Adapted trike helps give 7 year old hope of walking in future

A 7 year old girl with a rare genetic condition has been given the hope of walking in the future after receiving a specially adapted trike thanks to charity funding. Jury Ismail, from Liverpool, has CBLC disease which means she has very limited mobility as she cannot walk and is barely able to speak. Previously Jury had to use a specialist pram or walker if she wanted to go outside which was often very frustrating and stressful for the whole family as Jury didn't like using such restrictive pieces of equipment.

Jury's physiotherapist recommended purchasing an adapted trike as it would not only provide great physical exercise to strengthen her leg muscles but also help her feel more independent when going outside with the family. However, the cost of the specialised trike was too prohibitive for the family.  Harvin Yasin, Jury's mother, comments:- "We knew an adapted trike would make a huge difference to Jury's life but as it would cost over ₤1400 we simply could not afford to buy it as I'm a full time carer for Jury."

After reaching out to a number of charities for help, Jury was awarded funding from Children Today and another charity and received her special red trike just a few months ago. Harvin adds:- "We were so grateful to get the funds we needed to pay for this trike as it has been life changing for us. Now we can go out to the park together as a family which we just couldn't do before. The trike has special adaptations to support her body which means she's kept safe but does not feel overly restricted. As we push the trike for her, Jury's feet move on the pedals making her legs move so she feels like she's cycling herself around and exploring her surroundings. This is great as it's helping her feel more independent than before so she's happier and calmer which gives us great peace of mind."

The physical benefits of the trike have also been better than expected making the family's hope of their daughter being able to walk a real possibility.  Harvin adds:- "This trike has been even better than I expected it to be. From just a few months of using the trike her legs are getting much stronger and we now hope that she may be able to walk in the future which is our dream. She gets so excited when on the trike although she can hardly talk she says 'good' when she's on it so we know she's pleased with it! Jury loves it and we do too. It really has brought so much happiness to our whole family."

Children Today provides funding for specialised equipment for children and young people with disabilities under the age of 25 across the UK, but receives no Government or NHS funding so is reliant on voluntary donations to keep providing these grants and making a positive impact to the lives of children in need like Jury. Founder of Children Today, Hugh McCaw explains:- "We know more young people like Jury are going to need our support in the coming months as households across the country feel the financial impact of the Coronavirus pandemic, yet we're worried for the future of our small charity in these unsettled times. As we are all undergoing social distancing or self isolation we realise how hard it is to stay indoors constantly. This is the struggle many children with disabilities, and their families, already live with on a daily basis. The equipment we fund can help give these children access to a lifestyle that they would never have been able to enjoy previously. We hope people can support us by either taking part in 1 of our fundraising challenges or making a donation if they can. Together we can keep changing young lives ensuring the children we support don't have to wait even longer for the equipment they so desperately need right now."

If you would like to support Children Today please visit:- ChildrenToday.Org.UK or call:- 01244335622

Firwood Waterloo Women Coaching Update

FOLLOWING the 'unusual' end to the 2019 to 2020 season, uncertainty around the resumption of Rugby, and the unsuccessful retender bid for the Tyrells Premier15s for 2020-24, it has been mutually agreed that Director of Rugby, Neil Ryan will not renew his contract with the club. Ryan was a player at Waterloo at the beginning of his career and rejoined to head up the Women's coaching staff on a short contract during the summer of 2019. His exciting vision for a 4 year project was dependent on the club retaining Premiership status for the 2nd term.

Speaking from isolation, Neil said:- "I would like to thank Waterloo Ladies for the opportunity that was given to me to become DOR. When I joined it was my intention that this was a 4 year plan,but it wasn't to be with being unsuccessful with our bid. I have had a great time being back at Waterloo and would like to thank all the players, coaching staff and especially Christine and Gill for all their help and support. I wish the club all the best in their next Chapter"

Chair of Women's Rugby, Christine Braithwaite added:- "Firwood Waterloo Ladies wish to acknowledge the tremendous hard work put in by Neil over the curtailed season and his dedication to the re-tender process. Unfortunately our bid was ultimately unsuccessful. We wish Neil all the best for his future career and hope to welcome him back at The Memorial Ground next season to share a long awaited beer!"

Also leaving the club today is Welsh Hooker Molly Kelly who has signed with rugby's newest team, Sale Sharks. We fully understand Molly's decision and wish her well for her bright international future. Firwood Waterloo Ladies were founded in 1989 at 1 of the most historic clubs in the Rugby playing world. They have a proud track record at the highest levels of the sport and were 1 of the founding members of the Tyrells Premier 15s before losing their franchise to the RFU's retender process in 2020. When Rugby resumes, they will play in the Championship. For more information about the Club, please visit the teams website at:- WaterlooLadies.Org.UK.

Gulliver's World Gears Up for Pawsome Adventures with 44 Cats

GULLIVER'S World Theme Park are partnering with hit TV Show 44 Cats for a season of feline fun and games. Lampo and Milady from 44 Cats will be making special appearances each day at Gulliver's World Warrington. 44 Cats made its UK Television debut last year with episodes airing on POP TV and Nick Jr. The animated series is already proving to be a firm family favourite, captivating viewers with the amazing adventures of Lampo, Milady and their furry friends. Julie Dalton, Managing Director at Gulliver's Theme Park Resorts said:- "We're really looking forward to welcoming Lampo and Milady to Gulliver's. These fantastic characters have been entertaining families across the world and we can't wait for our guests to see them in real life."

44 Cats will be leaping into action at Gulliver's as soon as the theme park reopens. Massive Meow will be the official launch event with stage shows, meet and greet opportunities alongside activities for guests to enjoy. Lorena Vaccari, Marketing Director at Rainbow Group said:- "We 1st partnered with Gulliver's World Theme Park for a weekend last Autumn when Lampo and Milady visited their Milton Keynes venue; we were thrilled with the positive response from the park's owners and its visitors, so it was an easy decision to extend this for the entire 2020 season at the large Warrington venue in the North West. We cannot wait for the park to re-open so that plenty of pawsome fun and adventures can begin."

Gulliver's will provide updates on their reopening through their official website:- GulliversWorldResort.Co.UK. Catch up with the adventures of 44 Cats in the meantime by watching them on POP TV, Nick Jr or Netflix.

Brits are obsessed with video games

THE UK has the 6th largest appetite for gaming in the world, but a new study by Uswitch has revealed that our broadband can't keep up with the demands of gamers. The study analyzed the download speed of the top 15 countries spending the most on video games according to Knoema. Using this data they discovered how long it would take to download the latest gaming releases.  Downloading Predator Hunting Grounds would take UK gamers on average 1hrs 7mins 32secs to download, in comparison to Taiwan where it would take an average of 18mins 53secs. Showing that there is clearly room for improvement. So what are your favorate Video Games? Email us with your thoughts on this to:- News24@SouthportReporter.Com.

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